Why have (((certain people))) been going so nuts lately with the anti-american posting...

Why have (((certain people))) been going so nuts lately with the anti-american posting? Is this a divide and conquer attempt? The 56% shit is an old meme that has seemingly been forced back into relevance. Old memes do not resurge without some kind of outside interference.

What is the driving force here? Are people just suddenly amused by this meme again for no reason, or have (((certain elements))) influenced it?

Other urls found in this thread:

archive.4plebs.org/pol/search/text/"claim over and over but likely you're just a cringey"/

Also, it seems like UK, Russia and Finland flags are the most likely to make these kind of posts. Is this an attack from a small group?

56% is a good way to make Americans more aware of the current situation of their country's demographics. Why would Jewish shills want that?

>mosseed made the amerimongrel meme to false flag us

The Jews are panicking. People are becoming redpilled at alarming rates because of the spread of information on the internet. I wouldn't be surprised to see the kike power structure come undone in our lifetime.

>it's the jws

CIA/(((them))) forced meme

It honestly bums me out to think that euros hate us that much. It's like being kicked out of the house or something.

>i-it's P-PSYOP!

>be third world shitter
>make less money in 2 days than an australian does for 1 hour of labor
>try to take revenge with 56% posting despite being an inbred slavic turk rapebaby

It's funny that you keep posting le 56% face when your meme country is 0% white.

Another finnish flag. REALLY making me think mate.

lmao keep replying mongrels

Divide and conquer shilling and autistic sperglords jumping on the bandwagon.

It’s a shitty forced meme.

It was /bant /jidf

>I-It's an unfunny forced meme
>you can s-stop now l-lads

The reality is that the US is 56% white. Really makes me wonder why would you want to deny this fact.

Cry more kike.

JIDF and the CIA hate these memes.

It's not divide and conquer since America isn't a white country. It's like saying that the poo in loo meme is an example of divide and conquer.

They're just swinging wildly in every direction at the moment since the anti kike marchin Poland.
Lots more threads against yanks, lots more threads against Fascists, lots more threads against AnCaps, lots more thread against ethno-nationalists.
Just lots more D&C all around.
If you partake in any of it then you're a dumb faggot that's actively working against your nation and people.

Apparently it came from Sup Forums.

>anti kike marchin Poland
>a nationalist march on their independence day is an anti kike march

it's pretty popular in /sg/ which is a kremlin shill operation and populated with sand niggers. i don't know why Sup Forums allows blatant government interference on our board like /sg/. the kremlin is just as cancerous as the cia is

poo and loo wasn't divide and conquer because poos were never part of us to be divided in the first place. they aren't white. the US is still majority white and their support will be necessary to have any chance of protecting the west & the white race.

or are you going to protect yourself against the islamic hordes with your pathetic finnish army full of autistic conscripts?

>outright calling for the death of kikes
>kike media losing their shit over it
>not anti-kike
k turk.

I am anti American imperialism, anti American liberalism and anti unregulated/AI controled capitalism.
Everybody hates the Amerimutt.

56% meme is CIA, spread it.

>>outright calling for the death of kikes
>citation needed
>one group of autists = 60k people
k orc

>the US is still majority white

Well, not for long.

Ukraine is the worst. Maybe chernobyl fried there brains or something but damn they make the worst posts.

There's a certain seductive power in white nationalism. I profess that am naturally drawn to it myself. The desire to be a part of something noble and selfless. Whenever I think of being noble or selfless (for instance entering the military) in America all I see is kikes and shabbos eagerly waiting to use my altruism to make a buck from my sacrifice. It's a powerful force wanting to be a part of something that is worth being a part of.

Unfortunately I'm am literally the 56% meme (half hispanic). I look white, act white, think white, feel white, but I am not white. Fortunately, I also believe in reincarnation and that I chose this body to specifically not waste my time with white nationalism (in this lifetime).

I think the 56% meme is (((them))) trying to destroy the powerful seduction of an (or any) altruistic and/or nationalistic cause. By excluding certain people from "whiteness" they can keep us all bickering with each other and not noticing the worthless vampires that control our world.

>citation needed
Literally any footage.
It's there, I understand you don't know any European language because you're turk scum but that's more your fault than anyone elses.

Le 56% is so popular because it's true.
This. 56% meme is anti-racemixing, not anti-American.

>posted 2016

It's a reaction to IOTBW to undermine being white by saying no one is white anymore.

but americans aren't white

Doesn't matter, it's there every march going back the past few years.
Poland has the second highest rate of anti-semitic views in Europe, you'd be a fool and/or a turkish mongrel to try to argue that Poles weren't chanting for the deaths of kike filth during the marches.

You're done. Fuck off.

