Are you aware that there are videos on Youtube that are generated from machine learning algorithms to optimize in...

Are you aware that there are videos on Youtube that are generated from machine learning algorithms to optimize in getting kid's attention?

The videos are utter nonsensical garbage of flashing lights and 3d models doing unintelligible things, but if one ends up getting a lot of views, then the next generation of videos emphasizes it.
>5 million views
>20 million views

An entire generation is going to grow up watching absolute nonsense in their most formative years (actual nonsense this time, not mindless cartoon produced with some semblance of a plot like previous generations)

Other urls found in this thread:

My niece literally spent hours watching this shit, had to spend an entire afternoon to blacklist it.
What in the actual fuck seriously ?

Hahaha yeah, the fucking garbage on goytube is really bad, no kid should be left alone to watch it.

It's gonna be parents complaining that ends this. Complain to Disney, to YouTube, to advertisers.

Most parents just have no idea.

but how could the ai jew create videos? even if they are fucking retarded

how do you do that, pastanig?

Hey i like this shit tho


notice how that shekelstein comes into save them? is it jew programming to get kids to accept goldsteins medical injections?


when i was a kid i found out if you flip over enough rocks you might find bugs or worms underneath them. the bigger the rock the more likely it was to have better loot under it. i dont know if i liked it because i thought i would find something gross or because i didnt know what i would find. i think these vids are playing on the kids innate curiosities but they are malicious and lead them down a path of degeneracy on purpose.

This is why you should like anime, faggots. Anybody who calls anyone a fucking weeb after this shit needs to be shot and have their kids shot too. Tell your niglet to watch Psycho-pass or they'll end up watching this instead.

they're better than anything on kikelodeon

Make up an account and fuck with it until it never shows up this crap and only proper cartoon clips, and link it to your PC as well so you can do some "maintenance" to be sure.
It's not a real blacklist but that's what you have to work with, youtube is too busy blacklisting alternative facts after all.

just a random hung but could these videos be triggering MKultra children?

that sounds like a good idea
from what I understand, you are talking about subscriptions?
thank you for the info

This is why you keep digital devices away from kids untill they can think with their own fucking brain. Only morons allow their kids to watch this crap

anyone who doesn't watch anime and posts on an anime board should be shot period DESU

Why Youtube has no decent parental settings is beyond me. You'd think they would at least allow you to remove videos with keywords from searches. Google wants your kid exposed to it, I'm sure. It likely tickles their balls knowing that kids are out there, right now, watching this shit.

yes, but that is not the point
point is there is (((agenda))) behind making these videos

I'm surprised this shit doesn't get auto-DMCA'd.

It's not the subscriptions themselves but Youtube's algorithm that suggest this crap right after another.
I left my niece watching clips from frozen, then it went to bad re-acting of the song from real children and suddenly she was watching Elsa having an affair with Joker while engaged with Spiderman.

can also try this

Can they monetize these videos? Won't the trademark owners of these characters get them pulled?

Parents are too lazy to do anything about it. Corporations know that.

Doesn't matter if they bitch and cry anymore, they don't do anything about it.

I understand
the recommendation feature is the worst thing of all this
my question is where do you specify that you don't want to watch this video or another? is there an 'i am not interested' button or something like that? I don't have a youtube account so I don't know, but I know my sister has it (and her kids are watching this garbage every day for hours)
I have already warned her about the faggot propaganda in youtube and she still believe I am exaggerating

that is what I was asking for
thank you, guys

How much do you have to pay to get Elsa to shit on your chest?

Parents don't have time but they have money and care about their children. It just takes the right kind of viral Facebook post.

Since Google logs the fuck out of everything you do you set up an account and make sure you keep liking normal content and disliking this sort of shit, eventually it'll stop showing up since it'll adjust itself to your "tastes".
Of course the fastest solution is to get that damn smartphone/tablet off her claws but she's not my kid and if I take it too far she starts throwing a tantrum and rats me to her parents.
Then she watches me from a far with a smirk on her face, 6 years old are scary as fuck.

