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soy boy cuckadian

Yes meat is bad for you. Would you like more salad with your sugar honey?

if you don't eat meat you are just as bad as a soyboy, and low test

what if i have red meats on occasion but mainly eat fish/potatoes other veggies?

I only eat red meat like once a week and it's perfectly enough. I wouldn't even want more if it wasn't unhealthy.

This thread is obviously more about fast food, which is a huge problem, especially with families of low socioeconomic value.

Yes, eating meat every day for sustained periods of time is not ideal but neither is cutting out meat completely.

A balance must be struck.

how does one not eat meat? :(
i need high ammounts of energy

>this triggers the soyboy

Why would you put raw beef on a bun?

Cringe. Better to live a week as a real man than a thousand years a vegan.

muh culture

Do you grill it

its pork and delicious

portion size and macronutrient proportions you fucking moron
pay attention to the nutrition science from the last couple decades instead of bullshit vegan memes

It looks raw though, why is it on bread when it's raw

Polish version is better, raw beef grinded very vinely with onions and sour gherkin

mmm extra parasitic

no you eat it raw. meat quality in germany is really good

you fucking dipshit
is right
calories in/calories out and macros you degenerate

because it is raw and it's good. it's not for faggots though so i can imagine why an australian soyboy such as yourself would find issue with it

Uh, you know the risk mostly exist in shitholes countries right ? Here it's 99% safe to eat raw meats

yum, tapeworms, my favorite seasoning!

White countries have very low rates of cardiovascular deaths compared to others. The US isn't even that bad compared to China and Russia. Hell if you removed le 44% from the US it'd be one of the lowest in the world. US is actually fucked from cancer though so sure, maybe.

I mostly eat chicken, almost everyday, am I fine?

>raw meat is bad

... Well except where I'm currently at.
Dreaming of steak tartare thanks to this thread now.

10 - 15 years is a short amount of time to develop that shit unless its really heavily consumed.

Even cigarettes dont give you cancer or other diseases for like, 20 - 30 years +

That's fucking stupid. Just don't eat soy and don't eat excessive amounts of meat.

Dying from cancer is a hallmark of non-shit countries.

Many kids die before 20 or something here.

tartare is not raw

>poor fags reporting all over

YES!!! Meat marmalade!
inb4 why would you eat raw pork?
because its fucking gooood!

he ate all that & waited 10 years for a problem...wish i could accomplish that

t. soy boys

hey, is there a common cut used for tartare?


Sure tartare is raw. It's seasoned minced meat and thats it.


Id rather eat meat and live 10 years less and be stonk mang with muscles.

Additionally there is a difference between 'meat' from maccas and cooking a home steak with some veggies. In recent years its also been proven that dietary cholesterol and saturated fat (ie eggs) =/= higher blood cholesterol

mfw I can't afford to eat red meat

Meat consumption is not necessarily unhealthy, its the sugar content, saturated fats, processing and chemicals that are the actual problem.

Combined all of these and you get fast food.

>yuropeans eat uncooked burgers

pick one

Are you retarded?

With great difficulty I would imagine.
I went meatless for about 5 weeks.
It honestly wasn't bad for the first few weeks.
Sure I craved meat but nothing to note.
Around the 4th week, I started feeling pain in the bones of my arms and legs.
No problem. I'm probably just tired from work. I'll take an aspirin.
It only gets worse. By the 5th week the pain is so bad that I'm out of breath all the time and sweating constantly.
It finally dawns on my stupid American brain that my bone pain was probably due to an abrupt change in diet.
Go get a burger and pretty much instantly feel better.

It turns out that I wasn't getting nearly enough protein on the vegetarian diet

That's not to say that vegetarian diets are inherently bad, I just planned my diet poorly.


How the fuck do you even fuck up a burger?
Where's the fucking bread?

>The disease is relatively common in Africa, some parts of Eastern Europe, the Philippines, and Latin America
might be retarded

or maybe

just lucky enough to live in a non-poopchute of a coutry


is it luck or a privilege, if you're a honkey person?

>This parasite is found anywhere where beef is eaten, even in countries such as the United States, with strict federal sanitation policies. In the US, the incidence of infection is low, but 25% of cattle sold are still infected.[5]

Cant even decide if retarded or just shitposting.

t. not a commie

That's one of the best videos Watson has made lately.

t. soyboy

Too lean. You need to throw some red meat in there. The fat in red meat is good for you. Same for fish. If you eat chicken, eat the skin, too.

The best you can afford. You want a good solid piece of sirloin, with decent marbling. Anything you'd cook as a good steak will do, but the better cuts of meat have better flavor.

Too far, we do that with beef but eating raw pork is retarded.

It sure triggers soyboys.

>not recommending game meat, wild fish or at the very least, range-raised livestock

>if it wasn't unhealthy
It's not unhealthy fucking retard, it's literally the healthiest food human beings can possibly eat

The fuck is that flag, phoneposting

Not bad as long as it's fished from non-polluted areas. A lot of fish contain pollutants (metals etc) which are fairly harmless if you eat fish 2-4 times per month, but can be harmful if you eat it daily.

>meat once a week is perfectly
jesus christ hans, you probably have the same t levels as your women. No wonder they are inviting hordes of foreign men into your country.

>In recent years its also been proven that dietary cholesterol and saturated fat (ie eggs) =/= higher blood cholesterol

The complete opposite has been found, you ignorant faggot. Eggs are not a concern for cholesterol, and the bad cholesterol is made in your body, it's not ingested. Dietary fat is healthy, unless you're ingesting large amounts of trans-fats, which encourages and is needed for the body to create the bad cholesterol. I'd go into detail, but I doubt you'd understand it.

