>Begin each day by telling yourself: Today I shall be meeting with interference, ingratitude, insolence, disloyalty, ill-will, and selfishness – all of them due to the offenders’ ignorance of what is good or evil. But for my part I have long perceived the nature of good and its nobility, the nature of evil and its meanness, and also the nature of the culprit himself, who is my brother (not in the physical sense, but as a fellow creature similarly endowed with reason and a share of the divine); therefore none of those things can injure me, for nobody can implicate me in what is degrading. Neither can I be angry with my brother or fall foul of him; for he and I were born to work together, like a man’s two hands, feet or eyelids, or the upper and lower rows of his teeth. To obstruct each other is against Nature’s law – and what is irritation or aversion but a form of obstruction.
Begin each day by telling yourself: Today I shall be meeting with interference, ingratitude, insolence, disloyalty...
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Good ole Marky Aurs telling it like it is. Also checked
I came across that while reading, and noticed it completely contradicted Sup Forums style racism and ethnic nationalism.
i can't even finish half that paragraph and it didn't even make sense halfway through
fuck that shit
Sup Forums is made up by a lot of people. And a lot of people are morons. There are some cool posters here sometimes, but you have to take everything with a grain of salt. Marky is right in your quote, as usual
I'm coming to realize the stoics were right about everything. That and Cicero.
What? Mark loved killing jews though, he knew them for not being "brothers" born to work with.
Stoicism is a great philosophy.
Maybe I should give it a read since I'm thinking about divorce. Thanks user.
I liked the stoics at first, but they're way too hardcore about certain things
>if you're unhappy about being burned alive in the bronze bull, it's because of your own moral failings
I mean come on, wtf.
>The things in our control are by nature free, unrestrained, unhindered; but those not in our control are weak, slavish, restrained, belonging to others. Remember, then, that if you suppose that things which are slavish by nature are also free, and that what belongs to others is your own, then you will be hindered.
Imagine being such a racist that the mere existence of black people makes you upset
Simply untrue in my opinion. Many people who are selfish, disloyal, and aim to interfere in your life in a bad way, are perfectly aware of what they are doing. It has very little to do with ignorance. Man is inherently selfish, and the majority knowingly would stab their "brothers" in the back for a better plot in life, this is very easily observable throughout history. If we want to increase and promote the number of people who think like the passage you quoted, we must be fall foul with and take action against those which have no intentions of following your passage. A big reason we have fallen so far in the west is exactly this kind of philosophy, people should not inherently deserve trust and respect, it is earned through real world behavior.
Stoicism has a lot of good things to say. Love is good, but hate is also good. The greatest men had both great love & great hate within them. You should hate what is evil just as much as you love what is good.
Augury is real.
I hate evil jews, is this ok?
stoicism is a lot of things. It it cosmopolitan at heart but many ways were proposed, some of which are almost racist or at least tribes related.
For example, one such view is that you have many different titles, which can all be sorted by priority, e.g. you are your kid's fathers and wife's husban, the son of your parents, brother of any siblings, you have a title about whatever job you're doing, local city resident, resident of your country, THEN resident of the planet earth.
You should always stick close to the first titles first, and never contradict them. If you act for the planet's good as you should, it's in a way that it doesn't arm your country, your city, your family, your wife, ...
please translate to subhuman to many smart people words
But he's saying that you shouldn't be upset that other people are evil because there's nothing you can do to change them. If they knew what they were doing was wrong, they wouldn't do it -- so they have to be ignorant and think that their petty evil is actually a good thing.
He's not saying you should ALWAYS trust your fellow man. But if you always regarded your fellow man with suspicion as a base, you'd never get anywhere. So you have to start with he premise that your fellow man is good -- otherwise you'd also just disregard them and fuck them over b/c it's in your own interest to be selfish and you know they're selfish.
Someone has to be the better person and assume that they have the capacity to be good, and that it's worthwhile to try and work with them.
If you think humans are intrinsically shitty, what is there to work towards?