All the comments for all these videos is either 3rd world babble or random shit

Looking at the profile of the commenter's, most are just blank and the rest seem to be retarded Brazilians.

My guess is they are using bots to make fake accounts and comment to drive the views up

My sister has been letting her daughter watch these for years. I constantly talk to her about it and she always forgets. It's not my problem, but there are enough fucked up daughters of single mothers in the world already.

I appreciate this.


>Parents don't have time but they have money and care about their children
>care about children

stop being such a fucking cuck user, holy shit. are you actually afraid of a shit eating 6 year old? grill that little cunt back you stupid fucking spaghetti nigger and grow a pair.

Proof that they're generated through ML? It's plausible, but I don't buy that they can upload enough videos and get enough views on each for sensible training

Leaving your child alone watching a tablet is shit-tier parenting.

Share the Investigating YouTube videos with anyone who know who is letting their kids watch this stuff. They use research to back up their claims that it's harmful.

There's evidence to show that the gibberish is actually code that is translatable to a language we can understand

I recommend Video Blocker.

Absolutely, that's why they never get copyright claims, are never banned from youtube and have strange view and like counters, not mentionning weird comments.

Combine this with these children being fed 2 liters of soy per day ( 10 contraceptive pills equivalent) ,watching pedo and homo images all day + being taught gender theory in school and you get an idea what the future holds.

t. faggot just got the right to marry and thinks his opinion is valid now

kind reminder that Disney pretty much endorses by not actively taking them down for copyright abuse

The doctor in the first movie looked like a kike archetype. What is it suppose to mean?


t. Creator of Elsa Spider-Man poop prank videos.

I noticed that as well. Seems to be more about some suble programming than just making money, why else would they make them 30 mins long? Unless you get paid more at youtube the longer a video is, which I dont think is true.

here's some of the profiles that comment on these videos

Hi guys

To be fair, the rank of videos by the yt algorythm is not only calculated with views but also with the time spent watching them, to avoid low quality clickbait.

So these persons know how to maximize views then. What do you think about the first video showing the doctor? About 2-5 mins in. Looks similar to something.

kids have absolutely no idea what they're watching at all. it's not until they're 4 or 5 that they start to comprehend what the fuck they are actually watching.
However this confirms what I've thought all along in regards to children and TV, this shit is nothing more than moving colours to them.

These videos are basically a screensaver that looks like it has something going on with recognisable characters, of course they'd watch it. They've typed in random words and shit has been generated from that, they don't need a higher sophistication of entertainment, the plot and stuff was just for the adults who sat there with their kids.

I liked it better when the world being a dystopian, cyberpunk, hypercapitalistic hellhole was just a what-if scenario

fuck off ethan

why doesn't disney,mcdonalds etc give a shit about this? minnie mouse is pouring shit into a glass of piss for fucksake and she tricks another character into drinking it

>make educational well-researched videos
>get 1000 views tops
>make videos about about spiderman shitting
>6 gorillion views in a minute
Thanks for reminding me why I stopped doing the only thing I loved.

Yet whenever someone has taken a song or a or copyright claim videos instantly get demonetized with a copyright strike without the company actually knowing of the claim.

They do it for young teens too.
Its called super deluxe, it's run by tim jewdecker of tim and eric, as well as some folks from vibe and the newyorker

wheres the proof that these videos are being made by AIs? Are these views even genuine?

This whole thing seems to he some sort of pedo-ring within YouTube. The videos OP linked are innocent enough but some videos are insanely creepy and just not kid friendly. The comments are also definitely not kids and are mostly in some sort of cryptic code. Another thing that strikes out for me is the face that there are so many channels like this, yet the content and the thumbnails are virtually the same. I think that this whole thing could be alot deeper than some people think it is

Eugene Khutoryansky?

you guys realize the outrage on this stuff will just bring in more regulation on content and peoples privacy. Youtube should be a platform where anyone can fuck off and make what evere autism they want

Psycho pass isn't even good.