Fun Fact: a ketogenic diet is being prescribed more and more to naturally reduce LDL (bad cholesterol) in the bloodstream. ie. eating meat with dietary fat.

Oh shit my nigger is that some motherfucking Mett on Brotchen rolls? I move to Germany next year for 3 years and I can't wait to eat that shit all day. I will miss my guns though. And Freedom.

Its sad that the destiny of an American white man is perfectly described in this picture in just a few words. You know your country is on its path to getting dominated when most of your population have a fatter ass than my two cows I own who are fed more food than starving daughter. When my country will be ruling the landscapes of the world idk wtf you guys would be useful for.

With the way the world is going, I doubt I'll want to live another 50 years. It'll be into the suicide booth for me after a tasty meal of soylent green.

Meat makes you impotent.

>durr retard retard
seriously can't recall a case where a person gets a gutworm from beef in finlan

Fucking Big Mac, Hot Dogs vs Prosciutto and dry ham? Really? Dumb propaganda!

Game meat is too lean. You want cows fattened on grass, for good marbling.

Inuits, who live off game meat, have to supplement their meals with seal and whale blubber, because game has little fat. There's nothing wrong with venison, it's fucking delicious, but you need good sources of fat/blubber.

Wild fish is a no-brainer. Tilapa? Fuck you. Give me river caught Alaskan salmon. Farmed salmon is shit.

CAR. Central African Republic

Soy boys.

just eat eggs lmao


Reminder this guy has eaten 30,000+ big macs since 1972 and will live longer than your average soy boy like OP

I fucking love it, too. It's real, the numbers don't lie. I laid off soy years ago when research was showing a potential link between soy and brain damage - which would explain a lot. Plus, when you actually research it, soy is used to replace perfectly healthy ingredients, because of agendas from vegans, and to promote the soy industry.
Read your labels, boys. Soy is like fructose syrup, it's in everything these days, if it's processed.

OP's pic is right, those noodles and buns are really bad for your heart.

Btw, heart disease is caused by excess carbs, not protein, fat, or cholesterol..

Yeah, specially handled meat that is not ground, and not pork. Anyway, good luck with the trichinosis

Have fun with your bitch tits, Soy Boy.

keto is the only redpilled diet

>tartare is not raw
>burger education


We never ate soy for anything. I bought some soybeans a few times over the years as a snack, until Sup Forums posted articles about soy turning men gay a few months back.

I just enjoy this new information. Seeing it all being visible because of the people who linked all the soyboys liberalism and faggotry to their proven soy consumption.

I am so glad I was raised by the silent generation and in the mid west.

That's some uncommon.

I don't think there has been a case of this in American since the 80s.

I will, they will save me a lot of money and aggravation not having to deal with real bitches.

>You need to throw some red meat in there. The fat in red meat is good for you.
for red meat + dairy products you gotta make 400% sure they didn't pump hormones into the cow

>Game meat is too lean.

Get some nice boar piglets.

Nobody has ever died healthy. Ever.

Why are people so defensive about their unhealthy diets. Most people eat utter shit, especially Americans. If you just eat more vegetables, less giant greasy shit burgers and exercise more you've already reduced your risk of heart disease more than 95% of people.

Stop trying to convince yourself that stuffing your fat mouths with kilos of fat and sugar is making you into a high test alpha male. Most of the soy boys are as out of shape and pathetic looking as the average tween Sup Forums user.

How do I give up fast food lads? Even if i have good food in the fridge i go and eat take away. Do i need a qt gf to cook for me?

Rare, but still there, especially if that is the way you like your meat.

Stop being a lazy piece of shit. Take some responsibility for your future self and your offspring.

>especially Americans
>Heart disease is no longer the leading cause of death in USA
>now, it's... ehem, drug overdose.

Its not the greasy burgers that give you heart disease. Its the carbohydrates.

>eat shitloads of meat
>also shitloads of veg, fish, dairy and fruit
Woah dude balanced diet lmao

The only non-processed food that is nutrientless is fucking bread. And you should be avoiding "food" with tons of unnatural ingredients. I don't even eat food with "added vitamins" either (unless its just marketing and the food naturally has it anyway)

I eat home-baked chicken and a salad for lunch every day and my co-workers (all women) give me so much shit about it. I pull out my lunch box and every day I hear someone laugh and go "there goes user again being healthy" while they scarf down hotdogs and hush puppies as fast as they can.

Takes about a week or two to get over the carb/sugar cravings. Just man up and get over it. Most if it is habit and comfort food.

Learn to cook yourself. It's not hard, the basics are easy. It's a hell of a lot cheaper, too. A big help is a slow cooker/crock pot, stew and soup is fucking easy to make. You should only shop in the outside aisles of the store - fresh meat, vegetables, and fruit. Limited dairy. If you eat bread, buy whole wheat. Start reading labels, if it has white flour, fructose syrup, sugar, trans fats, soy, or loads of preservative, don't buy it.

Over time, your tastebuds will recover (all those carbs and fructose syrup and shit dull your sense of taste), and you'll start to love the taste of vegetables and meat - with no cheese sauce, maybe a little salt and pepper. Fast food will start to taste like shit. Your energy levels will return, and if you backslide, you'll feel like shit for a day, reminding you not to eat it. Soon you'll crave real food. I did all this years ago - growing up, if you told me I'd crave cauliflower, or spinach, I'd say you were fucking nuts - but I do!

>not being /fit/

Fat people will always criticise healthy people just like lazy people will always criticise those who work harder than them. It wouldn't even bother me if someone said I was being healthy

I have zero fat or lazy friends, it just makes no sense to interact with them at all

>its pork
That's even worse...

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