How did Sup Forums let this moron ever become president?

How did Sup Forums let this moron ever become president?


Even if Sup Forums was a person he wouldn't have existed at the time

He won with intelligence, experience and charm.

Liberals hated him, conservatives hated him, but America loved him.


He is a Rhodes scholar you fucking imbecile

>He won with intelligence, experience and charm.

>Liberals hated him, conservatives hated him, but America loved him.

Sup Forums would have loved him. He lied to women and fucked all of them. He passed welfare reform and increased the arrests of niggers through tougher drug and crime laws. He passed the Defense of Marraige act, which banned gay marraige. He was modern day Sup Forums. People just get confused because he was a Democrat, but he was a Southern Democrat. He is 1000 times better than his bitch of a wife.

If Sup Forums existed, we would have stopped him...

Just like we stopped her.

kill yourself

He was fine, desu probably our best president since Reagan

he bribed us with cocaine and whores

>rhodes scholar

you know that is just a meme they give to niggers and rich white kids right?

>mfw I realized the Trumps and Clintons are secretly friends and they're actually both forces for good and it's all a big show

>Nathan Drake
>Light Level 12 Warlock
Nice cosplay

i can show you 100 images of trump and clinton playing golf together over the years but Sup Forums is full of retards

glad you understand user. the whole machine is corrupt and ripe with nepotism

H. Ross Perot won votes from both parties, Clinton won with a plurality of 43%. Plus Daddy Bush was Mr. Burns, completely out of touch patrician skeletor.


He was the Barack Obama of his day - a wholly manufactured CIA creation, presented to the public as a shiny new thing to keep them from rising up against a Bush who was destroying the country with his war on Iraq.

Remember Slick Willy ran the north end of the US-South America drug pipeline, while Poppy ran the south.

Fat chicks are gross

He grew up poor in hope Arkansas. user are you even trying?

It's one big club, and you ain't in it.

We would have wanted him over Bush/Dole. At most, maybe Sup Forums would have gone full Perotard