>Supported the iraq war
>Opposes getting money out of politics with campaign finance reform
Why do people like this hack again?
>Supported the iraq war
>Opposes getting money out of politics with campaign finance reform
Why do people like this hack again?
Other urls found in this thread:
Because 99% of "conservatives" on Sup Forums are underaged or literal baby boomers from reddit.
Don’t wanna be an anti-Semite do ya goy?
Remember the smartass kid Zach on that show Saved By The Bell? Just a reference point. No real opinion on this guy.
post those milkers
Listen to him if you want to know how to be a model cuckservative and good goy.
>campaign finance reform
If you fall for this meme you're a fucking retard. How about you actually read a Supreme Court opinion instead of getting your talking points from the Daily Show?
holy shit that cringe
conservashits love it when billionaires like Soros can buy up politicians
A broken clock can still be used as a bludgeon. He savages the progs from time to time. We don't like the cunt nor do we endorse him, but he does his damage all the same.
>be me
>le evil billionaire
>politically active because not a tard and free time
>have opinions
>le crooked politician shares opinions
>contribute monetarily to campaign of politician
>politician buys more ads
>electorate is informed of his opinions
Pic is you
because conservatives are dumb sheep who look for a shepherd also they fucking love jew cock
boomers are NOT welcome here
I admit I used to be a big fan because I'd only watch his speeches and SJW smashing Q & As but as time goes on you begin to see that he's a fake neocon doing a money grab.
Literally the living Jew meme.
Hello my fellow (((bernie))) supporter! Repeal of the First Amendment when amirite my fellow goyim?? Occupy Wallstreet!
His power does not lie in buying politicians, he understands there are better methods to push agenda
because we want to fuck his sister
What's his reasoning?
He hates Ron Paul with a passion. Yet he supported Romney as a conservative.
Shapiro is ok, except too closed-minded in his ideology.
like buying shills on Sup Forums like this guy
>t. Cenk uygur
Watch a couple of his speeches, he regularly tells the audience he's a zionist orthadox jew, then proceeds to argue positions antithetical to what he is, audience is clueless. They like his oration and sounds right to them on the face of it from not knowing anything, so while he's telling the audience that being ethnocentric is the most horrible evil for White people and pushes civ nationalism for Whites, he's ethnocentric for jews and pushes ethnostate for jews, aka zionist jew.
I hate Shapiro, but that's literally a non-argument.
Kekd at the hillbilly grandad. I wonder if any of them turned into nazis after lurking
Money out of politics helps the left, most of the left is poor and the rich ones are smart enough to finance around.
He supported the Iraq war because he is Pro-Israel.
Ben isn't a hack, he is just isn't as WOKE as he should be.
Ben is still an ally.
I like him cuz Abigail is so goddamn hot. You seen those titties?
Oh like all jews, he also lies about history saying America was created for everybody.
>reading redditshit
the cancer is real
Fuck off ya Jew
>Money out of politics helps the left
good soyim
America was a White ethnostate, always intended to be a White ethnostate.
>politically incorrect sub
Young people do not like Ben “the shapeshifting Jew” Shapiro. Only boomer cucks
That god awful prageru video was written by Shapiro, apparently. He's a hypocrite and swindler, like all kikes. I'd creampie his sister though.
Speaking of his sister
Forgot to plug alt-hype's btfo'ing of these zionist cuckservatives.
Of course Ben Shapiro is labeled a hack on pol simply because he operates with such an elevated moral and logical prowess that most of you dullards lack the intelligence to comprehend.
He's a one trick pony, making SJWs look stupid in a debate. Outside of that his recent political analysis is simplified to calling balls and strikes. "Trump tweets about everything but doesn't have an opinion on Roy Moore?" Yes, Ben, he's not taking a stance on Roy Moore. Now stop being intellectually lazy and speculate why he's not taking a stance. He knows there is more to it than "Trump is stupid head."
And you're a Jew
And MOAR kahzar milkers NAO!
He is a LA Jew. His folks work in Hollywood. He excelled at Harvard. How "Conservative" can he possibly be? Way too conservative for them, they burn trash cans cause he's a danger. I like Ben, even though he's often way to the left politically and talks a lot on topics he abstains from, like voting Republican. He's pro life. Pro lower tax & reg. Pro guns, relatively so far. One of the best mainstream talking heads.
o boy let's roll
why do you lie
Citizens United was correctly ruled. You don't want the federal government deciding that it's illegal to produce content criticizing Hillary Clinton.
Do tell, what's the lie.
R/ptg/ likes him
Find a single instance of Ben Shapiro saying he's a zionist. You can't.
The fact that shills are actively trying to "halt" his Potus rise is telling.
>go to your YouTube recent history
>Shapiro verbally PILE-DRIVES group of LIBERALS on gun control! Must see!
>Watch Shapiro totally CLEAN THE BUCKET with campus LEFTISTS on the 1st Amendment! You HAVE to see THIS!
>Shapiro at is AGAIN! Absolutely WELDS THE SEAMS with groups of ANTI free speech ANTIFA members! Do NOT Miss this!
