We need to kill everyone

how are we going to do it

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Biological weapons


what are you nordjews up to?

poison the food and water with fluoride, lead, xenoestrogens, microscopic plastics and sterilizing pesticides. then prescribe them overdoses of chinese opiates containing powerful horse tranquilizers for their ailments. by then the people will be so dumb they don't realize they are being culled.

Biological weapons in food producing regions. Let the disease and mass starvation drive WW3.

>tfw normies already found out our plan to kill them all

Continue to watch.

Nuke 2nd world country and start World War 3

>mass chaos everywhere
>people raiding homes and murdering others

How do you fair? Are you strong enough to fight without a gun?

biggest fucking bomb to blow up the whole surface

I'm hoping that global warming or yellowstone fucks everything up.

Fuck this gay earth and all life that dwells on it. Consciousness was a mistake.

But we did invent something good, like Yuri hentai porn in HD

What's the point? They just make more.

You can always start with yourself


memes of mass destruction


Nothing special, just busy collecting a million different types of seeds for when WW3 wipes out 95% of all agriculture worldwide.
How about you?

elect this fag

>mods leave this up but delete legitimate threads
really activates my deep neuron nuts

saged. end your life. tonight.

Weaponize the common cold to resist all medication

kek..... I see what you did there

Calm down Lucifer.


Let's comp 'em