The people chose Hillary

The people chose Hillary.
The system chose Drumpf.

Other urls found in this thread:

Only idiots in big cities voted for Hillary.

Anybody with any sort of actual intelligence voted Trump.

the system worked for once

I'm 99% sure you're just a poltard larping as a shill but I'll bite.

The United States is a union of _ _ _ _ _ _.

Yes, popular votes should decide everything.

Abolish the executive branch, the judicial branch. Just submit bills to reddit and upvote them into law.

Taking a step back; we all know the deal. Every state consists of small hubs of integrated, progressive centers, surrounded by rural red. Just look at a map. The rural red is vastly outnumbered (and has been for years), but the electoral collage prevents the modern, more selected portion of society from moving on because the less selected, less educated "ding-dang-do/get offa mah property/HUUUSEEEIN Obama" types cling to their guns and religion.

They are swayed by the Republican party (along with years of MASSIVE gerrymandering) to vote for the "everyman" Donald Trump. "Ya'll...he's like you and me"...and have been since the Reagan era. Trickle us--while we make insane amounts of money via deregulation, tax breaks for the wealthiest, and trying to destroy your health insurance and social security...THIS WILL BENEFIT YOU IN THE END! I swear, you coal mining dirty fuck peasant....I mean...YOU PATRIOT!!!!

Bringing it back...dumb people get swindled via identity politics and never realize that they never invited you to the party in the first place. You got played; for about 30+ years.

>cling to their guns and religion
ugh I hate it when people care about things, fucking retards

Seriously do not reply to bot threads without sage if I see this shit bumped one more time I will find you

>The people chose Hillary
Illegal immigrants aren't people and neither are urban bugmen.

you had no problem when obongo lost the popular vote though

Trump voted for rural and suburban cities

Hillary people voted for retards

They both worked to win the system, only one of them missed the mark.


Today I will remind them
>In the letter, Judicial Watch noted that Los Angeles County officials “informed us that the total number of registered voters now stands at a number that is a whopping 144% of the total number of resident citizens of voting age.”
>Turnout (of Registered Voters)
>2016 General Election 3,544,115 69.5%

>69.5% of 144% of the total voters is 100.08% of the voting population in LA
>100.08% of people voted

>People who voted how I did are intelligent

>People who didn't vote how I did are idiots

This is what's wrong with Sup Forums in 2k17.

It's become a hyper echo chamber that makes even reddit look like a place you can have a reasonable conversation with someone with a different opinion, and anyone who dislikes Trump or even disagrees with something he did is automatically a shareblue operative or some shit... This board makes me cringe.

I supported Trump during his election campaign but the stuff he has done since he won just hasn't got me rooting for him. Filling the White House with more swamp & billionaires? Being more pro Israel than ever? Bending the knee for the Saudis & Xi Jinping? Ivanka & her husband always around the White House? And just recently he reversed a law that stopped imports of elephant body parts from zimbabwe that's gonna lead to a big increase in elephant hunting, and Sup Forums posters were out en masse defending it, some even saying 'it'll help the elephants'. Lmao. This guy is globalist af and I regret ever liking him. Sup Forums will wake up but it may take another year or 2. I can assure you this guy won't be popular on this imageboard by the end of his current term.


nice job taking a meme post and thinking way too much about it

Muhammed, you can support Fascism and the ethnostate, and still acknowledge Trump was literally the only option who was neither cuck nor kike.

those are thoughts I had already, weren't based on that post even though it was an example of it

I do acknowledge that, I did want him to be the US President, and Ron Paul previously. However it doesn't mean I can't say he's doing a bunch of stuff I disagree with. I just think it's weird how he's became a sort of deity on Sup Forums.

Didnt the Dems demand a recount. And got one ina state, Michigan I think. It was quietly dropped when the recount revealed that trump had 300000 votes more than the first official count.
And then there is the 3 million illegal voters that Obama urged to go and vote.
Nice attempt at rigging an election my mange.

You got it backwards dipshit.

Well, guess which one counts, faggot?

>The people chose Hillary.
>The system chose Drumpf.

Well it's a good thing states elect the president and not people then isn't it.

She knew the rules going in. They both did. Its like complaining that your team lost cause you had more kills in capture the flag.

In (heavily democrat) Detroit half the precincts were ineligible for the recount because the number of ballots in the boxes didn't match the reported tallies. In one case a box was recorded as having 300 votes for Hillary but only had 60 ballots inside when unsealed.

Well obviously they want to prevent California and New York to vote for the entire republic.

MSNBC lawl

democratic + republic