*blocks your bigotry*

*blocks your bigotry*

Other urls found in this thread:


*kills a national pastime as a result*

>Jumps over
Nothing personal, pox

>and still out of the league

*loses your dream job*

*takes your job*

Silly Basketball Americans


>abandoned by black father
>raised by white adoptive family
>hates white people

At least Jews have triple-digit IQs, are civilized, and we can forcibly assimilate them a la the Spanish Inquisition. Every single registered Democrat coon like Kaepernick gets the gas, that is, 90% of them.

What are these niggers even protesting against?

While they are doing that we are doing this, breeding the attractive ones

I wud bend knee for her that’s for sure.

Got tired of trolling in the holohoax thread?

they think they shouldnt stand for the anthem of a 'nation that discriminates against them'

Like how so?

While they are playing a sport that is like 90% black guys

Literally blocking nothing. Just a bunch of disrespectful cunts.


7-25 in the last two seasons

get good faggots. just kneeling because they cant win



These niggers get paid hundreds of millions of dollars to play sports

They'll use anything they can. Anything to blame their problems on something other than the fact that blacks have low IQ and can't function in a white society.


>hundreds of millions

avg salary is 1.9 mil per year and the average career is 3.3 years and ends in brain damage

are you jealous of a nigger that retards his brain for 6 million dollars?

*be a nigger*

I mean, it's better than torturing your already retarded niggerbrain with crack or meth and ending up in jail without $6 million...

i would rather be in jail with my mind intact and penniless than have a few mil and be functionally retarded and angry all the time from repeated concussions

most of them end up bankrupt within a few years... so they turn into a welfare nigger with more retarded brain then he started with!

>niggers have anything resembling an intact brain

Well, that's your problem right there.

And while making more in a year than most people will see in decades.

*doesnt even understand how cucked this action is*
*literally kneels before the emperor*

also, sage.

I dont watch apes play a game
that was meant for children. so....
they aint blockin shit.

This is so fucking cringey. Even if you disregard all your politial opinions, it's fucking cringey.

>The average amount of time the ball is in play on the field during an NFL game (handegg) is about 11 minutes.

>In other words, if you tally up everything that happens between the time the ball is snapped and the play is whistled dead by the officials, there's barely enough time to prepare a hard-boiled egg. In fact, the average telecast devotes 56% more time to showing replays.

>So what do the networks do with the other 174 minutes in a typical broadcast? Not surprisingly, commercials take up about an hour. As many as 75 minutes, or about 60% of the total air time, excluding commercials, is spent on shots of players huddling, standing at the line of scrimmage or just generally milling about between snaps.

Colin cancer keapernick reportedly left america to find his roots in his birth country.

Good, niggahs, good! Kneel before your King!

Did you know that the national anthem at football games was only introduced something like 20 years ago as a way of trying to boost military recruitment? It's pure propaganda and should be scrapped.


america is a meme country

America = fag mongrel nigger cuck country

Pol needs to realize.
NFL is part of the storm but Trump just needed to triiger them.....the rest was cruise control.

NFL crimes have been charted, and are currently up to 1 per week.

Arrests range from wife beating to drunk driving to weapon no liscence / in car.

Bill the Butcher is what every American man should aspire to be.
As a filthy limey bastard may I salute your bloodlust in true anglo tradition and hatred and violence toward potato paddy filth in your lands.
God speed America it's up to you now to save us.

>Le black QB meme
It's like people don't know that only one black quarterback has ever won a Superbowl. Russell Wilson doesn't count.

Is "Why" it started really important if it represents something greater now?


God it must be great to have an African American girl to fuck I bet their slave ancestry makes them naturally crave and submit to white penis.
>ywn hatefuck and choke a gollywog bitch while you colonise her womb with aryan seed

All I want to do is assert white supremacy with my bellend is that so wrong?

*doesnt hire you*


Its always the half-breeds.

Meanwhile the MLS is blowing up.


So you're also an unemployed nigger? Sounds about right.

More like “blocks their own paycheck”

>Coming from a brainwashed Turk-roaching thinking he is greek

Don't forget the one hood nigger who was running a dogfighting ring.

Take the nigger out of the hood but you can't take the hood out of a nigger.

>Sold by other niggers in Africa and came to USA
>Claim slavery keeps them opressed
>Express African heritage
>Can go back to Africa but don't for some reason (Who would have thought)

Mexicans in background:
>Went to USA to get the American dream
>Happy to be in the USA
>Actually place their hand over their heart

Burgers should just put all their money into Ice-Hockey. Niggers can't play it and they can take the one thing leafs have to be proud of.

>>Sold by other niggers in Africa and came to USA
>>Claim slavery keeps them opressed
>>Express African heritage

Not quite correct:
>Sold by other niggers in Africa
>Shipped to the colonies by the British and Spanish
>Claim slavery keeps them opressed
>Express African heritage

the USA didnt exist when the fuckers were brought here by the asshole british aristocrats & King George 3'rds buddies.

And this is much how the Dominican Republic was created.
