Lack of sex, no friends, absent parent.. what made you come to this site?

Lack of sex, no friends, absent parent.. what made you come to this site?

I remember it like it was yesterday lol. I was browsing the_donald and I noticed that people were talking about Shia lebouf and the whole “He will not divide us,” thing where you guys found the flag using the sounds and the stars, and I honesty thought it was super cool like the coolest thing. So I immediately came her after I read about it and have been posting here ever since I rarely even visit the_donald anymore which is funny because I was pretty proud that I had over a hundred thousand karma points from that account. but any way now I’m here in the hopes that I might maybe one day join in a covert operation like that with you guys, lemme know if you guys are planning on doing anything like that soon seriously I can drive a car and stuff so I would be able to help out with like recon and also locating things lol I mean it’s whatever like I said just let me know.

I was posting on Sup Forums and Sup Forums since a long time ago. Had an hour train commute to and from work so I used to read funny threads. The day of Trumps announcement to run for president I came to Sup Forums to see what everyone thought about it and the hysterical memery kept me here ever since

The search for the truth!

>Lack of sex, no friends, absent parent.. what made you come to this site?

I came from newgrounds when I was like 12

What a newfag plebbit nigger. Kys

all three of the reasons you mentioned, plus being molested as a child, though if I mention the latter I can't really complain about lack of sex... consentual sex maybe

I, like most of Sup Forums came here once /mlp/ started losing steam.


Morbid curiosity.

Came here in 2012 from funnyjunk. Never gone back.

lookan for a masc fashie Daddy to flirt with and postin lewds

Jailbait porn, like everyone else.
Now as an older guy I prefer busty women.

I'm here for all the boobs.

Post boobs.

Ebaumsworld was too hardcore for me so I came here instead

Someone called him Drumpf on a Faceberg thread so now here I am

am pretty much the antithesis of the stereotype irl, I just like this place because I can argue with people who don't take the argument personally, I make people cry a lot when I argue irl

All of them

>Fooled by an obvious pasta

>come here
You act as if it was a choice.

Got tired of 30 day Facebook bans and not able to comment on videos on Liveleaks for calling out kikes and niggers,

>hur hur hur fucking like common animals makes your life more valuable somehow


i'd see people make threads and then get accused of stealing it from Sup Forums, so i finally decided to check it out

facebook brought me here


>lack of sex

How to spot a liberal 101. Always the sex argument, acting like sticking your dick in a woman will somehow change your outlook on life.

everything in your image is what made me cum to this sight

I was 16 and I noticed people becoming easily offended fags then all of the sudden the Asian, Nigger and Muslim population rose. I think this was the time where Isis started killing people in France. I got into news articles and researched youtube for some edgy racist material and I heard someone discuss Sup Forums. I am not an edgy teen anymore I'm an adult and I have studied many areas of politics and world issues on my own to the point of only giving a shit about my family or friends and not caring about other races or other people I don't know of my own race and to be always critical of what I hear. I know the Jewish conspiracies all the way to Quran verses. I know a lot of shit and I honestly got to the point of focusing on more important hobbies like Science, Self-Defense, Fitness or Art. I rarely come on here, and I'm just here for current events or some cool memes. I don't support any political party even if they are in my viewpoint or favor, because I know they are full of shit and only in it for themselves and to manipulate the public into liking them by using current issues and making it trendy. I been on here for a few years now......

t. cia nigger trapt in here with us

I came to this site because I appreciated that Donald Trump was not a limp wristed faggot who pandered to brown people. He is concerned with America and I stayed to enjoy the fellowship of support for a great man.

Ps the pink haired liberal men who are degenerate faggots also had a part to play in my growing distaste for modern western civ. and my search for a leader who was not an utterly hopeless fag.

If ur in sydney then you could probably be me typing from alternate, parralel universe

My brother showed me Sup Forums when i was 16 and used to go on there just for lulz, then i discovered this and realised everyone on here has the same views as me.

>lmfao i put a bunch of things everyone hates then wrote alt right on it xD alt right btfo communism will win now xDDDD

>alt right
>Sup Forums

People being retarded. I returned here again. Here being Sup Forums after a very long absence, "you are here forever".

Anime, circa 2004

Not just a cat.
Gonna take a walk outside today, gonna see what we can find today

The loli boards back in 2004 during the height of my weeb days.

Came here to escape what Sup Forums had become, stayed for arguements, ended up red pilled, and am now somewhat blackpilled

Free speech

A friend wanted to show me something funny

I started coming here when I was 15, back in 2007. The real question is why am I still here?

