Niggers vs black people

I am a nigger, What does Sup Forums think about uncle toms?

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No one cares.

you should go back with your own people. you should join the BLM or some separatist movement. i'm a white supremacist. i don't hate you one bit, but you are making a mistake

your race is real OP. it means something. you should stick with your own people. not doing so is the cardinal sin that whites commit

Uncle toms are the most successful nignogs, if you don't want to end up dead or in prison then being an uncle tom is your best bet

You will never get a proper answer here because Sup Forums is so diverse.
Genuine racists mixed in with larpers, shills and people like me who are just distrustful of blacks due to personal experience.
The enemy are the marxists, not each other

he should be in the BLM or something dude

i/m concerend every time Sup Forums is photographed or audio is obtained it is black, mexican, asian, muslim or some variant of eldery white women. In hindsight it explains why everyone hates niggers.

move to liberia and start another genocide


if you want to take the leap from being "distrustful of blacks" to being a full fledged 1488 racist, go look at some of the info i posted in this thread

You should be polite, no matter your personal feelings, Sir. This is how we MAINTAIN civilisation. Please think about it, won't you? As for nazis, well... i've a feeling (((they))) will be sorted out in short order. Be at peace, my Brother.

I love uncle toms, I know at least 2 black guys that hate niggers and love "the white way" of the world, keep it up dude, ignore those lefty shills telling you to go full on ape

>Co-existence solution
Go back to Africa and start over there

>A better world solution
All niggers die and even Africa becomes a nice place to live.

go back to your people OP

I've seen all that stuff many times.
The stats are bad, every one knows this.
Doesn't mean there aren't large amounts of niggers out there who are ordinary law abiding people

Better your nation and people in a direction separate from the trajectory of European nations and society.
European society is what works for Europeans. It was built for us, buy us. Asian society is fundamentally different which leads them to different conclusions from our society.

If Africans are to succeed they must do so separate of the criteria set by and for Europeans, they must achieve their own model of society built with the African mindset in mind.

It's a challenge to be certain but one to be accomplished by perhaps the greatest African mind in history, perhaps even the greatest mind of our time as most societies are iterative whereas an African society built by and for Africans would have to be built from scratch.
It's an exceptionally difficult task but if you are as you say one of the few "uncle toms" then it is your duty to your race to do as best you can to accomplish this effort.

>the stats are bad

>ethnic nationalism
>literally a made-up holiday with no tradition
Fuck you; fuck OP. Niggers should nig until the enitre US is 0% white because that's what you deserve for being too lazy to pick your own cotton and dooming your country to centuries of racial tension; all because white people are actually lazier than niggers.

I don't.


are you pic related?

fuck off nigger

No; my race doesn't matter. What matters is that you're fucking full of shit and like to LARP as a nazi on a weeb board but in real life work at fucking McDonalds and will never accomplish anything other than dividing american politics further until finally the jews decide your usefulness has ended and you wind up the evil white man in a history coloring book for some mongrelized mutt in 200 years.

Your'e a moron.
I'm not denying the stats. I'm saying they're bad.
The statistics on blacks are bad and everyone knows it.

Uncle Toms are niggers, just like you.

Nigger who have no clue about the source.
Uncle Toms Cabin was the most popular novel of the 19th century

Uncle Tom should be a nigger hero, he blacks a white girl.

Quimbo and Sambo take up arms and fight for their slave masters when the invasion comes. They also whip Uncle Tom to death because the white master tells them to.

My experience with shit nuggets is that they belong in the loo, aka Africa

Also you literally cannot disprove Mansa Musa was one of the world's most wealthy people and that he was from a sub-saharan empire/kingdom that rivaled those in Europe at the time. Pretending like white people are in any way superior to anyone else solely on the basis of your skin color or skull structure is not only asinine but counter-productive.

africans can live in africa if they want to.

(but to be clear the african population needs to be reduced also)

Also you're not white you fucking amerimutt. The 56% meme is real and it's you.

Don't listen to the trolls and shills (though this may be a slide thread...), just stay with your race and push for eugenics, the humanists will then realize the only humane way to practice them is to separate by race, leading to improvement AND preservation of ALL races.
>inb4 Hahahah cucked Hanz XDDDDD
Fuck off, this is a shill tactic (amerimutt) :^)

If you have children and spread our shitty genes, you are still a mistake.

