22 year old white male here

Give me 3 good reasons to bother with going outside.


better graphics

The most important thing you can do for the white race is keep your own life in order. Start with yourself. You must be competent, reliable, hardworking, and, above all, happy. Do people in your life trust and respect you? What does your family think of you? Are you capable of raising children? Racial politics doesn't have to be the only factor of your life. And if you can't achieve such things for yourself, then the chances are very high that you are not ready to be a political activist, either online or in real life. Because how can you make a difference for the race, for the lives of many, if you can't even make anything of your own, individual life? How can you make a real difference in society, when the greatest extent of your capacity is to be out-organized by jews on social media?

Always remember: we live in first world countries and have opportunity that most people born on this planet do not. Things aren't as good for us as they were for our parents. But billions of people in the third world would still kill to have the opportunities that you do right now. So take care of yourself! Work your ass off, every day, to build a good life for you, and for your family. Clear your mind of self destructive thoughts, and keep yourself focused on realistic goals. Work hard, but also do fun and wholesome things with real people in real life. That is very important. Nothing on the internet should ever take away from your real life.

being 23, 24 and 25 years old in the future.

trees are pretty
coffee is delicious
girls can grow babies

get off the internet you goofball


Never get off the boat.


>Go to mall
>Walk around for a hour

Make something out of your life.

Worse gameplay.

Srs answer: Do some exercise you fatcunt. Go for a run after dark if you're as scared of people and the sun as I am.

Aim to be self-sufficient so you can be your own boss and not take shit from others

I cringed so fucking hard at this generic, normtrooper's advice.
Yeah, OP, if you want to lose every bit about you, follow this shitty advice.

an hour*

In Canada we say a hour.

Think about the technological improvement in the last 20 years. It is absolutely normal to now feel like going out. It's absolutely barbaric to be social in 2017.

Why? Here's a thought. What if I don't give a shit? I can't afford anything. The girls are either fat or complete whores. Half my family will be dead in 20 years as with the rest of this town. The "Multiculturalism" plague grows like a cancer every goddamn day. Born just in time to be ENGULFED by people who hate me for being alive, and to see the loveable retards thst brought them here die all around me.

Do we? I always say 'an'


Make your life your own and do whatever politicing you feel inclined to do after that.

There is no real reason actually if you rationalize everything down to the bone. But, no one wants to suffer, and just locking yourself in a room is a path to an inevitable suffering.

I used to be like you, but then i realised that i will end up in a horrible situation when my parents pass out or get ill and wont be able to support me anymore and will need help themselves.

I think of life as mmorpg unironicly, there is no reason to play them, you do it just to feel the sense of achieving something, collecting stuff and acquiring skills, those give you fun and make you feel satidfied. Same thing can be done irl, just "lvlup" your "character", get stronger, build your body, learn martial arts, learn to shoot, learn languages, science, read books, collect knowledge, progress in your profession, acquire currency and usefull, valuable things, establish your "habitat" etc etc.. Yes it still doesnt really "mean" much, in the end its all dust, BUT, the process is enjoyable, sense of achievement is actually great, and being a powerful, skillfull, knowledgable man with some usefull posessions and means to exist and survive in comfort, is much more comfy then having nothing and being a weak shut in anybody can stump on.

>RRRRreeeeee stop oppressing me normie!

Do you want to go outside?

fuck off normalshit

vitamin D

Gameplay > Graphics

OP you are one of those fucked up people like me that have to have a meaning to their lives. I'm just like you. If I know this world is going to hell real soon, what's the fucking point of pushing it further in that direction?
And all this *self-improvement* meme is full of fucking shit. Look at all the fucking miserable faces going to work each morning. Ask any self improved normie for advice, then make a simple critique about his moronic advice and watch how happy he actually is - he is not, he will bark mad at you. It's all a big masquerade and the more you get involved in it, the more you are invested and can't stop.
"If you are going to go - go all the way, otherwise don't even bother trying." - Bukowski

Going for walks during autumn is comfy as fuck. Winter is nice too when its fat snow flakes and no wind chill. Summer can be nice but you sweat from the heat and smell like shit afterwards

I basically despise the area I live in. Nothing but Chinks, Street shitters and sad old people.

