QLD state election?

ITT we discuss the upcoming QLD state election and why you are not vote for One nation.

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come on /pol I know you have opinions

This is how I'm voting.

1 Labor
2 Greens
Second last LNP
Last One Nation

It's the objectively correct way to vote, especially when you have One Nation saying they want to loosen the gun laws which should NEVER happen.

Faggot from Melbourne.

and Friendly Jordies viewer or a troll.

DO you even know where you are mate?

excellent choices

*rubbing hands intensifies*

Dumb Melbourne faggot

I'm voting Labor..

I used to be a lefty... In fact i have only Voted Left but this time i will be voting hard right. One Nation. wouldn't it be nice.

So you want Australia to fall? Faggot

I'm voting in favor of my own interests, and all working class Australians.

One Nation, One Goal, we will prosper

One nations doesn't hate Unions.

I'm putting them second.

Own interests, what is that? being fucked by a brown sand nigger dick, or your mum or any females you have in your family being raped by sand niggers?

MAGA, One Nation.

You're a lost cause.

Katter's Australia Party, One Nation.

here i go lads

1. one nation
2. ind (greens)
3. lnp
4. alp
5. greens

no Germany is a lost cause, Sweden is a lost cause, France is a lost cause, all because of migrants with the Islamic beliefs. I am not lost, i see the truth, the whole truth and nothing more. How many Australians must die for you to see the truth?

Please post pauline edits

1. One Nation.
Rest don't matter.

Aunty Pauline will be victorious.

I don't bend Bananas for a living so I can't vote

I like this Guy.

You know he is not that wrong. just look at Europe.

Australia is White mans Country. Yes the ABos were here first but they lost the country through right of conquest. They used to right amongst them selves but we are supposed to feel guilty because our ancestors had better technology than them?

somebody run this stupid ugly jewess through the makeapp. why are all right wing parties so memey and zoggy would you paid kikes all kindly fuck off for two seconds this shouldnt be such a hugbox all the time

It's the Queensland Sate election, so why are there faggots telling us they will vote Labor and Greens?

Who replaces him when he loses LIbs everything?

The purpose to vote One Nation is to send a signal, nobody would seriously expect that mid-aged redhead to run a government.
LNP must be thoroughly crushed.
ALP in QLD is actually fine, but they have also abandoned their original idea - protect local's interest.
Foreigner must leave.
I don't know which one to vote for at the moment. Probably One Nation, 2nd preference could be ALP. LNP would be put down to the bottom.


As you wish

I'm a Queenslander, hence I'm voting in the state elections.

I remember Newman and my family remembers Peterson. One nation are a bunch of extreme right wing xenophobes that are a kneejerk party with an ex-criminal leader. They also want to mess with the gun laws(read:make the laxer) which is just fucking unacceptable with what has been in the news these past few months.

I know you are joking but they actually are.

See point one.

One Nation and other small parties are pushing for relaxed gun laws


if you wanna troll us, you'd put greens or socialist alternative as 1

bob katter will sort you out

Have another

How simmilar is Queensland state labor to the federal labor party?

Labor have made things pretty awful for SA

Oh god I hope so if it's someone like Julie Bishop the Libs are finished.

go back to your safe school

its full of women so yeah....

have you got a screw loose in your head?

this, then australian conservatives and other small fringe parties

Queensland Labor is more right wing than NSW's Labor, and Victoria's LNP.
Victoria doesn't have a right wing political party.
Nobody cares about SA because it doesn't exist.


if ya aint voting LDP ya aint voting for freedom

>>They also want to mess with the gun laws(read:make the laxer) which is just fucking unacceptable

I absolutely disagree. The population should be able to arm themselves for Self defense. that is All 'One nation' wants. As Australian Gun laws stand today it is unlawful to own a fire arm for the purpose of self defense. One Nation see to correct that. They do not want to make Full Auto ARs available to the public. But Australia's Current Gun laws are ridiculous

>Nobody cares about SA because it doesn't exist.
say that again and i'll get the new submarines on to you

>both major parties start with L
fucking acronyms

>Nobody cares about SA because it doesn't exist.
Mate we are the poster child of the effects of the economic damage long term labor left government can do.

What did Labor do to SA and what do you think of nick xenophon?

australia didnt exist before we created it.

so the abos being "first australians" is a bullshit term.

my family are first australians, they were here as part of the colonial activities.

Will one nation deal with the chink problem?

Sand niggers first, then the chinks

better, but still labor.

Labor's just pushed through a bunch of laws in QLD centered around making sure builders pay their contractors. honestly pretty good form where i sit (tradie). memes aside, ill be voting one nation, but qld labor was a step in the right direction for labor in that regard, as far as im concerned

you dont want right wing xenophobes in queensland government?

would you rather more diversity? stop this civic nationalist bullshit

we have to deal with it ourselves, look how efficient the government are at killing the rabbits

Partly.... They will stop outside investment (china) from buying up all the real estate and therefore driving out housing prices. If you want to be a home owner one day you would be wise to Vote One Nation.

They had to become right wing to beat the Nationals in the 80's

Sir Joh had all major parties by the balls in QLD

desu, the Labor party would be good without the socialism aspect of the party.

They'd go full vic labor mode if they could get away with it

If you support Queensland Labor you're supporting Federal Labor. Vote One Nation. At least they're just as much of a laughing stock on the Federal level as they are on the state level.

aussies shitposting each other.

