White genocide isn't real

White genocide isn't real

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looks pretty white to me

wat's the deal?

yes it is.



>white "males" act like autistic nazi virgins and wonder why white females don't want to sleep with them


i'm a FUCKING WHITE MALE chad communist with a FUCKING WHITE CISGIRL gf

ask me anything

edit: don't ask me about my reddit spacing

What's this semen demons social media

Correct. White Suicide is the more appropriate term. Women don't give a fuck, they're all roasties. Leave the west while there is still time and you are young. Learn another language and be exotic and valuable in a foreign country.

What brand of toothpaste do you use?
Favorite crustacean?

Op is a CIA nigger.

>hide CIA Threads
>ignore CIA posts
>do not reply to CIA Posters

Why do you follow a jewish ideology designed to appeal to low IQ workers to overthrow civilization

It won't be after I impregnate her


Whatever happened to AugFrog?

What other areas of your self perception are altered?

bashing the fash.

"White Genocide Is Real - In Their Own Words" - 2.5 hours of admission of white genocide

Don't post my waifu ever again.

>august made her twitter public again and she doesn't delete or block people casually talking about 14/88 to her
I honestly think she's secretly redpilled, she just needs a chad thundercock to sort her out.

Yes, we know.

nah, I guarantee you should came here out of curiosity and stuck around. She might be full blown 1488, but I bet she's changed.


She went home

I would kill every single one of you if she agreed to sit on my face for an hour.

You know one of those posts is her, right?

>I would kill every single one of you if she agreed to sit on my face for an hour.
That's fucked up user

I would kill them all to look as cute as she does.

What have I done! Please forgive me in the next life, my dearest Aug.

not sure if fag or female

What's your favorite Aug bros? Personally I'm partial towards dominatrixAug

forgot pic

its a white suicide
willfully walking hand in hand together as a race off a cliff for the world to be fought over between everyone else

whatrs her twit again?

jesus christ...

This, it's as much "white genocide" as a smoker is the victim of his own habits

>le antifafu xDDDD xDDDD

fuck this stinky cunt reddit dyke and you miserable betas that fall over backwards and abandon your convictions over the site of a 4/10 woman.

She's really cute. Bottom line.


I want my dick in that ass to be real.


she looks like a russian boy

And you would know because you've had sex with Russian boys.

Definitely not as good as your Australian girls anyway

>1 post
Your strawman of white genocide denies contradictory arguments.