>can't find citation
>i-it's obvious!
lmaoing at your amerimongrel IQ

Your inbred queen threatened America, in a last ditch effort to stop England from going bankrupt.
auction the crown jewels, sell her castles and mansions to pay her debts
take back your country

>given evidence
>can't understand any language except Turkish and English but crying anyway
lol you do whatever you will turk scum, not my issue that you can't understand Polish.

>finds citation that's completely irrelevant
>i-it's a c-citation
lmao pablo

>can't understand Polish
>still crying about how he can't understand Polish because he want's to know the tongue of his daddy after he raped his mum in Vienna
lol k turk.

56% of the population is white. But these memes make it seem like these white people are themselves genetically 56% white, which is untrue.

America still has more white people than any other country though.

>polish from a video that has nothing to do with the subject we were discussing
come on enrique

They think they're fitting in.

It's adorable to me.

isn't there some leftist soros group conference taking place now in CA? probably some stupid shit they thought up to stir racial divides in the country. they are still playing identity politics but don't realize we've moved past that and are fighting a different war.


>yuropors is adorable

You're probably right

Amerigoblin is a forced and completely unfunny meme.
But it pisses Americans off so people will use it.

If every american stopped being pissed off about nobody would use it.

>da joos

Literally every single one of us Americans is 56% black. Even the blacks are 56% black.

Didn't know I had a flag on, sorry.

Because America is a shithole and is the source of most of the world's degeneracy

but, you're not white either...so you are being pretty silly user.

there will never be a day where memes don't perfectly reflect reality

everyone hates americucks
they are illiterate fat fucks who destroyed the world, basically

I honestly can't disagree.


bc yanks get massively butthurt when you post that stuff

Do you know how the Americans first came into being? They were Euros once, bred by the dark powers. Blanda upped and mixed, a ruined and terrible form of life. And now, perfected: my fighting Amerimutt.

And whom do you serve?

Look at the earliest post in this list

archive.4plebs.org/pol/search/text/"claim over and over but likely you're just a cringey"/

This is a guy posting his face on Sup Forums (likely him going by his posts) and telling people not to meme on him.

Really sums it up.

>tfw Greek American

The American is immunized against all dangers: one may call him fat, stupid, swindler, uncultured, a warmonger it all runs off him like water off a raincoat. But call him a mutt and you will be astonished at how he recoils, how injured he is, how he suddenly shrinks back: “I’ve been found out.”


what is the origin of the 56% meme?

56% white population of burgerland

Those flags are part of Applied Memetics. Filter them or ignore

>forced and completely unfunny
>it pisses Americans off
The fact that Amerilards, the main shitposters behind "Europe is not white, full of refugees etc etc etc", get butthurt is what makes it funny lad

And I specify “whites,” because, whatever you say about le 56%, you’re on the same path, except you’re disarmed. You have no recourse. Do you really think you’re getting your women un-raped, or your country un-Islamized, by dogpiling on other whites who are being subjected to the same thing that’s making your people into a Smithsonian exhibit 20 years from now? There’s a reason the 56% thing exists, and it’s the same reason your countries are turning into rape-a-paloozas, why London has a Muslim mayor, why Germany’s chancellor keeps letting in thousands of jihadis, etc. You think you’re somehow winning with this? You fucking dolts, you’re all equally as fucked as any of us, and instead of weeding out the root cause, you turn on your OWN. My fiancee was right when she said not all whites deserve to live. You’re WORSE than race traitors and coalburners, you know the TRUTH and use it to do what? Wage bizarro pissing contests to see who’s the most cucked? Laugh at one another while your entire race across the world slides into oblivion? Good job, you’re really “redpilled,” except you’re too chickenshit to organize and rise up as a people to preserve yourselves, and feel safer taking potshots at each other than deconstructing the ZOG you bemoan here 24/7. 56% here should alarm you, not tickle you. We’re at this point WITH firearms. Where do you see yourselves in a few decades without them? The time for fratricide and subverting ourselves was over a long time ago. Now it’s too late

The "Le 56% face" is a legit meme that exaggerates to make a point (similar to Sweden, Yes! memes).

But these faces rely on pure revulsion and are designed to destroy the board.

The real confusion for me is the Eurotrash that don't see that it's obviously coordinated, and jump on the bandwagon.

They're doing the work of whatever organization is behind this for them. It's really pathetic.

You're an easily fooled idiot. That's why it's forced. If you can't see the coordinated efforts behind this shit, then you're letting the D&C work. These faces rely on pure revulsion and designed to destroy the board.

Why would they target US specifically? It's not hard to figure out.

>america is white
>had a black president for 8 years

Americans have been arrogant cunts for years,the 52% meme is just the natural response to that.