The greatest nation on earth was mongrelized with spics and niggers just because Jews wanted to eliminate the possibility of another Nazi uprising.
Tfw you realize Jews forced immigration on the US to prevent another holocaust
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Typically Kikery. Don't act too surprised.
Um yeah? Obviously they want to prevent Nazis from happening again.
Too bad they're the ones creating them
Don't worry user, the yellow solution is coming
It is not the Jews, it is the Capitalist system the goyim worship so much.
Multiculturalism, woman's liberation, one race theory are good for business.
I'm a guy and I wanna get this just to fuck with people who go to anti-trump rallys.
I don't see it happening desu. Even if whites rise up, with 50% of the population they won't be able to do much.
>The greatest nation on earth was mongrelized
...centuries before any of that you garlic breath spaghetti bending dago fuckwit.
You underestimate the power of the white man.
If you're actually Italian then have pride in your heritage and strive to achieve what they did. There's been worse odds
Its not because of that.
They want no borders = only money in common
50% of population is enough to drag every Jew from his home and lynch him. Even if we lose, they must not win. I'd rather leave this planet to the east-Asians than the fucking Jews.
Watch this video.
A Jewish dude describes EXACTLY what you just said and the psychology behind the Jews who did this.
I kind of knew this but hearing it from him and Gilad Atzmon made me rage and deapair more than anything else. Reading Mein Kampf was a weak hit compared to this.
OP is literally right. The Hart-Cellar act was written by a Jew. You can't make this up.
>50% of population is enough to drag every Jew from his home and lynch him.
In theory, yes. In practice, most Americans are so deep into Christcuckery that defending Israel is an article of faith for them. Don't underestimate the Jewish power of complete media control.
I'm with you. If they think they can repopulate themselves with 14 million global jews, as long as there are 14 million Englishmen, Germans, Swedes, etc. then all of our nations can repopulate themselves under the same principals. Our ethnic history is MUCH longer and more contiguous (and therefore legitimate) than theirs.
As I get older, if it comes to it, I will support Iran and Hamas 100% (even support their islamism, if need be) in order to ensure that Israel gets nuked or gassed. They will pay for what they did to us, if not by us then by the muslim population.
Everyone at the ADL and SPLC are creating extremists orders of magnitude more dangerous and serious than the ones they're momentarily suppressing with their sly, greasy tactics.
it's probably true. remember that at the time during the beginning of the 20th century the usa had one of the best eugenics programs in the world. our program was so good that hitler copied it and said it greatly influenced how they created their eugenics program
stop talking you retarded australian subhuman. there's not a people more irrelevant than you. even subsaharan africa is more relevant than australia
>The greatest nation on earth
I am Jewish, I have nothing to shut down except capitalism.
If we want humanity to live 100 more years we need to at least make things like food a necessity and not a commodity.
>If we want humanity to live 100 more years we need to at least make things like food a necessity and not a commodity.
We can make humanity live another million years by killing all non-white people + jews.
>mongrelize Murrica with spics and nigs
>what would go wrong
>holocausted by spics in year 2045
History repeats, bro.
Yes, we need to control population.
Your ways are too extreme.
so then we need to rise up globally. in each and every nation, in unison.
>to stop "another" Holocaust
>end up causing a real Holocaust to occur in Amerikkka
Simple solution - turn Jews into fertilizer! Jews consume more and produce less anyways. Wouldn't you like to be a martyr for a great cause?
Wouldn't it just be easier for the jews to stop doing evil things that make people want to kill them?
Wouldn't it be easier for pigs to fly and fish to walk?
No I would like everyone to be, we live in a world that artificialy stimulates perpetual growth, and that's what is killing us.
People don't realise that to make a step forward sometimes we need to make a couple of steps back. Especialy not self absorbed, entitled amerimutts being the best goyim ever.
>Jews antagonize white people to avoid antagonizing white people
Oy gevalt, someone report this anti-semite to Zuckerberg before he gasses someone.
