manlets are literally the most discriminated group of people in the world prove me wrong you can’t
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They can't help how they were born. SJWs should start giving it up to manlets to prove that they aren't ableist. Why don't they?
Bump, I need more manlet memes to btfo my buddy.
And they still don’t learn
women age like shit, men can get pussy anytime if they have money and/or charm
manlet here
i get all the qt girls 5'4" and under
5'9 master race here. Feels good being the PERFECT height according to multiple non jew studies that found 5'9 is the perfect height for energy expenditure and retention. Its almost like all men who are 5'9 are basically gods. All the 6ft plus tall fags BTFO
>tall fags encounter 5'9 master race
>immediately see that theyre gods and btfo
>run away to masturbate to 5'9 men slaying pussy on the internet
>tallfags on suicide watch
Picture related is me attracting pussy online, the way real men do it.
Nice try but I don't think it will fly
She is probably the same height as him. She is just wearing her heels. KEK.
6'4 here.
I fucked her before you.
And when you do, she hopes you could handle her like me.
It's called evolution. Women choose the best mates. I'm not perfect, I'm not even above average, but at least I've accepted that.
Another time, another average.
For a german he wasn't really tall anyway. But no dwarfism here.
Yes we are.
t. 170-cm manlet
>the average height of human's just drastically changes over the course of a few decades
Nigger. The fuck are you suggesting that for?
That's how we end up with a bunch of bitchy little midget people running around, probably being super annoying little SJWs.
Nobody fucking wants that shit, man.
More food. You cant grow tall on 1 potato/day
manlets are incredibly violent like niggers
napoleon, hitler...tyson, mcgreggor, paccio, maywhether
Jesus was 156 cm tall
6'0" even is pretty much universally regarded as the "perfect" height aesthetics wise. But it doesn't really matter if you lack the other perfect proportions to go with it.
t. 5'11" King of Manlets, so close yet so far
>french faggot
>fucking anything
Why is the average height of potato nigger land 5'9 then?
lol the larping of the surrendermonkeys
tallfag trying to be as cool as 5'9 masterrace, sorry tallfag youll never be hitler tier.
ssshhhh tall people are talking.
Nice reference goy.
Are you often original like that?
dhigits of 1776, truly 5'9 is the height of god tier freedom and bathing in btfo tears of tallfags.
I'm talking purely from an ideal form perspective lad. 6 feet, head 1/8 the height of your total height (so 9"), I've forgotten the arm and leg proportions but those have a well-established accepted proportion to in the art world (and I mean actual, classical art, not modern feminists shitting in cans """art"""). No need to be insecure, doesn't matter what height you are or how big your head is if you act like a man otherwise.
t. tallfag projecting insecurity's to 5'9 masterrace.
what could you do? Unless someday there's a surgery that isn't horrible or some kind of hormone therapy. The only real problem with being a short guy is having trouble with women, and what are we supposed to do about that? Women have their arousal triggers like men do and there's nothing we can do about that. If a woman doesn't want to see past it there's no way to make her.
>so close yet so far
what about black jewish gay manlet?
Well, by higher people.
Womanlets, while wanting to fuck tall people, very often fuck manlets too. Yes they would rather fuck tall people all the time, but there's only one pole and too many holes.
In the job department if you're not in the armed forces or in a representative role such as bank PR jew, height really doesnt matter. Being tall doesn't diagnose cance in time.
T. Literally Richard Hammond
im 6'2 so i dont care at all
>Harem of LSD fueled hippie bitches
>Rides dune buggies out in Death Valley
>Hangs with rock stars, plays guitar at bonfires
>3 hots and a cot for almost 50 years
>King of Manlets
and he's 5'2
I'm 5'9 and never had a problem. It's funny because bigger women are often insecure about being tall because females have reverse manletism complexes
Charlie is fun-sized.
left is a magazine ad
right is some fake bullshit
no one really cares about height mate
If these mutant >56% memes save one bloodline from getting mixed, you guys did a good job.
If I was a manlet (am not about 90% in male height) I would go to the rural regions. Having short lets and torso is only really a disadvantage in the mating market. Rural girls I find are way less aware or just care about the appeal of height on a man.
I actually find really short girls tend to go for really tall guys for some reason.
We are the true victims. I'm a tall man trapped in a manlet body and doctors should prescribe me high doses of testosterone and HGH to help me transition.
Us manlets also deserve pharma trenbolone to help with anxiety.
Can confirm. 6'5", wife is 5'2". Have a friend who's 6'8", wife is 5'. Tall women tend to like being the tall ones so they pair up with shorter guys, those around the same height pair up, leaving tall guys and short women. Gotta love those spinner bitches.
Alpha male cult leaders are obviously a major outlier.
If I am closer to 5'10 then 5'9, do I then round up or down?
t.120 pounds rice farmer
In my group of mates the one of us who gets the most roots is like 5'9, the rest of us are between 6"-6'3.
The reason why is because hes shredded as fuck, really makes you think
Sounds like a Chad incarnate, you can get grills if you are alpha enough above 5'7-8 (?). People who tall post are usually larping as in shape tall people, invariably actually being lanklets or greasy fat pigs. Its a big factor in attractiveness but the idea that you can be a NEET who doesn't shower and spends all day at his battlestation and still pull is asinine. Most people can get some if they go to the gym, 6'0+ especially.
