Why do Americans get so salty about the 56% meme?
Why do Americans get so salty about the 56% meme?
Because the truth hurts
because truth hurts
Why do you?
Why are muslims running trains on your 14 year old white girls?
>tfw when Luxembourg is the only country that is no meme
weak faggots
>60% of newborns in Luxembourg are of extra EU origin
le 40% face soon
>britain 92%
>americano 56%
overused and it's not very funny. it really shit up the quality of the board. at least the race baiting threads have died down a bit.
because it's not even true lol
not american btw
but they are white
Probably because it's part of a D&C campaign.
Says the faggot in a nation full of faggots, even the golden one is at best, a larping white knight. You are finished.
The surge of newfags need a meme of their own.
because it is stupid and is based on a logical fallacy unlike every other image in your little vertical there, bongboi
TOP quality memery OP!
Non-mutts find it funny. Truth hurts, that’s why you don’t.
not salty about the meme, salty about what is happening and how our country is being given away
the only thing about the meme is that some international posters seem to genuinely think that whites in the USA are not "ethnically pure" or "ethnically fully white". the reason for this, i presume, is that they're so used to racially homogenous societies that they don't understand that here in the USA, even though we have a "diverse" population, we generally don't mix. blacks live in black areas, whites live in white areas, mexicans live in mexican areas. some states like more than 95% white. the only places where whites and blacks and mexicans actually all mix are in a few coastal urban centers, and even then there is still very little miscegenation and real social interaction beyond courtesy on the street.
even the multiculti loving "white liberals" here in the USA are famous for living in cities and pretending to be "urban" but not actually wanting anything to do with blacks or "minorities" in their personal lives
but i will say multiculturalism fucking sucks europe, save yourselves. learn from the god damn joos did to us and don't let it happen to yourself
nice meme
I love making fun of my country and the 56% forced memes are definitely a left group just shilling up the board.
They have the same quality as the old hilldog memes where theyre so fucking bad they are good for how bad they are.
>Sup Forums finally strikes back against the eternal burger spamm ad hominem that is destroying the level of discourse slowly since 2-3 years
>Why do Americans get so salty over becoming another Latin American banana republic instead of the near-paradise it otherwise would be
Gee, this might take a genius...
>britain 92%
Everyone that have visited Britain knows this is biggest lie ever told to the public
Also this, wanna-be white "I'm only 1/4 black/asian/native" mutts are obviously butt blasted by that.
it's not even 56% it's higher but euroniggers can't do maths
i think it's funny but also a bit forced by how much it was spammed, it needs time to breathe and evolve and become something highly exploitable
the meme itself is racist as fuck and does point out the inevitable end goal of the jews and their miscegenation plans that have been (((forced into action))) upon the goy already, no reason not to love it aside from stagnation when you spam the same thing, i like the idea of using shit like orcs and trolls and zombies and visibly turkic werewolves, makes for a lot of opportunity for fresh hand mspainted OC
>sweden 83%
>america 56%
>sweden 110 000 muslims
>america 2934000 muslims
u wont find a country with a smaller white majority than america
It's 56% if we include the 20 - 40 million illegal immigrants.
>As a result of the 2011 census the White British population stood at 51,736,290 (81.9%of the UK total population).
>The percentage of non-Hispanic white people in the U.S. population has reached an all-time low:63%. That is 197.7 millionwhite people out of313.9 millionAmericans.
50 mil vs 200 mil. ratios differ but still 4x as many
trump is deporting them
Naaa, I love it when America gets shit on. If you can't take the banter then leave. But let's be honest here, the quality of the meme is pretty terrible. The fact that you're paying the bill for 50 kids' sex changes a week? THAT is funny.
The rest of the world is just glad they found something to dogpile onto. There's really no denying it's a pretty effective shill tactic and has honestly ruined a lot of debates. The difference is it washes off us like water.
Are you retarded? This board has been under constant attack over the past few weeks. It's Americs vs Europe, Nord vs Med, Christian vs non-Christian, anti-slav threads, etc.
These posts all appear in massive clusters, with up to a dozen a day for periods of about 4 to 5 days, before they switch themes.
This isn't the normal banter between countries that goes on around here, but a dedicated campaign.
For fuck's sake, if you had an IQ bigger than your shoe size, you should be able to recognize such an obvious pattern.
In our wildest dreams. He's a puppet like all the rest. There's no hope to change the ship's course away from the iceberg when it's already sliding against it.
Shut up aquafresh no one even thinks about you
Because we're not much different than what you used to be. Except boarders were decided by the state.
despite being deformed, one can't help but appreciate their inquisitive nature
i think its funny
its also all youve got
None of these national memes are paticularly funny and they always shit up the board and destroy any discussions. Discussions are already fucked thanks to everyone - yanks especially - flinging shitty poo-in-loo, bin-that-knife, achmed, swedecucks, france-is-black, etc memes left and right as some kind of counter-argument instead of actual fucking discussion.
