Now that we’re all in agreement that soy is for fags, what are some Sup Forums approved foods...

Now that we’re all in agreement that soy is for fags, what are some Sup Forums approved foods? I nominate the grapefruit.

YES yes yes!! Because grapefruits + heroin = dead junkie

I think beef jerky is a pretty cool guy

Apple and orange are nice boys

Is that true? I’ve heard you can’t take it with heart meds but that’s it.


I think it is a Lemon. The Lemon is a mighty fruit.

it changes your metabolism of lots of different drugs, mostly painkillers, mostly making respiratory depression occur at much lower doses, like a fifth of normal. or mix it with some over the counter pills for a fun night of the itchy vomits

Redpill on grapefruit: it changes the rate at which chemicals are removed from your system, effectively increasing the half-life of medication. It will make medications last longer, keep you drunk a bit longer etc. It can cause overdosing to be easier, but it goes well with caffeine so you can get more milage with less.

But tofu is high in protein and inexpensive.

>it goes well with caffeine so you can get more milage with less.
Neat. Testing tomorrow.

Just looked into it, grapefruit's "longer lasting" effect on medications and caffeine also works on estrogens. Abort.

Might try it with vodka ty


you pay the price in other ways

As a young southern man, I have never seen a fucking grapefruit in my entire life. If what you say is true though, I am interested.

I however nominate the Lemon. Preventing scurvy while you shell coastlines of undersirables is important.

That is concerning... No reason to help the xenoestrogens.

Kimchi. Fermentation is badass



And? It probably also works on testosterone too. What a dumb reason to avoid a food

xenoestrogens inhibit the absorption of estrogen for fuck's sake

Take the onion pill

Sardines/pilchards for vitamin D that we don't get from the sun

Olives are badass.

If soy is for fags does that mean I have to give up my kikkomans soy sauce in muh stir fry?

jew penis

Broccoli and pomegranates have the opposite effect of soy, by blocking estrogen.

One of my first actual redpills was that the saturated fat-heart disease link was a lie, and that the US government telling the public to avoid meat and butter and gorge themselves on grains is probably one of the causes of the obesity crisis.

horse semen

milk and hamburgers are the ingredients of a strong white man

Fruit/Fructose is cancer to your body.

Broccoli, especially sprouts
Garlic, eaten raw
Cottage cheese, if you're a real man step up to Quark
Most solid fermented foods are god tier
Green beans
Black pepper
Whole Milk, Goat's milk too
Brussels sprouts

Fuck your peasant tier bok-choi.

You’re not giving yourself additional estrogen, are you? Otherwise no worry.

Hahahaha a fucking burger.. stop eating deep fried shit you fat blob. And also you saw this in south park, it was just a joke.

In addition:
>Free Indole-3-carbinol (I3C) and therefore 3,3-Diindolylmethane (DIM) supplementation.
>Free glucoraphanin supplementation, which converts into sulforaphane, which may be anabolic. Human stem cell research shows it induces hyperplasia and in pigs it functions like a myostatin inhibitor [1, 2]. Perhaps this is why broccoli is the favorite vegetable of many bodybuilders.
>Nearly a gram of omega-3 fat. Yes, there’s omega-3 in broccoli too.

I nominate avacado. Without it, what will i do with my collectable guac bowl?

That's fermented. It's fine. Unfermented soy is the problem.

Remove the top and bottom and then put dairy at the top, meat in the middle and fruits/vegetables at then bottom. That's the proper pyramid.

Soy is ABSOLUTELY safe to eat, for fuck's sake. There have been many threads which have explained this in detail. Hell, there was one yesterday, too.
The "soy boy" phenomenon has nothing to do with soy - but rather, malnutrition, high amounts of sugar/HFCS in the food, and lack of exercise. The only threat behind soy sauce is the high amounts of sodium in it.

Do you like live on a brooccoli farm or its your country’s only export or something?


>Vitamins A, B, D?
check, check, check
you bet your ass it's got iron
>a good side dish with any meal?
>does it go good in soups?
yeah it does
>stir fry?
>is it delicious?
only if you like soft and delicate vegetables with hundreds of flourettes

oh god i hate onions but if true this is big

Its legit, broccoli should be eaten every single day.
Broccoli sprouts can even aid in removing heavy metals from your blood which is important for retards that smoke.

These guys.

You can literally eat them like apples, great go to snack.

Fucking pussies ITT, eating vegetables and fruit like women.
Meat is men's food.

And you will be too if you learn to love the onion.

> iranian scientist

Eat it with raw onions
The combination of flavors is probably revolting but the extreme test boost is probably worth it.

Checked. Omnivores btfo