Been here since 2010. SJWs at my Uni drove me to Sup Forums. Also my hatred for modern architecture.

How to spot a shill

should have listened to the warnings
it's why the media never names the Sup Forums much like they can't name the jew
it's why russia, macedonian content farms, reddit, breitbart, stormfront, whatever way they can avoid naming the Sup Forums they will always do it, replace russia with Sup Forums in all the news about "russia" and "hacking/influencing the election" and the picture becomes clear: it's safer to blame major nuclear regional world powers than it is to blame Sup Forums and condemn millions of clueless normies from wandering in and getting stuck here forever or overdosing on redpills

Got tired of seeing the same bullshit obviously lefty opinions everywhere, and Sup Forums offered opinions from the right. Of course you could shitpost and learn something back then; for the last year it's just been shitposting.

Getting IP banned everywhere else for standing up to racist niggers and their bullshit.

Rules for radicals.

Rules 3, 5 and 12 apply to this post.

>I make people cry when i speak IRL

Try brushing your teeth for once in your life, you disgusting fuck

are you even trying faggot?

this is the closest i get to social media.
i come here to see how the world is burning, and maybe poke it with a stick when i bored

>i can drive a car

you're more experinced than 80 percent of us


Wrong wrong and wrong

I suggest you kill yourself effective immediately

I was severely underweight towards the end of high school and I noticed my hairline starting to recede. I decided I wasn't going to be scrawny AND bald so I started lifting. I found /fit/ and browsed for about a year before I came to Sup Forums. I went from being a typical lefty millennial at 6'2 -145lb to a closet Nazi at 210lb.


>what made you come to this site?

Cuck friends getting mad if I didn't fall into the 'refugees are totally not a problem' line.

Gas kikes

Being still 20k in debt for a bullshit degree that took me way to long to figure out was designed specifically for that reason. Started to figure shit out when I started coming here, at least I know some truths about the world now.
>inb4 leaf

To laugh at people.

I'm a 26 year old neet and I was still able to get laid and have a relationship for 2 years.

Now I enjoy my solitude and laughing at posts here.

Interest in politics?
Unless you mean Sup Forums...In which case I came because a friend told me of Sup Forums.
We're not really friends anymore.

When I got paided by CTR and BlueShill to shit post.

curiosity. I stuck to /k/, /ck/ and Sup Forums for years before coming here. i like watching neets retards and actual nazis arguing over black people.

Someone on Sup Forums said this was where all the good tards migrated to. Stuck around because I'd rather read about this shit world all day than look at traps, fur, shota, loli and the never ending shouldn't share pics threads. Catalog ylyl from time to time. Also pol has nice infos I can drop around to make people more aware that they are living in a toilet.

Check out this blogpost faggots. I know some of you oldfags will relate. Ten years ago I hated the chans. I never visited but I was repulsed by the reports of gore, trolling, porn, and nonstop demotivationals. About a year later, I unwittingly became a vessel for regurgitating jokes and thoughtforms that were created by some of the OG creators of the finest dank memes. I didn't know then what I know now : that Sup Forums was and still is the single greatest meme factory known to mankind. The simple fact is that western internet pop culture adopted so much of Sup Forums's shit and pretended that it was indigenous to whatever site copied said content. By 2009 I was hooked to the finest youtube poops and memes (I'm your buttbuddy, benis, NO, mai boi, and lets not forget forced ones like gutsman's ass). The next year had me doing image macro posts on forums without me knowing the true origins of this penultimate form of expressing quality posts. I spent way too much time on ED, with absolute cognitive dissonance regarding the simple fact that I was already an admirer of crude chan culture. A few years later and also a few years into living with and fucking a landwhale, I caught up on gamergate as it happened. There was no going back from that point. While I could find little to relate with inside of normie culture, I found all the ties that bind us within your photoshops and pastas. If that wasn't enough, the redpills were simply too much to bear. I was woke before but never like this. I thought it was okay to let women parade around like they are always owed something. I shudder to think of how I used to try and relax around blacks. Now, like all of you, I am here forever.

bad sex, no friends, divorced parents

Fuck off nuewfag

Lack of righteousness in the world.


>Lack of sex
no, have gf i dont see how this would make you go to pol rather than r/incels
>no friends
yeah nah mate me and the boys go way back
>absent parents
ding ding ding mum an hero'd and dad is a criminal

>meme flag
>one post by this id
>attempting to demoralise us

Hmm looks like a shill trying to slide us

Did mum an hero because dads a criminal or is dad a criminal because mum an heroed

happened after they were divorced things unrelated issues