People are good. When you see people being dumb and evil, you have to overcome the urge to think that everyone is shitty and evil, because that will stop you from working with people to make the world a better place.
friendly reminder that marky mark wrote all of this while committing literal genocide in Germania/Danube
>im better than everyone else
It only works then you're a Emperor..
He also persecuted the christians. All this makes him even more based.
Reddit is always open for you shitty quotes fag
read a book, nigga
>can't finish half of a paragraph
>'it didnt even make sense'
the absolute state of American eductation
Reminder that when he speaks of people, he means white people.
He's not talking about niggers who were obviously not his brother.
>pic related
>tfw you're a stupid racist
>tfw butthurt nigger
>tfw salty racist
>There is no historical mention of Antoninus pius having blonde hair or light eyes
>He most likely looked the average Roman, brown/brown
Nordicists really are so fucking stupid.
I'd explain it to you but you deserve no response.
sort yourself out, nignog.
He'd be singing a different tune if he grew up white in Detroit.
No, people all the time know what they are doing is wrong, and still do it. humans are much more amoral than people give them credit for.if you are yourself a decent human not seeking to meddle in others lives, then using suspicion as a base is the best thing can do to stop this behavior multiplying. Evil, in my opinion, whether it is done out of ignorance (which i think happens very little) or with full intent, should be met with ostracization (LOL) and a harsh punishment.
>be racist on the internet
>tell other people to sort themselves out
Stoicism ended where Christianity began. Cohencidence?
Sounds like he hated slavs.
There's nothing wrong with being a racist. You need to get sorted.
You don't know good from bad.
how is that stupid? unless you're completely new or just have your head superglued into the sand, you know that negroes and Hispanics are simply not as smart as whites. It's a simple fact, bub
>t. stoicism
>tfw you think certain people are intrinsically less valuable based on certain genetic proclivities
>tfw you ignore the divine spark of reason in all men because you're a stupid racist
Chimps have the divine spark of reason too.
They're not my brothers though. Why aren't you campaigning to give chimps human rights? is it some certain genetic proclivities?
I would literally kill myself if I was unable to understand or contemplate this.if I lost my ability to reason I guess I wouldnt even have a reason to kill myself.
I never want to be a blue pilled consumer.. user, but I too never want to leave wisdom untouched by the less able. If I had a keyboard would break it down thoroughly for you to umderstand. Please, someone articulate the sentiment clearly and conscisely for him to see.
>tfw you genuinely think black people have the same intelligence level as chimps because you're a stupid racist
Your pic wasnt related. Charles Darwin writing about the backwardness of Sub-Saharan Africans is unrelated to claims that they aren't people, unless you're implying that he didn't view them as people. If so you should read up on his views regarding slavery.
>Reminder that when he speaks of people, he means white people.
Where did you get this from?
>obvious strawman
Is this your way of giving up? Admitting you were wrong?
You're looking for r/iamverysmart my dude -- you're on the wrong website.
You do realize those busts were colored?
The paint has worn off, leaving the aged statues with the familiar blank white appearance we’ve become accustomed to however scientists using X-ray fluorescence, infrared spectroscopy, and ultraviolet analysis, among other methods managed to figure out the true colors used.
>make a post about how blacks aren't your brothers
>make another post about how chimps aren't your brother either
>don't expect people to see an equivalence in that you just lumped black people and chimps into the same category as not-your-brother and used intelligence as the excluding factor for both
>don't expect this because you're a dumb racist
When there is talk of "people", they mean their own people, and since most philosophers are chinks or more typically...white people, you read a different understanding into their words.
To suggest otherwise is flagrant context denial. The founding fathers of the united states talked of all men being created equal while owning slaves.
You might think its a logical contradiction, but that's only if you consider niggers and other assorted shitskins "people".
It actually makes more sense that the founding fathers thought of niggers as farm equipment and the rest of the other assorted shitskins as fauna or wild animals. A fact they themselves approve of and reaffirm with every day of their existence. Niggers dont even want to live around other niggers and yet we somehow insinuate these feral animals are "people" dont make me laugh.
Shitskins are the genetic enemies of whites. There is no brotherhood there, only that of a wild animal and a civilized man, if you are weak these beasts will consume you.