Weirdly though, the amerimutt one is the only one that suddenly makes yanks scream that nation memes aren't funny and board quality is going down and it must be some big evil conspiracy and concentrated D&C campaign, before that though, it was all just fun and games and part of board culture.
You don't get to shit up the board and then complain the board is shit.
because the CIA actually created a semi-successful meme for once and are pushing it like fucking crazy
someone post the scary youtube video
I dont even know how you can compare Muslims to niggers, niggers in are way more dangerous than any Muslim. All their crime in unreported too. 1 happening every few weeks vs thousands of daily muggings, murders, car jacking, robberies, race mixing, dilution of the all non nigger races due to jew media pushing race mixing with them.
Shills and bots like to pretend to be salty because it get's a rise out of you.
Because it's simply not accurate.
Our demographics have been irrevocably shattered but we're not nearly as miscegenated as you believe.
With the exception of the recent rapefugee craze is our capitol city my entire state is comically huwhite.
You are aware of those Mexican, Turk or Indian soap operas were the actors all look quite Caucasian and "white" compared to the rest of population?
Same applies to America.
Your "whites" look weird. Not all ofcourse, but out of those 200mil many will have some mixture giving them weird facial features
just like us euros, we get annoyed when they call us muhammad and talk about "refugees". these are just exaggerations
Fuck off. You're probably the one who's been spamming a dozen of these a day. Notice the flag in all of these threads, and this is just a tiny portion of the ones posted in the time frame in the picture.
The problem isn't the meme, it's the fact that it's being spammed to such a ridiculous degree. No one has anything to gain by doing that other than shills.
Because atleast the others make sense, the mutt meme is too forced and implies that half our population is some kinda ugly mixed garbage.
It pisses us off the way it should piss yurops off. The real question is why you're all so accepting of the rampant illegal immigration in your countries. Every comment from foreigners about the issue is always "just kill me" or "please let me move to ____ country ;(((((((". You just give up.
I've traveled through Europe. Long before soyboy was a meme your standard white European was an effete, emaciated, manbag carrying limpwrist because it's fashionable. You couldn't fight foreign invaders if your country depended on it. Oh wait.
By all means continue to lash out at our high number of mexicans (That are being deported en masse) while 3rd worlders and muslims from every corner of the planet invade your homes.
Even though the USA has been the international laughingstock for the past half century at least they could say they were a white nation. Now they don't even have that going for them.
56% meme is CIA, spread it.
woah buddy those are some tense words there
don't be absurd
bin those words
but if you don't think the amerimutt shillings are anything but subversion, you are wrong; the drawings were released in one giant dump in a few threads. like it or not, this board is deeply tied in American politics; there's been leakers, people in the Whitehouse posting, that one nurse/medic reporting on all the weird shit going down in the hospital when seth rich got shot, etc. And Britain, as for alot of European countries seems to have bitten the bullet as far as "acceptance" and "equality". you have been already beaten into submission; no nationalism,no arms, a liscence to buy alot of things, cameras etc. We may be infested with kikes, but from personal experience with dealing with niggers, the American people are legitimately getting tired of it. There is absolutely no trust in the news anymore, sexual allegations against whoever they stick to are coming up, racism is rising as blacks and whatever colors literally call for the death of whites every day on every normie social media, while the owners of the outlets look the other way.
what I'm getting at is, a good lot of the regular people are pissed off, they aren't tame like it seems in Britain, but it's not as bad as in Britain yet as far as homogeny goes. This massive dump of mutt pics is just another drop in the bucket. I don't give a fuck about the banter, it is in good fun, and the amerifat meme is true, I see people like that every day, but there has been a huge increase in the mutt shilling, and it's important to recognize it for what it is.
To be fair when has an indian ever contributed anything meaningful to a discussion?
So, what is the US equivalent of Malmo?
Because it hits too close to home. It's extra spicy.
>saving posts because they were made by Canadians
I knew Ameriblubbers were obsessed with us but this is a new level of envy.
It's not the meme. It's old and not really funny. It's a bad meme that's being used to raid the board. I'm not even American. I go outside and it looks like Raqqa and I come in here and we're pretending it isn't turning into Syria/Pakistan outside.
You are delusional if you don't lol hard at amerimutt memes. Every new face I make sure to save, they are for sure the next rare market. Please Eurobros, bless me with some OC orcs so that I might fill my mutt folder with valuable rares.
miami, los angeles, san francisco, all california. all state capitals on west coast, east coast and old csa. all east coast major citites
Removed non-human filth, they were ruining the image by implying that anyone should feel at all sympathetic to the wretches.