Wew lads, whata time to be alive


whites only

why do you think we are so good at it, we have been doing it IRL for hundreds of years

Get out Frog. you can watch but shut up!

did u forget Gillard

I hope she slits the throats of the competition too.

One nation, despite its in fighting and mismanagment is the best possible option for the Future of white Australia.

Only thing better (though they arent a QLD rep) is AC. I know they are basically already being owned or infiltrated by joos but its better to win 9/10 battles now.

The Jooish machine wont be taken down over night, it will take years of fighting, and it doesnt matter who you vote in now they will (atleast until some GenZ fuckers come to power) always have a mole in each party.

One nation is an exception and is doing amazingly well considering alot of its members are anti semetic (or so i keep hearing).

Like i said win the majority of fights now so theat we can slowly shift the normies to a far more "conservative" stance. Then drop the bomb when you wont get so much backlash.

No thanks, I'd rather glass Palajew

>What did Labor do to SA
Spent billions on ineffectivly managed (so things went overtime), labour intensive and unnecessary projects. In order to fund this they started taking terrible loans and when the loans started drying up they sold off one of the few profitable state enterprises left. Hence why SA has the second highest dept in the Commonwealth (overall and not per capita) despite only having about 2 million people.

In addition to this tons of taxes and levies with popular names "ie a save the murry levy" which just funnels all of it into paying off interest.

Finally despite our resources we have the highest cost of power and electricity in the Country and one of the highest in the world, all because our government rushed into Green energy without nuclear power or upgrading infrastructure (a bid deal because we had to get a lot of our power from the east coast) - which is why we had a state wide black out last year.

Finally despite all this spending and free GST money we have some of the worst unemployment figures and a net youth migration.

>nick xenophon?
A populist senator who is able to pick up on popular issues whilst being economically conservative and socially progressive. Sticks up for South Australia.

However because he relies on being politically flexible cant really handle a party that contests non senate seats (ie being forced to represent conflicting interests) and has a lot of trouble getting loyal party members.

Probably this for me too.

NO!!!! That is my home State!

Fuck Libs, Fuck Labor. One Nation is the way.

This, LNP is the biggest "right wing" party atm. It gathers up the votes of retarded normies who think they are supporting conservative values.

Let it die, complete annihilation. Then people will turn to the smaller fringe parties that can actually make a change or atleast implement conservative values.

bruh if you google LDP you only get 1 answer

(Liberal Democrats Party)

But it's true

After she got out of jail, she spent some time away from it, then ran in an election, failed, then again, and got in with a few seats.

>Fuck Libs, Fuck Labor. One Nation is the way.
What im banking on is voting conservatives in the hope that the left dominated liberals collapse and the right comes back

[spoiler]I dont think this will happen and will probably join the mass exordus and head to either WA or QLD I would not be surprised if Labor lasts at least 30 years here /[spoiler]

dumb cunt your from Melbourne, you cant vote in qld election...

I'm starting to worry you aren't trolling anymore user, please stop my worry.

Australian Conservatives.

Get that trash out of here


Pauline Hanson makes everyone who dislikes refugees coming here look dumb and bogan.

A vote for her is a vote for refugees. (even though her intention is the opposite)

I would like to think thays a quality troll quote but sadly it won't be


no she doesnt want refugee's

shes spoken out against them countless times over the years

What are your thoughts on the Aust conservatives

She wants to put high achieving autistic kids (smarter than normie) kids into special schools.

I'd make some slight changes:
3. labor
4. Greens
5. LNP last out of spite

I wish Pauline was more articulate, she has an annoying drawl and speaks too slowly for me.

probably voting like this guy

I think One Nation has to be 1 on the ballot

A major party will have to be 2 as One Nation will likely give their preference to probably LNP

1 One Nation
2 LNP ( or national candidate, if one)
3 Maybe Independent (if there is one)
4 -
5 -
6 Labour
7 Greens

I'm okay with skilled immigrants like doctors coming here but not refugees.

completely missed the point retard

Voting Greens in South Brisbane. Pauline is a moron and LNP and Labor are Adani shills.

>This is how I'm voting.
>1 Labor
>2 Greens
>Second last LNP
>Last One Nation
dunno what any of this means, dont know anything about australian politics

>One Nation saying they want to loosen the gun laws which should NEVER happen.

you say that until your police force becomes majority muslim, then see what happens

Why would you vote for the literal Communist Party of Australia (in disguise) ???

Yes, but every time she speaks out against refugees she makes bad arguments that only hurt her own cause.

what about skilled immigrant doctor refugees

if only he wasnt a cuck for der juden, his policies look pretty good t b h

THB I am very Confused. That might just be because I have an Ex Leftist but I know one thing. I do not want Australia to become like Europe. We have a very simple but very happy way of life down here. LNP is trash though, Terrible Economic policies that have without fail made Australia Less prosperous. There is a Graph some where online showing Australians GDP and it always dips when LNP is in power and Rises when Labor is in power. So from a Economic stand point i am Left but when it comes to boarder control i could not be more hard right.

Agreed, One Nation Needs new Leadership. Someone that isn't as Meme'd as Pauline Hanson

alot of those "medical professionals" coming here aren't even qualified to australian standards

alot of those indians in those be McMedical centres have frauduent medical licences. there was a big thing about this a few months ago.

hundreds of them have faked documents and are more or less basic hospital nurses

"Australian Conservatives also believe in the fundamental principle of equality before the law. We reject ‘identity politics’ and believe that Australians should look to the many ties that bind us, and not be divided by ancestry, race, creed or gender."

Got my vote.