Turning the other cheek, as Jesus put it, is not about deferring to niggers as they eat you alive; its about forgiving your brother, blood, and kin. Its about understanding whites have a shared bond and an implicit alliance against the hoards of dirt peoples.
Thats what the quote is talking about, me and my fellow whites against the infinity niggers polluting the earth.
The fucking BEST part is, within context, these people would agree with me wholesale 100%
No one, even 10 years ago, would fully agree with the dildo faggot postmodern Judaism bullshit marxism thats pushed now.
And what of Rome's treatment of Christians and Barbarians.
Society only functions when everyone shares a common understanding of purpose and at least respect (if not engagement) in it's cultural institutions.
When people from different nations try to live together society will fall into disarray. The groups can function together for long times as long as economically the country is healthy and politically the country is stable, but the underlying base of the society will rot and when some sort of pressure is put on it (Economic downturn, Political turmoil, War) It'll just crumble and society will collapse.
Authority is drawn from the people. "People" being h a nation - a group of people with the same cultural understanding, shared history, tradition and language. If authority is legitimises itself from economic well being or political stability it will quickly evaporate as soon as things start going sour.
With all that said ethnic nationalism tends to be a very rabid, violent ideology that in history has typically been a conduit through which societal issues are exacerbated. Ethnic nationalists tend to have very rigid understandings of nations that are rooted in racist pseudoscience. Nations are meant to have some fluidity to them, that allows people to be assimilated. That's why America worked so well - different Europeans coming together sharing the same vision and building a new identity together while their cousins back in Europe were still killing each other.
The problem with that obviously is there are limits to assimilation, and ultimately humans are apes who use their eyes to judge things, and if there are significant phenotypical differences between people the likelihood of any meaningful assimilation is essentially zero. That's why black and white can never live together in any meaningful way in the long term. The issue becomes where you draw the line of similarity and that varies by personal opinion. eg; Are Iranians white?
>you should have known i would draw stupid conclusions! Idiot!
The Romans were blonde until they race mixed to the point that their empire collapsed.
> he doesnt recall a time when Sup Forums was occupied by relatively smart people
He was just doing his job as emperor
I got you senpai.
I start day, say to self words. Bad things are bad. Bad things done by bad people because not know what good or bad.
I know good long time. I know good is good. I know bad is bad.
I know person who do bad too. Person who do bad is like brother. Is not brother, but like brother from other mother.
Because I know bad and person who do bad is like brother I not hurt by bad.
If I be mad at bad person I am mad at friend. Be mad at friend is like hurt brother. Hurt brother is against rule of nature. Nature rule is Good.
Just watch Naruto. It's called the will of fire.
He was doing his job, he dindu nuffin
The Romans were kitsch as fuck when it came to coloring statues and facades
Still aesthetic tho
>tfw ataraxia/aponia
>Simply untrue in my opinion. Many people who are selfish, disloyal, and aim to interfere in your life in a bad way, are perfectly aware of what they are doing
Stoics teach that the cause of people being dicks are:
1. They lack virtue.
2. They are ignorant.
Someone knowing what they're doing is #1. We should still pity them, rather than hate them.
>Augury is real.
Cicero wrote a whole treatise on why that's bullshit.
I still dont get it
epicureans >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> stoics
Degenerates like you belong on a cross.
>"As you say of yourself, I too am an Epicurian. I consider the genuine (not the imputed) doctrines of Epicurus as containing everything rational in moral philosophy which Greece and Rome have left us. Epictetus indeed, has given us what was good of the stoics ; all beyond, of their dogmas, being hypocrisy and grimace. Their great crime was in their calumnies of Epicurus and misrepresentations of his doctrines ; in which we lament to see the candid character of Cicero engaging as an accomplice." -Thomas Jefferson
Stoics eternally BTFO, how can they ever recover?
have fun with your life of no fun, masochistic nigger
Hell yea dog you gave me a boner lets rub dicks and kill some commy fucks while chewing grizzly.
Pius was an emperor, we are peasants.
Pius could walk away or retreat to a villa, we have to roll in it as the media incriminates people without trial for daring to express themselves.