The last anime you watched gets a Hollywood adaptation, how bad does it turn out?

The last anime you watched gets a Hollywood adaptation, how bad does it turn out?

How the fuck would I know?

>any anime ever
>hollywood adaptation

automatically shit

>that ugly Diarmuid

>rewatching monster

guillermo del toro was actually planning on doing a live-action of the series, might be pretty good

>Tiger Mask w/ The Rock & Cena

Why don't you ask people who watch Hollywood shit?

>kokoro connect
Probably just freaky Friday with more characters

Because this is Sup Forums, son.

>Sayonara Zetsubou Sensei

Daniel Radciffe gets the lead role.

During "The Golden Years of Hollywood" :So-so at best

Today: an abject trainwreck of epic fail proportions as PC crowd and 'bean-counters' and 'focus groups' have had their tuppence worth thrown into the mix.

kek, it needs to be a porn parody

Who's the blue haired cutie at the bottom?

There is no way Hollywood will ever replicate Ui and Rin's bouncing boobs. Heck, they probably can't even find actresses that stacked without implants.

>Girls und Panser
Might just be stupid enough to work

I would be okay with this.

I liked the old version where Mr. Bean was Caster.

>welcome to nhk
it could work out ok

>One Piece
It might actually turn out not that bad as long as they don't try to make it like Pirates of the Caribbean.


It'd be a hilariously awful sitcom, not that the anime isn't already an unfunny repetitive turd. They'd probably ruin Yanagiba who is the only redeemable character.

Something tell me that it won't even get to the theaters.

Just put a wig on Seagal.


It has potential, but I'd say there's a 5% chance of it being worth anything more than a doormat.