>I can't afford anything.
No shit. How are you supposed to make money sitting at home all day? Inb4 you can work from home. Yes, of course, but for the most part you have to go outside to make money.
>The girls are either fat or complete whores.
Don't go chasing after them then? Once you've got your shit in order, the girls come to you. Then you can select whoever you'd like.

welcome to diversity. greetings from chicago.


In addition, realize how dumb people in your life are and subsequently shed shame. Im working on that right now.

the absolute state of canadian education

dick. food. and uhh. free hospitals

Join the Canadian armed forces or stay as you are until you are forced into the world. You will regret not trying now in your youth as you have all the time in the world to sit around when you are older.

also drinking helps but not much.

Modern Canada is fucking shit.

The only reason to go outside is to view beautiful nature and ecology.

You might get Vitamin D deficiency and be a depressed faggot for the rest of your life.

What would be the ideal area to live in?

Vitamin D

That was starting as something smart but you fucked it up.
Life can't be an mmorpg because you don't get stronger, you get weaker with every day. The materials you acquire are not going to make you live forever. Also, I have thought about never talking to my autistic parents again and because I want to be guilt free, I am going to pay some life insurance on their ass just in case.

I believe that's proper grammar actually. "An" only comes before a vowel. However it's colloquial to say an hour because it begins with a vowel sound and it's so commonly said.

And that will happen i assure you, if you are weak, life finds the way to stomp on you, if you are weak, you are pretty much a target for abuse and some sort of profit of lower subhumans. The one thing that people forget in the west due to naturally high moralit and low violence of whites is that man cannot be weak, everyone despises weak men and want to hurt them, there is no compassion for a man, no help, no gibs. You need to remember that. Modern bs like you need to be sensitive and show ur emotions and its ok to be weak is just that - bullshit, YOU WILL NEVER GET COMPASSION, only from your family and even that comes with contempt when you are useless to them.


Ya welcome white boiiii

Going to work
Buy groceries
Playing board games at someone else's apartment

more realistic physics engine.

Vermont. Or 1958.

Humans live in the moment. When you are young getting married and having kids is a blast but it becomes normalized over time. You are now living a life where you are forced to go to work to care for your family.

Hah human nature has tricked you into passing on your genes and now people dont want to admit they dread the result.

Waaaa Waaaa everyone sucks but meeee

Suck a brick wet nips. You're a bitch.


So would it be fair to say you would want to go out if you only saw white people outside?

>T. Beta mgtow
OP, if you're so depressed you can't think of a reason to go outside, you probably should lose every bit about yourself. Growth never occurs without death; kill the inner child, to grow into the man you were born to be.


>fat or complete whores

you wouldnt happen to live on the prairies?

Yeah. As long as they're not too old.

You get weaker starting around age 35

I've never once lived in a White area that doesn't feel like it's slowly dying or being invaded by ugly foreigners.

imagine being the guy posting this

Greater Vancouver.
>Go outside
>Take transit to Vancouver

> mfw this is the real reason

Arguable. I do sambo and ive met 50 year olds that throw around younger restlers, i also met some old dudes who can last a couple of rounds on even grounds with high skilled adults. If you train and maintain yourself you will get stronger up to 50 y.o. and then declines slowly.

Being a wage slave is what sucks. If it weren't for that, normieism would be alright

You are an actual autist arent you. I use mmorpg as an example of "pleasure of achivement", of how satisfying it is to acquire skills and building yourself into a better person.
And you took it literally like a dumbass autist you are.

Basically, you have to find a career, or you're in for a very depressing life. There any many ways to do this, including lying on your resume until you land a $16 hour job, then work your way up. Instead of not lying on your resume and getting a min wage job.