I think they are fine.
Also, people and private businesses should have the right to practice segregation.
People deserve the right to interact with those that they want to.

t. spic

>No; my race doesn't matter.
>salty reply telling me i work at mcdonalds and suck and wont succeed in life

if you live in the united states then you know that the vast majority of this land is geographically inhabited by almost exclusively whites, and all of the massive nonwhite populations are all huddled into geographically small spaces in the cities, where they hardly ever mix with the rural or suburban folks, and really hardly ever even mix with the city whites. so i mean if you actually live here or know anything about this country then you know what you're saying is really absurdly fucking dumb

>uncle toms
you can only look out for yourself
"Uncle Toms" generally means any person who isn't actively committing a crime in the black community. It means something entirely different in white communities.

If you don't want life to be difficult, it'd be smart to be an Uncle Tom.
Whites don't have some mysterious white people conclave where we support each other without question. White people mysteriously get along with one another and don't give each other problems because THEY AREN'T DEGENERATES LOOKING TO FUCK OVER THEIR FELLOW MAN at every turn. This is what all blacks fail to understand.

The black community is schizophrenic because they can't stop their dysfunctional thinking (see graph)

>muh mansa musa
>pretending like white people are superior based solely on the basis of skin color and skull structure
k (picture related)

>IQ matters
Then asians are superior and deserve all the lebensraum of white savages.

>whoever has the land makes the rules
Good luck with the muslims.

>if you actually live here
Where, in fucking podunk nowhere? Rural areas don't matter, idiot.

Uncle Toms Cabin also names real life Jew slave traders.

dude you aren't going to make a white person insecure about their IQ or intelligence. we don't have that racial insecurity. like the "asians r smarter tho" thing might play to a black person or a mexican who is deeply insecure about their intelligence but that shit just rolls off of us. it's also an extremely minimal difference anyway so nobody even cares. you're talking about a full standard deviation difference when you compare blacks and whites.
>whoever has the land makes the rules
wut? i think you misunderstood some shit deeply (prob racial IQ gap acting up again)
>rural areas don't matter
hahaha tell that to president trump and a republican house and congress, you stupid faggot!

>We must secure an existence for our people and a future for Black Children
Does anyone reckon that would spread across nigger twitter?

Also, Uncle Tom was beaten to death for not snitching on the location of some escaped slaves.
Niggers are so fucking stupid

I'm in 'straya so I don't know. The few times I've had contact with real American blacks have been pretty shit. Though admittedly, I am in Melbourne and we're just a magnet for shit people who have heard that we're meant to be a cultural center.

Then you have the African migrants. We get lots of East Africans though so they're not even the same stock as you. Ethiopians are lovely. Sudanese have been 80% negative. 20% positive. Somalians have been fifty-fifty. The few West Africans I've met have been alright. There's a Ghanan bloke at work I'm pretty fond of and I knew an Angolan. Mind you, these two are both older fellas (30+) and they don't have have... a tribe with them.

I maintain that just about anybody can be alright as long as they're in the right ratio. One nigger, one wog, one gook, one abo -CAN- be alright as long as they're the ONE in a group. Or at least a significant minority. I thought my aversion to Sudanese was just confirmation bias because they're the most common blacks here and you only remember the bad ones right? And with that many of them, there will be more instances of bad ones that upstaged the good ones right?

I tried to think this through critically. I thought about the good ones and realized, they were alone. They did something incredibly off-beat that alienated them from the others and didn't go along with them. From what I hear of blacks and mulattos in America going between black communities and white communities, they can the nigger behavior on and off.

I'll give niggers the benefit of the doubt. But I still don't like the idea of large numbers of tribing up.

(And their massive cocks hurt my tight little boipussy)

niggers love rhetoric like that. unless they're men and its their own children, then they don't give a fuck about them.

So there is this Nigger at work who calls me a Uncle tom because I dislike Trump but support him because I don't want to see the downfall of America. Is that worthy of uncle tom status?

Yeah he thinks of Uncle tom as someone who only sells out to white people.

Nice digits brother. I like Larry Elder and that black cop who called BLM sub-humans.