Ah, it's in your blood to want to kill goyim for some abstract cause that ends up benefiting only you in the end. You're a Jew alright!
>holocausted by spics
Yuri, have you even been to central/south America? We have nothing to fear from those mongrelized manlets. They're so organizationally inept it's hilarious. They aren't holocausting shit
Who spoke of killing anyone except you with your fertilizer ideas?
I am just smart enough to know that words have strenght and goyim means human cattle. A majority of people, and especialy brainwashed Amerimutts, have no agency. They are fed what they are given and they ask for more.
> you are what you eat
It is given to anybody to become enlightened. Being genocidal surely isn't the right path.
>goyim are soulles cattle who have no agency
>wtf why does he want me to be turned into fertilizer!?
Oh, my Jewish friend, I think you'll find that the goyim have an abundance of agency! Just you wait little kike :)
This is the only conspiracy about jews I know to be 100% true for 100% of all Jews.
Jews HATE nations, and LOVE empires. A nation is ONE race, ONE religion, ONE culture, ONE people, ALL working together for their own common good. In a true nation the separate, insular jew sticks out like a sore thumb and he instinctively feels exposed and vulnerable.
An empire is MANY races, MANY religions, MANY cultures, MANY peoples, each trying to fuck the rest over to gain temporary ascendancy. Jews feel safe in an empire because they are just one more faction trying to use the empire to fuck everyone else.
If you allow jews to gain ANY control of you NATION they will immediately seek to change you NATION into an EMPIRE. The problem is that while a nation can last for thousands of years, empires rarely last for a few centuries (and often much less than that). Once jews gain any power in your NATION, you either expel them, or your nation decays and dies.
I certainly am not scared of a mixed race degenerate obese limp dicked amerimutt.
For (you) anyway.
In America, most guns (500 million+) are mostly in the hands of Whites. Also to note; most non-whites are in cities and a lot depend on gibs. If an economic collapse were to happen, my region has habbits of growing food and hunting anyways.
Having trouble forming proper sentences there, aye Schlomo? Maybe it's the years of Jewish inbreeding. Gotta get that under control man!
Well i've been in Mexico City last autumn and in San Paolo three years ago. And it looks like spics are more organized human species than east Europeans (except maybe polyacks and russians) or finns.
You mean the lie of the Holohoax and the decades of anti-"Nazi" propoganda was engineered to destroy America.
America was always a mongrelised nation. It was a lost cause from the start
I am a half Jew and perfectly fine with being a mutt, try again.
what is your solution?
>inb4 gomunism
Yes, because a little bit of goyim blood outdoes centuries of Jewish mother-fucking? Yes, goyim blood IS superior. However, it's not good enough to unfuck your genetics up lol!
I am a Jew and I can tell you, you need to stop believing propaganda.
Sorry man, i see no other way but to make a gommunist branch of our system.
Food needs to become a necessity, not a commodity, other humanity is finished in 100 years.
Arable soil will die out,
Fishes will choke to death,
And wastes will just keep on accumulating.
For the rest like luxuries and everyday stuff, I don't mind capitalism.
I talked about it there.
It is towards the end if you are not scared to read.
>a smaller amount of white people can't win from a large number of shitskins
>what is literally all of European history
Race is not important. Genes are.
There is Jewish goyim. It is a state of being, it is not something that can't be overcomed.
And another thing.
Jews have been racemixing for millenias; this is why we have jews of every colour.
You're right, centuries of Jewish inbreeding can not be overcome - UNLESS Jews are turned into fertilizer.
TFW you realize america forced immigration on Europe by being mongoloid-tier geostrategists.
>that pic
tell me more
>t. doesn't live in America
Arguably the jew's biggest mistake was reviving American patriotism in the populace, all it takes is the right words and a few videos and the lolbertarians and fence sitters are full fledged nazis
Look for the post n° on archive 4plebs, the post following it, by an aussie I believe, is really thought provoking.
what about muzzies in france though? if they take over their army they will just nuke israel instantly
This pic sums it up perfectly. Some jews do this intentionally, but even apolitical anti-zionist and secular jews do this instinctively. "Acceptance" of alien cultures and races (for us) is practically ingrained in jewish DNA.