OP depression is a made-up terminology by (((them))) to make you do illogical things like fucking working all your life, for example. Go to a psychiatrist or read a book that "helps" depression and try to find one sentence that has logic.
You won't. It's all wishy-washy feminine bullshit. You are too smart for society, OP. You and I, we both know it. I know it hurts, but it hurts more if you start playing a game that you will 100% lose.
Remember one more fact - more than half of the population in every western country still literally believes in the fucking religious fairytales. Just to let you know how stupid people actually are, I know we smarties sometimes forget.

There are way more places than Vermont

Okay, I'll start by saying that you shouldn't live your life as an audience for others. Don't become an audience for the minorties you see. You should seek to pursue things that bring intrinsic joy regardless of who else might be present. As it is now, you're practically allowing the minorities you see outside dictate your life. They are not and should not be your master.

Second, if this really is the biggest issue you have in your life, you are doing pretty well for yourself. If not, and this is the surface symptom for ever more malicious and foreboding demons in your life, I'd personally recommend a good therapist or even better some great friends.

>buy vr
>buy exercise gear
>work online programming
I can't give you ONE good reason OP

True to some extent but you start losing test, so it gets harder to gain and maintain. Also those old dude have good genes. And i meant in general, physical and mental. Especially mental

>I'm a loser cause I'm smart

Sorry, dont buy that. Even as a loser myself

Yeah, I am the autist, and not you who can express himself by using fucking MMORPGs.
Here is an ad hominem back at you.

haha this triggers the millennial. But he'd probably have his mom buy it for him. No need to go outside for a graphics card whatsoever. Not yet.

*Cricket* *Cricket*

>Greater Vancouver.
How you doing tonight, Zhang?

Sup Forums meetup in Vancouver when?

>Calling that shitty advice
Damn, so letting yourself go and remaining in your mom's basement made you happier and more useful to the White race? Cool.

For me its not race but the lack of social interaction. Why participate in a world that is cold and indifferent? Back in the old days society was built in a way to compliment socializing.

For example if i wanted to take a wash i would have to go to the public baths thus you would naturally socialize with people. Also during this there would be food stands, drinks, whores, any many other activities latched onto this.

Now if i need to bathe in modern times i just use my personal shower no human interaction required, no forced opportunity present. This trend continues from banking to travel to labor as society becomes isolated and automated.
Being a wage slave usually goes hand in hand with having a family. You had kids early so the human investment requires responsibility.

>t. not OP
I will not retaliate, as you are bringing your punishment on yourself, I bet. Enjoy wasting your life in the rat race, nitwit.

come to the unhip prairies, i'll be your friend
o sure, there arent any cool shows, but you'll afford a home

How old are you, gender, and are you married or in a relationship with children?


You'll definitely have a better life sitting on a computer

I work 16 hours a week on minimum wage, enough to pay my rent, my bills, and buy food. Sacrificing my life for the "white race" is fucking barbaric. Look at the stars some night and just remind yourself what a meaningless speckle of dust you are, you zombie.


And I literally do. Thanks.

Whats with the 3rd degree?

Literally the only time I go outside except for work and groceries is to tell people to turn their music down.

Ok now I know you're white.

I can't really say anything that's meaningful without some background info on where you are at life.
I mean, I could assume you're either early twenties single male, or a late thirties married male. It's just easier if you told me.

Old guy here, I do try to stay indoors whenever possible, I no longer like the outside at all.

But you're single and women your age have tits that point to the light instead of drooping dejectedly, you should be out fucking as many people as possible for at least the next decade.

Save curling up indoors for when responsibility requires it, it'll happen soon enough.

Don't miss this time, I'm serious. Go somewhere, do something.

Went to the mall today. #NeverAgain.

Get a job and live a long and comfortable life so you can witness the spectacle that will be communism and laugh at the people who thought they would be designing uniforms for the glorious overlords (also, so that you have the means to kill yourself quickly and painlessly at the drop of a hat if/when they come to throw you in gulags). This morbid curiosity and fear is what keeps me going.


Same feel here

Give Chang a break

Delicious STD every cool guy must have

To recharge, reset and connect to the Earth