Disney are normally very strict when it comes to copyright infringement. Why not with this?

Any regulation would make the liable for the content.

Had more plot than I expected

What's the problem with Tarzan? He is white.


What if all that babble is code for something else?
>Inb4 schizo

Maybe it's to push censorship....

You just need to make a redpilled version to counter it, with the addition of an account generator. Use the same ELSA SPIDERMAN thumbnails but have little Jews pull misheveous pranks to the goyim and outright assulting and stealing from them.

The fighting scene in the first video at 1:30 is better than marvel movies though


do they make videos on their bot accounts to make youtube think that they are more vaild? they all have very short upload times

This wouldn't be a problem if parents actually paid attention to wtf their kids were watching.
Devices for kids, and youtube for kids should work with an explicit whitelist, instead of blacklist.
Just like noscript blocks all scripts, and you have to choose which ones you allow.
This is how parents should work with youtube.

That article is bullshit he tries to conflate it with ct and right wing stuff


Learn to algorithms nerd. It's like whining that you get 2 likes on something you post on Instagram but you didn't tag it nor attempt to foster a following using several social media accounts

Protip: If you're making educational videos why didn't you share them on Twitter and Reddit?

I think the real question is, how do I do this myself?
What programs, what AI library, what training set?

someone pointed out last week that the code is used by pedos to comment on the videos

I tried his method. Does not really work similar results if you ripe in random stuff

This is seriously abnormal.
These must all come from a factory, how can the uploads be traced.
Indian or indonesia seems likely, large populations with poor standards of living.

bots upload them
that or angry indians

Your post gave me so much nostalgia. Thank you.
As for the rest, #ElsaGate

yea? kids who watch this shit would be subscribed to similar channels, although i will say it is interesting that mars kids tv subscriber timer is hidden, and all these accounts seem to be subscribed to that channel

A leftist youtuber made a cencorship extention for all the channels he deemed 'right wing' once, maybe someone here can do the same for degenerate kids' channels?

There's a separate YouTube kids app you fucking moron. Take 2 seconds to Google something

This videos are on YouTube Kids.

idk man some of these are wierd but some of these vids seem like pple having geniune fun. Or maybe evreyone involved in this vid is apart of a morbib sex ring

There was a show on adult swim

Xander something something

Adults watch this shit too OP

They're preparing the next generation for the camps

Jesus wtf is this shit, how do you know they are automatically created?

These videos makes me blood boil
My little brother watches old cartoons on YouTube only
Shit like tom & jerry,classic animations from the golden age of Disney and good old Russian cartoons too
He really enjoyed "animal farm" (even tho it was CIA funded)

I believe cartoons are a good analogy for cultural decline
Compare older cartoons (& it's messeges,morals & animation) to this new rancid,vile,twisted "cartoons" we see on YouTube
The decline is parallel to society's decline

There's a couple gems on that channel tho. The one with Kanye on Ellen was great, and dog wash is a masterpiece.

>Are you aware that there are videos on Youtube that are generated from machine learning algorithms

They're made by Asians who understand what "keyword stuffing" is, which is what Asians have done since search engines were a thing.

The machine learning algo does the same as well not just on Youtube but most social sites to generate content.

Think of any silly prank trend and combine a recently trending disney character e.g. drinking from a toilet bowl and mickey mouse and you'll be able to find a video.

Am guessing that you can literally meme a stupid challenge that will eventually combine together with a random pop culture trend for an AI generated video on youtube. Meme'ing crap to reality is real.

the videos aren't as bad as the flash games they are pumping out

Wow read to and play with your kids you degenerate. Don't let them sit with an iPad and watch this shit for hours on end. Apparently most of the kids at kindy age these days can't even speak properly when 15 years ago most of them could speak fine. Why the fuck do parents want kids if they can't be fucked raising them right?

>when subversions peaks and tries to kill off whole generations

we must stop the jews