What, exactly, is his job? I can't figure this out

What, exactly, is his job? I can't figure this out.

michael cera stand-in

To make sure Trump doesn"t stray too far from the Kike Master Program

to be Grima Wormtongue, he wants the king's daughter/niece and poisons his mind while serving the (((dark powers)))

corrupter in chief

I didn't vote for a Jewish puppet. I voted for Donald J. Trump.

beautiful jewish republigoy

Summoner of Ancients.

Subversive kike

The Kushner family paid for the campaign, it's silly to think it wasn't done with a deal to get his half-wit son into a position of power.

Grignirr Destroyer of World

To Jew of course.




Jewish master of Trump. Who visited Saudis in secret before Saudis announced an alliance with Israel? That would be (((him))).




He is the Huma Abedin of this administration for the jews

First Jew

He handles the occult kike messaging

If Kushner is manipulating you. You're an idiot. This guy doesn't come across as having political acumen.

Trump self-funded his campaign. He said so himself.


He is monitoring Trump, also you just have to do some research a bit about this guy to understand he is among the top jews of the planet with guys like Soros or Attali.


Likkud Party Liaison with constant access to the President's ear.

House kike

>Trump self-funded his campaign. He said so himself.

You are a faggot.
>because I said so

Resident Jew Jitsu Instructor to the POTUS

Making sure Soros isn't affected by the actions of the white house

Ivanka's cuck

this is a JIDF thread. There's no winning an argument in here.

I seriously doubt the kushner kid could possible be in control of trump. Look into the family and you'll see theres nothing there. He's his father in law anyways, who let him have his 11/10 daughter. Kushner is there for trump


He's Nikola Tesla.

Screwing things up.

>"sources said"
>businessman has ties to important businesses/busninessmen
If we crucified everyone who did a business deal with Soros there would be no businesses left

His job is to be a jew who does jewy things.

he tweets what trump tells out loud. All gramatical/illogical errors and incoherence in tweets is because kushner is a damn slow typer.

Command and control of the executive branch of the United States government.

>I didn't vote for a faggot. I voted for Justin Trudeau.
when will the soyim learn

Bibi, Trump, OddJob from Goldeneye and some dude wearing tires/ attack dog training vest?

idk i just care about the first 2. Bibi is going to prison. Mueller revealing everything from jfk till now. Israel is fucked. not to worry.