What the fuck is this life

Guys, what the fuck is this shit. I was born in 2000 and grew up thinking the world was cool. But every year it gets more and more fucked up. Soon i'm goanna have to leave the bubble of living in my parent's home and actually pay rent but everything is so shitty.

Starting in 2012, I noticed the cancer growing that is feminism. I was the "popular kid" in the eighth grade in my city until a girl went around telling people I raped her (100% bullshit.) This happened to TWO other of my bros. You can't make this shit up - Rape accusations in the 8th grade!

I made the mistake of leaving private school to be educated publicly. I'm in Canada. Nothing more needs to be said. I've made it to grade 12 and I just want to drop out. This is the lamest year of my life. (I'm a 95+ average student but I just have no motivation to try anymore.)

My dad gets angry because I'm on the computer 8 hours a day reading Sup Forums / reddit (TRP) / leverage trading cryptos. He wants me to go out and get a job and do shit but it's not even worth my time to work for $14 an hour.

There's no dependability with bros anymore. Maybe it's something to do with my city but there's no loyalty. I've been in situations where my ENTIRE group just turned their backs on me all at once. I've been in situations where they back out and leave me to fight three guys at once.

Girls my age are so fucking ugly. I don't understand it. It's like the year above me was the last attractive year. Not to mention that the state of western women is shit. Normally women have this sort of "halo" effect where they seem more beautiful than they actually are. But these women are putrid, their personalities have nothing redeemable.

Imagine that you're playing a videogame. You get upgrades; you get a better job, build a business, 3.14 wife, etc. But the rate of upgrades cannot keep up with the gradually increasing level of shitty-ness of the videogame. And as you get better at the game, the game gets harder.

Wow has anyone ever told you that you talk like a total fag schlomo bro and that it sounds like you are shilling for AIDs???

I just want you to know that, although I disagree with you, I read your post anyway. In fact, I read everyone's post in this thread, myself excluded. I have an IQ of 160 (although I have scored up to 165 on other tests). I graduated MIT with a high GPA and a generally good reputation. I am an multicopter hobbyist and am working on my second Ph.D. Still, I am a notably modest individual. I didn't read most of your post, but I'll tell you this much, motherfucker:

gtfo kiddo, this place is 21+ only.

>born in 2000
>I am underage
mods, do your fucking job for once
Also, OP, you sound like a massive faggot.

Life isn’t fun. Either join us and fight or you’ll be eaten by the hordes.


>I was born in 2000
>2000 - 2017 = -17

If he was born in 2000 he's 18 now unless he was born in late November or December.

"I was born in 2000"

there is your problem you missed out on the 90s

I feel your pain buddy

I am without motivation myself, you can only hope it gets better, and make it better yourself

Everything in the world started going downhill in 2007... when runescape had free trade removal

It's still 2017 you idiot

This, the 90s was a magical time.


op confirmed born in quantum pocket year BY THE FUCKING POST NUMBER


Not worth it for fucking $14 an hour? You are a fucking pussy. That is probably more than what 90% of people on earth earn, and probably more than 99.9% of people in history.

Indians are coming here and working for $10 an hour. $10 an hour, 50 hours a week = 500*52 = $26000 dollars. Assuming you frugally you can probably live on like $10000. This means you are saving fucking $16000 a year which should be going into the stock market or cryptos. Welcome to the fucking real world kiddo. Best to get to working ASAP, because the wages are going to be going down, not up because of globalization.

Your dad's right.

Go out and get a job to make extra money, plus to interact with other human beings. Work out and read. If you're going to look down on everybody at least be better than them

Imagine a world where there is no such thing as a friend. That all are enemies. We are social creatures, so this is hard for many of us to do. But, this is unfortunately the situation many find themselves in. How would you deal with this? You can turn to many things: fake relationships, drugs, distractions, etc. But none of these material things will help you in the end. I offer you to begin your search now in a spiritual answer to your crisis. Beware, however, clinging to the material shrouds of spirituality, for they will not help you either. There is nothing to hold onto. That is the fact of life.

Go to the coast.
go fishing
go 2 Shambala
get a Cree girl with a white card.


I know how to feel m8. It's very hard to find a women with a decent personality. I personally just want someone 6.5/10 looks or better but is relatively intelligent and isn't infected with the leftist mind disease... but that apparently is too much to ask for. And making money just feels hollow, I make more than most people but it doesn't seem to bring me fulfilment. I swear the white race is just retarded as well, we are all just competing against each other, trying to make life as hard as possible so we can make more money for ourselves, all so we can buy fucking materialistic shit. Companies and landlords are unrealistic as fuck and want everything for nothing.

Also gym, stop watching porn so that you can find normal girls attractive again, and find the nicest one that you can.

If your not a collegefag like me cruising 4 more years of NEET bc no other time in my life I could be a NEET then you should get a job and start investing in gold and stock markets. Trump alone isn't going to make this country do a 180 which means you need to invest.