6'4 manlet here. I only date girls < 5'2 or so. It is majestic when it comes to sex.
I don't what this chad meme is i'm assuming it means alpha.
Nah my mate is an absolute retard, he really is pretty shit at talking to girls and shit hes just heaps attractive, i am much better at talking to girls and much more alpha than him hes just way more attractive than me and gets more.
whats it like? Spread it out for us...
I'm hardly ripped but I'm pretty strong so I usually just lift them up and give it to em as needed. Sometimes flip em upside down etc. The usual.
Wrong again, Chinada.
being a manlet can help. You're not a threat to women. Use this to your advantage
Also you stand out from the homogeneous chads with polo shirts and expensive haircuts.
I'm 6'2 and hispanic. How can you be white and not be at least 6 feet tall nowadays?
>tfw manlet with a 9in coq
Being a 6'2 Mexican is like being a 7ft tall white guy
Manlet here, don't give a shit, get on with life you fucking pussy
Good question. First they are often of British descent. Brits are generally not very tall. Then they have mixed with inferior races such as Native Americans and Hispanics. In Germany you can basically kill yourself if you're under 6 foot. Girls won't even look at you. And that's a good thing. Keeps the inferior genes from spreading. I'm 6'6" and I get all the girls. It's not like small girls only like small men. No, they all love tall men.
I hope you burn in hell
I doubt he cares, he still gets to fuck them
>brits are generally not very tall
I'm 6'1, dad is 6'1, brother 6ft, uncles 6'3, 6'3 and 6'5
All British background try again hans
>projecting this hard
dicklet spotted
Tfw 6´3
tfw above average but not very tall here
anything over 6'3 is freak material. You look like an alien or Frankenstein when you're approaching those heights.
Plus you're usually uncoordinated at most sports, chicks hate that
>Being this dumb
Okay I know one family of Chinese people who are really tall. I guess that makes Chinese people NOT very short on average then.
You mixed too much with the abos, Nyoongahle. Your IQ got smoked. Also you're a manlet hehe
>one family of people is enough to determine the societal trend of millions of people
You have an abo nigger IQ
My mate zac, welsh background 6ft brother 6'1
My mate josh english background 6ft dad 6ft
My mate callum scotish background 6'4 dad 6'3
My mate rhys english background 6'4 dad 6ft
Shall i keep going?
Anyone taller than 6 feet usually has health or mental development issues.
Good news for you though is that most people wont care cause the world is shit.
Congrats, you get to be a living hunk of shit and take advantage of the disparity of civilization.
>tfw 6'2
>tfw too lazy to work out so am a slim boy
Feels bad
I'm probs more viking looking than you and i have no Scandinavian blood in me.
you're right and because it's something that only happens to men literally nobody cares
reminder that NatSoc is the manlet ideology
Not that user but why would you keep going if all you are posting is anecdotal evidence that means jack shit?
>measuring height in meters
auch schwanz?
>experience and seeing things for yourself mean jack shit
wew lad
this is just another incel thread. Every incel thread is:
>chad gets all the girls and not me
>tall guys get all the girls and not me
>x gets all the girls and not me
No, it is because you are a pussy.
>170cm can I make it lads?
lol gay
that's 5 people out of 20 million aussie "whites". You're still quite short on average, and very short in comparison to the Netherlands and the Nordic countries.
pic related is you and your mates
left is zac, he likes to carry a saw
middle is josh, he likes to sniff petrol
rhys is to the far right and he sleeps on the roads
Not really. I'm 6´3, blonde hair and blue eyes. 100% Scandinavian back to the 1400's when the church first started recording family lineages.
How fucking dare you assume something like that
rhys doesn't sleep on the road you cunt, he sleeps in dumpsters so he keeps warm
How could one group of people be so unlucky, and why did I have to be so unlucky to be one.
>all the girls shorter than me make fun of my height
>all the girls my height straight up ignore me
>the only girls I've fucked have been taller than me
I have had girls that I have been dating ask, "How tall are you?"
Or while walking, "Your not very big..."
I'm 5'9.....
My only hope is to reproduce with a 5'9 women and have taller children then me.
Paul von Hindenburg (Monarchist) : 6'4
Otto von Bismarck (Monarchist) : 6'2
Onkel Adolf : 5'7
Göring : 5'8
And yet they try to secure reproductive rights to the fattest, stupidest, laziest, and ugliest among them. They should be replaced.
>IQ got smoked
your country got islamified m9
>no go zones
march on down there and reclaim what is yours Sven! When they see the giant of Sveden approach they shall run in fear
pic related
Surrender Monkeys? They've won more wars than not.
Being slim is pretty good as long as you have a good frame.
If you want girls, first thing you should do is stop whining about "x is getting all girls" on the Internet. I am 6'3, a NEET and sit at home all day. If i wanted to get laid, what factor do you think is more important, height or leaving the house? Also, my knees hurt because my feet hang of the end of my bed when I sleep. Manlets will never know this shit, be thankful for what you got you whiny peaces of shit
Seems legit
Honestly successful indian guys with white girls are the best human beings possible.
They are born with a natural horrific odour, short stature, ugly skin, low IQ, with a horrible culture/courtship culture, constantly the butt of every joke in the media..
and despite all of that succeed.
99% of all humans born into those situations would fail at life, become neets, suicide, go into poverty.
>dgw dein penis ist 0,1524m