At least two of those are not American.
>How many people are in Latvia?
>Out of that 1,209,401 are ethnic Latvians
We could probably scrape together enough actual ethnic Latvians here are simulate your country desu
>Mexican soap operas
>198 million "non Hispanic" whites
sure we look weird to Europe because we are fat European mutts for the most part. I'm Italian, English, German, Norwegian, Irish, Bulgarian, polish, Scottish, Macedonian and yet I'm none of those things, and don't larp as any of them. I can play the accordion though. and got that Scandinavian height which is nice :)
We really are euromutts though, except for a few places that have lived there since they settled there, and still keep thing how they've been. My dad grew up in a nice Italian town, and there's a town near me, Brussels that the older folks still speak fluent German, and teach their kids. I only met my great grandmother once, my dad's Grandma, but she spoke Norwegian, and it was the coolest thing to hear her talk with my grandparents. these pockets do exist, but like on this board, they are being subverted
Because it's bad statistics? The average american if boiled down and cast into a single human form would be indeed 56% but that doesn't mean the actual white's in this country are 56% i have 1 non white ancestor in my family tree, one of my great-great-greatgrands was a native american. That makes me 1/32nd native american, the rest is almost entirely irish and anglo, and i only say almost because I haven't done a dna kit yet, but that is my family line. I am 96.875% white.
RIP america
It's offensive to 44% of Americans.
Any major city, many large towns as well
Feel free to compare, numbeo.com
>You are finished.
burgers will be on the receiving end on the day of the rope
And i care what the memeflag says, why? Or assuming you're actually in Spain, I care for you irrelevant opinion on "whiteness", again, why?
Many times. I used to enjoy talking with Indians here and they were usually quite nice and intelligent until Amerimutt kikes drove them away.
I don't know. The meme sucks anyway
hehe... giggles..... i see that someone understands the effects and don't want it..... (translation).... ***giggles***
where did these posts go?
the haha*fart* tihihi posts?
I would much rather have Indian posters back than continue to deal with burgermutts, we need to do our part to make it clear that it's okay for them to post and they can join in with us to push out the mutts
stealing ur meme
white americans aren't salty about it because we know and we see the mutts all the time. we're salty about our country turning brown not about the meme.
but most asian countrys dont add anything to the discussion, japan and south korea always add some irrelevant comment or bad joke, indians only derail the conversation, and the rest of asia nwver really posts, the most interesting posts come from gadsen ancap of gay flags.
that's because amerisharts come in and start insulting Indians every time they show up, we need to do the same with them, whenever a burger posts we need to start posting amerigoblins until they stop coming here altogether
It's been this way since /IOTBW/. I guess it pissed off the civnats.
>dumb monkeys from reddit derail the conversation
>to counter this we need to derail conversations even further
could accually work, if everything is just a shitfest people might accually think about how to have a productive conversation
Will be fun to se joint command for french and say bulgarian troops.
Every other word over the radio will be some version of "say again. No understant"
and when have amerifats every contributed a decent conversation anyway, we won't be losing anything worthwhile
reminds me of something similar for that truck ramming incident in new york....
msm: (not verbatim) this is the risk that people will have to get use to for the sake of diversity...
msm followup : Pole show that 1 out of 3 american would rather the risk that diversity bring than being called a racist.....
yeah right.... sheer trickery.... with fake numbers..... how tricky are we eh?!?!... people are seing thru your deception....
Because it's the first anti-american meme that's really got staying power. Calling us burgers isn't really an insult, and shart in mart was just a weaker derivative of poo in loo. Le 56% face is visibly original and explicitly insulting along the lines of an issue Sup Forums most values.
Well, I say it has staying power but it's really new to the last few weeks or so. We'll see.
>but if you don't think the amerimutt shillings are anything but subversion, you are wrong
These posts are funnier than the meme itself. Delicious, hypocritical butthurt.
after years of STRUGGLE /pol found some strange looking mixing race baby and turned it in to a meme?
there's a good reason murica is hated worldwide
he is not even ugly because in general most of babies ugly but he is just very unusual looking, nobody notice chinese babies or black babies becouse people get used to them
for example british royal family
noble blood of kings, how attractive is their dauther?
Americans were always weakest bitches of them when it comes to Sup Forums. And yes, it's pretty darn obvious that retards who scream shills and D&C aren't white themselves. Also no, nobody is shilling anything, it's literally a meme made to counter smug Americlaps who constantly shit on Europe while being part of the problem - one could even say that they're root of the problem. Every time you leave a butthurt response about it you invite more anons to spam threads about it and create more oc. At the end of the day Sup Forums is all about schadenfreude.
It's 56% it's just that all American Jewish censuses consider white-Mexican mutts "white".