>hurr durr Trump got elected
Yeah, and what difference has he made in your life? Presidents don't matter, idiot. You have the fucking senate, house, Presidency and SCOTUS and you cant even fucking repeal obamacare after 7 years of bitching about it. The tax cut is shit and it's not going to pass anyway, the only way the debt ceiling got raised is by Trump side-dealing with democrats.

>we don't have racial insecurity about Asians being smarter
You should, because they are and that's why they're killing you in trade, education, and manufacturing.

>full standard deviation b/w blacks and whites
Cool story bro; actually it's 2 standard deviations because 10 points is one stdev on the IQ scale; glad to see you know what you're talking about.

>being this fucking proud of your skin color
Look you stupid shit. All your NSDAP LARP and "muh white ethnostate" prove is that you're just as much of a fucking greedy goy and you're only pissed that the gibs are going to niggers instead of you and yours; you wouldn't give two shits if the kikes controlled everything as long as whites were preferred-class goyim. Fuck you. The problem with kikes is not related to race, it's related to the usurpation of institutionalized power structures (gov't, banking, etc.) that allows them to surreptitiously steer society in the direction of their choice - classical American governance is meant to put an end to that by ensuring that the individual is ultimately sovereign and backed by strong property right. You don't give a shit about that and you hate individualism because if people are evaluated on their merit instead of their race it would immediately out you for being the moronic piece of shit that you actually are. White people hate collectivism. Racial identity politics is inherently collectivist. You aren't white.

All of them? Dude shut up.

Stop giving a shit what your idiot friend says with regard to political persuasion, and you can't stop the downfall of America so just watch it burn.

TLDR just remember racial IQ gap, that's all that matters

Some niggers can emulate human behaviour and empathy almost to a fault, but they will never be humans.

Post your IQ score. Pic related is mine. I am a fucking shitskin pajeet from south india, meaning I don't even pretend to aryan meme. I am a fucking abo dravidian.

you lack the capacity for abstract thought, most evident in native nigger language where words that require abstract thought to grasp simply does not exist.

Explain this

>pretending to have a high IQ on the internet

>can't deal with it
>must be a lie
This is why your ideology is shit.

Uncle Tom is a meme term to refer to black people that aren't ingrained in retarded chimpisms like the glorification of gang violence and a rejection of education. You should be content to be one.


And the correct response is to immediately backtrack and spout some nonsense about "you're just a genetic freak but your kids will regress to your racial IQ mean", which is disproven by the fact that somewhere between 29% and 62% of intellectual capability is hereditary in most of the scientific literature to date. Can't even alt-right as good as I can you filthy fucking amerimutt.

A poor unfortunate soul that exists on the right end of the black bell curve

pajeets are not niggers, do i really have to explain this to you?

mine is 182-183

cursory reading

>refuses to take test
kek. Just rename my picture and post it back so you feel good.

Free internet tests don't go past 140 because they don't have enough questions; I tested over 200 when I was 16 but I'm 28 now and it's probably much lower like ~150 just due to age.

I like Danes. Always very polite.

This is based on 5 independent tests, that all fall in the range of 182-183, so yeah i would give it (some) credence.

Didn't mean to call yours into question; just saying it's hard to get accurate readings above 2-3 standard deviations without paying for it, at least in my experience

Not that user but that test means nothing.
You would know that if you had an IQ above 110.
Pattern recognition with shapes is easy.

I think you are right.
I would never want anyone irl to know my iq anyway.

>pattern recognition is the only definitive marker of IQ
>an IQ test can be administered accurately online without a proctor

Did it again, this time less drunk.

>you would just know
Thanks, man; I guess I just know I'm white too.

>IQ tests are bullshit
kek, you think they ship Mensa representatives to the Congo to get accurate IQ scores?

I sympathize somewhat, in the sense that you're probably an uncle tom because you know niggers overall fail at the concept of civilization. However, I'd rather you keep to your own and try to take our knowledge and civilize them rather than try to live with us, as there is no telling what your sons/daughters may become.

>I am a nigger
Nigger than who?

IQ tests in 2025
1) what wuz Kanye's best album
2) which ninja turtle had the orange mask?
3) name one cool whiteboy
4) Newports or Kools?
5) Who is the best dunker in NBA history?
6) are traps gay?

