What Do You Think Of Interracial Marriage?

We need to talk about the issue of interracial marriage, which has become more and more common in America, and the rest of the West, as well. What do you really think of it? Speak freely, even if your feelings may contradict your ideology.

1. Do you find the idea attractive, yet would be reluctant or completely unwilling to pursue it?
2. Are you willing to get into such a marriage yourself, yet do not favor most others to do the same?
3. Do you believe yourself to be approving of it, for yourself and others, yet refrain from pushing it too widely onto others?
4. Are you more extreme, and advocate for most or all people to consider it?
5. Is interracial marriage very unattractive/repulsive to you, yet you are indifferent to others getting involved (Perhaps as long as not many in your country)?
6. Is interracial marriage utterly unappealing, to the point you believe it is wrong for everyone?

Provide reasons for each number that describes your views on this growing phenomenon.

IR couples produce children who benefit from hybrid vigour. in laymen terms, they are genetically superior to monolithic people.

For all of George Soros' faults, one thing is that he practices what he preaches.

bullshit, hybrid vigor is only applicable to inbred species. plenty of research shows that too much genetic variety produces an array of illnesses, genetic predispositions to psychical problems and even dislike by parents which is occasionally manifested in infanticide.

sounds good to me eventually everyone will look the same and you fags on here will have nothing to complain about.

How the fuck is George Soros still alive?

Is he a vampire or something?

That's him from the 1960s or '70s, isn't it? Before he got his billions?

Marry a white bitch. I'm white and i would.

That's a dude


It's Satanic. It's white genocide. That is why it is promoted non-stop.

Drinking children's blood.
Liver and kidneys go bad so he buys new livers and kidneys.
Occasional heart transplant too.
Healthy clean water and food only the richest can afford.

Wtf? Are you new? Yes he's a vampire. Young blood reverses aging. There's legit science backing up this fact. Google "ambrosia".

Theory is that Madeline McCann may have been abducted FOR Soros speficially. Due to her having the same rare eye deformity.

Do we know if they got him?

I mean the helicopter crash at the Rothchild estate.

Do you think he likes watching his wife bang other men?

my wife is filipina and because of her spanish ancestry one of our kids have blue eyes. All the nerds that speak out against race mixing would fuck a hot non-white chick in a second. Never once in my life when I have dated a woman have I ever thought about what color her skin was. All I cared about was tits and ass and if she wasnt a liberal whore. Filipinas are great, they are conservative, love america, love white culture in general, are subservient and hard working.

except niggers, dont race mix with nigs.

forgot to mention I am 100% anglo

So George Soros's son is a HAPA? That explains so much.

I'm white and I know I'll definitely breed with an Asian woman, probably a Chinese.

>Filipinas are great, they are conservative, love america, love white culture in general, are subservient and hard working.

civic nationalism is a disease