Mods, help this kid hang himself, we have no use for weak minded fags

You have been born in tumultuous times, it didn't start in 2012 it's been going on for a long time, and life isn't easy, you have to find meaning in this mess, but it's not the time to give up, in fact honestly you can't give up, you will be thinking about this your whole life.

Even if you tell yourself you're going to "check out" of society you really wont, you will still think about many many things. We live in the end times and one of the good things about this time is that all the world will fail you and it will force you to go into yourself, to develop yourself in isolation of the madness around you and to go your own way. You no longer believe in government, or prominent figures in the media, its unraveling and everyone is beginning to see that it is all a joke. The Alt-right, the left, the atheists and the religious zealots alike, there is no movement or person which you can hold on to, its all so empty of meaning.

People used to be able to depend on things in society, but today we cannot depend on anything except ourselves. There is great power in taking this opportunity to grow.

Man has taken the wrong turn on the path and we have gone very far from what we once were, we are degenerating, and now we are beginning to realize this. Generations before us had optimism, they believed the industrial revolution would propel us into a futuristic society with flying cars and Mars colonies, but we no longer see the trajectory of our society in such positive terms, instead we see how far from virtue we are, we are the awakened generations, we question all societal norms and practices, and we no longer have tradition to fall back on.

We will go through a difficult process of re-creating man, we are currently going through a cleansing which is why all the dirt of society is bubbling up, nobody can hide their filth the way they used to even 20 years ago.

Hey OP, gonna have a talk with you here.

Welcome to the world. Concepts of honor, justice and loyalty still exist, but what the world has taught you and how you should actually apply it are two different things.

Everyone tells you about the golden rule, treat others the way you want to be treated, etc. A lot of the times when people tell you how you should act, all they are doing is saying you should conduct yourself in a way that minimizes the burden other people have while maximizing the burden you should have. Once you realize this, a lot of the time when people tell you to do something they are saying that they want to set you on fire so that they don't have to stub their toe.

Now, honor, justice and loyalty do exist. But you have to only apply it to your in-group only. Everyone else that is outside that group is a potential threat and does not deserve that consideration. Imagine yourself to be a CEO of a major company, you vet the candidates to be your friend thoroughly because one bad apple will destroy your company. You don't treat a random person off the street the same way you would treat the head of your finance company. If you did, there would be no point for your friend to invest in you because he gets all the benefits for free. Same thing with women.

Third, self-respect and value. Self-respect and respect is given to you when you do not allow anyone to violate your principles or conduct themself/yourself in a manner that is unbefitting. Allowing other people to joke at your expense. Not having your room cleaned. Wearing shitty unkempt clothing, crass language. All this does is to tell other people and yourself that you don't value yourself highly, so why should they? SElf-respect and value are things that you show others by having redlines, where you and others do not cross unless they are willing to pay the toll. In effect, everyone teaches you to be Ned Stark or Tyrion (small, weak, constantly giving but being shit on) but you have to be like Tywin Lannister. Take acting classes to learn how to conduct yourself like Captain Winters from Band of Brothers or like Tywin from game of thrones

Fourth. There is a social hierarchy, and you have to get to the top. The higher you go the easier things are. People usually tier this as alpha, beta, etc. But its really stratified into two. Better than or worse than. Anyone who tells you different is either lying to you, doesn't really pay attention to the world around him or a moron.

Fifth, always be a truth seeker, pay attention, remove biases and be disciplined. ALWAYS. You cannot afford to be ignorant in this day and age, and seeking out the truth will be painful. Incredibly painful. An ounce of discipline in this day and age will carry you farther toward your goals than a bucketfull of good luck. When dealing with people, always get concrete details instead of promises. College degree going to get you a job making $30 an hour? Draft a contract with the school you are going to saying that if you can't, then they waive your tuition. Friend wants you to help them move, get paid in goods (beer) or cash. You respect yourself and your time, anyone who wants you to waste it pays.

Know where you are in relation to your goals constantly, and constantly evaluate the risk and reward of every decision you make. That $14 hr job is better than making $0 an hour, and you get free housing and food at your parents place. You can easily save, working full time, 1500-2000 a month (do not know your tax rate) which can be used to fund ventures to make more money. As of right now, you are 17 years old. If you truly understood your place in the world as of this moment money you would be screaming for joy at $14 an hour.

Time to kill all feminazis, desu.

>I was born in 2000...

When did time start speeding up like this? Why the fuck is the Reaper so close?

How fucking awesome were the 2000s?
from 2000-2010 were seriously the best years

>You have been born in tumultuous times
Oh please.
This is without a doubt the easiest and least turbulent time to be alive in known history.
Stop acting like a child.

Then why is the fertility rate like 1.5? People are the most evolutionarily maladjusted than they ever have been in western countries. Family formation is fucked. Wages are going down because globalization. Sure we are at kind of a "peak" now. But it seems like it is all downhill from here.

>born in 2000
GTFO of here, kiddo.
Keep your grades up, stop wasting 8hr/day on Sup Forums, get a non-meme degree and earn some money.
The good life will come eventually.