
Was (((their))) goal to create a more racially aware Europe/West?

I think their goal was to help da poor (sand) niggers, racial awareness and huge right wing backlash were simply unintended consequences

It was to accelerate white genocide

>huge right wing backlash were simply unintended consequences
this is almost ridiculously easy to predict though, I doubt the ones who actually run the world just simply didn't realize this would happen

Young men are pressured to leave by older men to reduce competition for wives within such sects, usually when they are between the ages of 13 and 21. ""It's their culture""

Slave traffic is now a thing in lybia. 1 migrant = 90€

>this is almost ridiculously easy to predict though
Tell that to Merkel

They're blind in their arrogance, you think they've been kicked out of every nation they lived in because they were wrongly persecuted, every single time?

because jews love white people and we want u to help get rid of the shit skins with us

that's fucked up

because jews love white people and we want you to help us get rid of shit skins



this is what I figured, they realized the others weren't as easy to control as the whites

They got to knock out two birds with one stone

>fund rebels who will destroy Assads puppet regime
>gain millions of multicultural enriching souls

Well considering past historical events the people who have been running the world have always been fucking idiots.

to create 3 doctors for every 1 person

Their goal was always to get gibs, white women or work.

I had the same thought - but they will never send them back and that's why it's not true. They want to dumb down the west. They want civil war and unrest. They want to distract the people from progressing, they want to treat them like cattle. Therefore, they have to dumb them down.

>being this naive

>I think their goal was to help da poor (sand) niggers,
No, the goal is much simpler than any jewish conspiracy: they want to import new voters. That's really all there is to it

The end goal of the demographic shift in the West is to suck all the wealth out of the middle classes through socialism. Whites tend to be savers/producers while darkies tend to live paycheck to paycheck, spending every bit of money they have as soon as they have it.


1. Cheap labor
2. Increasingly leftist, state dependant voter base
3. Less (white christian) homogeneity
4. Profit

No their goal is to destroy Europe and all white people.