>every video
Because he's a fucking computer and triggers liberals.
i'm the 1% now.
gib milkers
>>Shapiro at is AGAIN! Absolutely WELDS THE SEAMS with groups of ANTI free speech ANTIFA members! Do NOT Miss this!
>clicks on video
>jew hunched over at desk
>virtue signaling in a nazily voice, cites one supreme court case in between jewy nazily passages
>looking at the camera with rat eyes speaking like an authority figure
>just tackling low hanging fruit talking autistically as fast as possible
>go to comments
>"I love Ben Shapiro. I wish he would come debate my college professor!!!"
>Ben Shapirpo DESTROYS liberal Sally Kohn on institutional racism
kek this is becoming a meme
if you want a true ethnostate, you cant build it on land occupied by nonwhites, while importing africans for free labor
>the alt-right are a bunch of racists...bigots..pretending to be free-thinkers
lmao this fucking kike
Ben is useful because he's taking on the anti-free speech left.
But he's always been a piece of shit ever since he threw Lewandowski under the bus. When he's ready to apologize he's free to stop being a piece of shit whenever he chooses.
>I'm loyal to the zionist vision of Israel, the religious-zionist vision in particular
I hope you get fucked by a gang of petrol huffing abos.
Ben is literally paid by the Koch brothers who I refuse to believe aren't jewish
Imagine being this naive
doesn't he think ron is an antisemit just because he didnt want to bomb iran?
>Ben is literally paid by the Koch brothers
Of all the shit nations we give money to, Israel is one country that actually uses it on what they're supposed to for our geopolitical interests.
The focus is only on that particular money because Islam is trying to manipulate Westerners.
>believing leftist propaganda about the Koch brothers
You do realize their donations are nothing compared to giant Democrat donors, right? The whole Koch thing was a narrative the left pushed to millennials to try to act like the big money was on the right, when in fact the big money was behind Hillary.
You hate the Kochs because the DNC wanted you to. Don't be fucking stupid.
I like Ben--he's clearly a very intelligent fellow--but he's not nearly as strong on other topics as he is on civil liberties. Case in point: The debate he did with Cenk from The Young Turks at Politicon. Everyone expected Ben to BTFO Cenk, but Cenk ended up winning (slightly) because Ben's penchant for pointing out liberal hypocrisy doesn't work too well on specific matters of economic policy. It just looks like ad hominem (because it is in this case).
Cenk lost the debate. Hard.
Nice try shill.
up up
I'm not shilling for Cenk. I fully expected him to get outclassed by Ben, and that's not what happened at all if you were watching it objectively.
But even if you think Ben won. You can't tell me that Ben was anywhere near as good there as he is when he's calling SJWs out on their shit.
lol Cenk got rekt pretty fucking hard to be honest.
How is Sup Forums confusing?
t. guy whos been here since 12 and what is this but still don't understand reddit threads. Like how the duck do I follow who's saying who and when in that post? The fuck.
He also got choked by a tranny on live TV lol.
Literally who makes up his audience? I never heard of him until 2016.
I hate the Kochs because every politician they touch is a hardcore zionist snake in the grass rino, like Ben or Ted Cruz
We must have watched a different debate.
It's been a few months, so I don't remember it in detail, but I remember watching it the day it happened and discussing it with Sup Forums the days after. Anyone who thinks Cenk got destroyed either didn't watch it or didn't watch it objectively.
If I had time I would break it down point by point.
he's probably shilled by the jidf
>Of all the shit nations we give money to, Israel is one country that actually uses it on what they're supposed to for our geopolitical interests
>Israel is one country that actually uses it on what they're supposed to for our geopolitical interests
>our geopolitical interests
He is what he (((is))). Would you hate on a dog for barking?
Sup Forums is a conservative board, snowflake
I support America kicking terrorist ass wherever the opportunity presents itself. My only regret is I was too young to join the USMC when the Iraq fight was still hot. Now I'm stuck on this rock.
Personally I can't wait until Trump gives us the ok to fuck up Assad. I know some of the soyboys here will be mad, but real men are born to fight
Kek republican kindergarten class. Subscribed. Enjoyed that video!!!
>free speech wait you said something mean shadowbanned
His audience is whoever shows up at whatever event he decides to do. Ben isn't grass roots or alt and didn't rise from a specific following. He's in the American MSM in-crowd and does his own thing to maintain his relevance.
This should be the only rule. Nobody over 40 should be allowed on here.
>Poor vassal state of Germany unable to comprehend how many nations the US gives money to
Separate yourself from your past just like the commies want you to!
>Worst generation
>The past
Go to bed grandpa we don't want to hear tales of how you desegregated water fountains or experimented with men in College.
Reddit = mob enforced opinions
>buying the leftist ploy to detach you from your history hook line and sinker
NOBODY fucking likes him
he pays nigger faggots to shill his shit all over social media constantly
>implying boomers are history or the only generation that ever existed
Boomers are the most worthless faggots that ever walked earth, even millennial's are worth more.
You're clueless and just repeating a meme you never thought through.
Thanks for including this older ladypede in the screencap. You made my weekend.
Boomers ruined America in one generation. It's obvious you're a dindunuffin boomer. You have yet to list a single good thing boomers have done.