Are you saying race is unrelated to genetics?
>i'm perfectly fine with being a mutt
>trying to use Amerimutt as an insult
Jesus you dumb kikes don't even try so stay consistent. Must be all that shitskin khazar blood you have, don't have the cognitive functions to maintain a lie or even a string of banter. Have no fear, high IQ Aryan men such as myself will soon remove you from this life so you do not have to suffer as you do any longer.
so if you are an average jew (not part of the elites) has your brain been "hacked" as well?
No, but within races there are different castes, classes. You will have a hard time seeing it in Africa because of the reproduction techniques they employ.
But in India for example, you will have families of dark skinned people who have intermarried within they caste/class for century therefore stimulating the survival of "intelligent genes" over "dumb genes". And the opposite stands for lower castes. It basicaly is a sort of "not so natural" natural selection.
In Europe we have done the same but it is a class mentality, where people are given more lineancy as the meritocracy allows for fluidity.
Race is not a bother, demographic trends are.
So you're telling me that holocaust was real?
You must be a Jew. Kill all Jews and their collaborators.
Just because I feel alright being myself doesn't mean I can't have fun feeding off the butthurt of the 56%.
Everyone is.
Knowledge is power, stay skeptic, and read.
>Europe will not survive
HOW? We might have more wars with each other that were started because of juice in the first place? It's like people don't even read at all much less in-between the lines.
...and they holocausted themselves through miscegenation. Hahahahaha
>high IQ Aryan men such as myself
Oh child, it wasnt to STOP a holocaust....
This is why they are urgently trying to get us to hand power over via diversity quotas. By the time people wake up the entire army, police force, govt will be muslim.
>The Berlin Police Academy seems to have lost control of its recruits, now that at least half of them are Arab or Turkish Muslims. From a secret recording, we learn: “Not only are these Muslim recruits rude, ignorant, and inarticulate, they are violent and constantly threatening to beat up the instructors. They will never be our colleagues, they are the enemy.”
Use this instead
>french jew
Is there any breed of rat worse than this?
It's almost as if you ask for it...
Nice meme. Applies quite well to you. Get gassed kike.
I am not claiming around I am white.
I am myself and that is enough.
You've all been consumed by identity politics.
my sister today said she was thinking of dating a goddamn nigger. i told her she'll end up a single mother. at that point i realized israel must be nuked from orbit and i also lost all hope for the future.
>tfw it's backfiring, and kikes are causing mongrols to become nazis
>tfw America will have the most diverse group of nazis in the world
>tfw kikes figured out how to make everyone get along by hating a common enemy
>implying the holocaust happened as they say
It's about (((their))) globalist agenda. They want to run a prison planet of border-less, race-less, culture-less, identity-less, subdued sheep. They make up less than 1% of the world's population, yet look at all they control from the world's finances to the media that brainwashes us.
In short, they use the entertainment and news media to encourage globalism and to discourage nationalism and traditional western values. They distort and lie about the past and present in that effort.
The truth about immigration, by the numbers:
Why people are afraid of the facts about the Jews:
Cultural Marxist Jews Admit Organizing White Genocide
The plan to eliminate the white race:
Cultural Marxism & Social Justice explained:
Why are we in decline - Cultural Marxism:
The Jewish role in the refugee crisis:
White Genocide is real - In their own words
Leftist subversion explained by former KGB agent Yuri Bezmenov:
also see
The facts about slavery in North America:
Cultural Marxist Jews fund media propaganda against whites on an enormous scale:
The Jewish role in the porn industry:
Does this sound familiar at all? (starting at 6:52)
The Holocaust:
Yeah and it would have worked too but they went way overboard.
we went from 90 percent to fucking 56. it's gotten worse since the 60s (((immigration))) act. fucking kikes. goddamn them all.
There was a post or comment/ screencap last night- re Kalergi Plan, I think about this very thing.
Bullshit. kys