We need to coalesce

I mean this unironically. Seriously, we need one central organization that absorbs all the others, and gives people a dedicated place to invest their energy, time, money, etc. Once we're under one banner, the next step is a political party. From there, a governorship.

Richard, if you're reading this, it's time take a run for some kind of high office seriously. Just instruct our neet army to move to one state, and we'll give you a victory.

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thanks for bump

Andy Anglin should run for mayor.



The jew fears decentralization

fuck that faggot.

he's an ugly ape. we need someone with mass appeal


Nothing to my right but the wall. Fuck the alt-right and it's populace bullshit

It's funny even though he is a "racist" nearly everything he says majority of people would agree with.
The truth is being racist is being red pilled.
We are all different genetically and stereotypes exist for a reason.
If all races had zones, like Asians stayed in Asia, whites stayed in Europe etc..That doesn't mean we wouldn't be able to get along, we were doing it for thousands of years before immigration was a thing.

>centralizing = failure
So infuriatingly moronic I can't even summon the dexterity to type this yet somehow i did

We need to hurry the fuck up. Once we start making ourselves money and have ourselves close enough to help each other, we will win.

Andy looks mighty handsome.

Richard, if you’re reading this, always remember that you are a filthy mongrel married to a shitskin and never will be White

>North African 0,2%
>Mongolian 0,1%
>Sub-saharan 0,1%

US mongrel shilling for mongrelisation. Nothing to see

exactly. just because someone is your friend doesn't mean you have to live under the same roof


National Front is an Umbrella Organization of various Contemporary White Nationalist Groups

i hate you people more than leftists if you can believe it

then why haven't I heard of it?


Exactly right, just because you have segregated countries by race doesn't mean you can't be friends and still live in peace and harmony with other races.
It's like prison which is the most "wild west" place in the west and what do all the prisoners do in every country?
Segregate my race, in America you got the blacks, mexicans and whites and in Australia you got the Lebos, Boongs and aussies.

if we just move ourselves to one state we can determine the politics of it. most of these people are neets with nothing to lose anyway

Their Members are more vocal about their individual groups rather than the Nationalist Front Itself.

Spencer's National Policy Institute is not a member and neither are generic KKK and other Skinhead types with exception to the National Socialist Movement. Its important to remember that the Nationalist Front is a Confederation of Independent Groups not a truly united giant singular organization. Look at their membership.

we should just use alt right. it has brand recognition, coherent leadership. we can't waste our time with obscure bullshit

Such a good goy.

No, fuck off.

no you fuck off

>coherent leadership

wasn't counting on german help anyway. no loss

There is also this for the more openly national socialist people: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/World_Union_of_National_Socialists

can't tell if laughing or if mischievous cackle signifying victory. if not the latter, kys


>thinks NatSoc is palatable

Fuck communism, fuck globalism, and fuck you too. I hope you die in a fire.

>we need to become easily controlled
brilliant plan

pedos pls go back to Sup Forums

>demonstrates in one post why neets don't belong anywhere near positions of power.
Good job user, not an easy feat

AH literally wrote about combining different movements and factions together, and the practical issues with this.

He said that it was fine, but only if the strongest faction dominated and absorbed all of the other peoples, and purged the other faction leaders.

... Like he did.

As of now there is no stronger faction to dominate and absorb the rest, due to the many sub-factions of the "Alt-Right" this may be more difficult now than during Hitler's time.

>but only if the strongest faction dominated and absorbed all of the other peoples, and purged the other faction leaders.
literally describing what I'm advocating here. we need a party (NOT NATSOC. THIS IS NOT PALATABLE YOU BUFFOONS)

There is only one thing that can help the US and you want us to work against it.

National Socialism is the only option. Everything else is just racist liberal bullshit.

also another note. The part can't be anti-X(insert race here) but rather EXCLUSIVELY pro-white and pro-separatist. The opposition to other races HAS to come later

We have already done this. He is called Trump, and he leads the republican party, which we are in the process of taking over. kys, unironically, spencerjew

I agree with the general sentiment, however, it must happen organically.

The Nazi party would have likely amounted to nothing, without Hitler. The movement needs a Hitler equivalent, but such a leader can't be appointed out elected at some grand union of WNs - he must arise by his own efforts, and unite by his own efforts. Otherwise he will not be there leader that the movement needs.

I don't think Spencer is that leader. I don't think he's a Fed, as some suggest, but I don't think he's charismatic enough, dynamic enough, or strategically oriented enough to become the standard bearer who leads the way into the main stream.

He's done a great job at moving the overton window, but in doing so at a time when the media is so blatantly anti white, I think he's lost the ability to pursue public office; he'll be an ideological martyr at best - sacrificing his image to move the overton window, and help another WN rise to greater heights later.

Everyone who's serious about a future for whites should be getting involved in politics at the local level. Don't let these good efforts to provide this opportunity go in vain.

I don't think you idiots are hearing me. We have to sell this ideology. The contents of the ideology can be literally identical but marketing it with swastikas is a FAILING strategy.

fuck off

>Hey ebbabudday! Let's paint a big target on our backs!!! And gib dey heebs a nice big fat pig they can publicly roast.

Yep, decentralized/distributed influence networks are the backbone of their own success.
Last thing they want is whitey buttfucking them with their own organizational weapon.

Sorry heebs. The New Golem rises, and he has a big fat un-cut cock just throbbing for some jew anus.

No. During the Irish war of independence the UK was able to infiltrate organization's quite easily. You need cells to do everything. If one is compromised it doesn't affect the rest.

the only reason this movement has come this far is that there isnt a head to cut off.

what you want will spell the death of the movement

in case you didnt notice, richard spencer loves black dick... hes not gona be your dear leader baby

I'm all for it, but it must:
>Be explicitly Christian
>Include all peoples of European heritage, Russians too
>Support Christians in the Middle East

>madam president, those masses of internet weirdoes still oppose us, what do?
>let's call them literally nazis
>not working anymore!
>call them alt right


>yes goy make a centralized and easily-labeled organization that we can easily smear and discredit
>stop having a flexible and unlabeled non-ideology that we can't pin down

I hate to tell you this but i think he's controlled op. D&C is the only explanation for the absolute absurd amount of race baiting by the media for the past 4 years straight. Every nigger and spic thinks that white people are secretly nazis that will murder them in their sleep. It's moonboy's job over there to bring the boogie man to life and Donald Trump's camp so the MSM can link the two together successfully chasing away every single minority and moderate voter. Nigger's and spics are like children and they will never be able to be convinced that white nationalism doesn't involve systematic murder of every non-white in America. Until then we need their votes to maintain what's left of the 2nd amendment until we can figure out a viable solution to the looming white demographic problem. Once we've regained firm demographic majority, we can then begin testing the waters on white separatism