It's over bongs. Our women and children get beaten and raped and we don't do nothing. Our goverment won't protect us and we don't have guns.
It's over bongs. Our women and children get beaten and raped and we don't do nothing...
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Correct. At least you're coming to terms with it, that's the first step.
She looks kinda slagish though.
Slut was asking for it
> Asian
Here's here mistake. No Asian would attack a white person in Europe. Only shitskins would.
Mother fucking white slag
Nigger you don't need guns get some fucking bats and organize a gang and go beat them up.
Britbongs call Arabs Asian for some reason.
Whats the issue? She voted for this and supported it online and to friends...?
By Asians she of course meant currypaks?
get some chinese stars
They call Muslims Asians there.
>asian males
I first thought of chinks but then I saw your flag and realized the cultural difference in what we assosiacate with asia.
No one voted for this just like you didn't vote to allow spics to come into the US.
ayy lmao
>the absolute state of britbongistan
The sad part is you lot aren't even doing anything about it
Is this what is left of Formerly Great Britain.
What does "Asian" translate as from Bonglish to Burgerlish? I'm assuming it's the only way to say "muzzie" without the bobbies taking you to jail?
No, we voted for Kennedy who then sold us out to (((them))) in 1965
Has she been arrested for hate speech yet?
Asia starts at Constantinople.
The problem is so easy to solve it's actually funny.
How many british men do we see everyday complaining about immigrants ruining their country?Countless.
What if,you stop complaining and actually find more people with the same mindset as you(pretty easy,many brits feel the same rn) and start to physically abuse every brown/black/non white looking person you see on the street?
That would be very easy and very fast.
>we don't have guns.
Learn Chemistry.
Do some science out the front of a police station.
She probably voted for it.
Nah, what's sad is that they treat recognizing the problem as more of a problem than the actual consequences.
Or is it funny? Idk anymore.
Those god damn chinese, i swear. Total animals.
>get ass beat by Muslims
>still too scared of social backlash to call them anything but Asian
They still defend it. If an average brit said fuck those (((asians))) they need to go back, she would call you a racist bigot and if you worked together, report you to the boss. Roasties are retards who get everything coming to them and more. More acid attacks, more savage beatings, more muggings, more rapings. All of this because the females hate the native males, who then give into despair and dont see a country worth defending for, and spread their assholes for the foreigners. Its time to let it all burn, as there is nothing currently worth salvaging
Ok you cheeky wanker, i report you for hate speech.
who is a the root of this debacle?
We are all fucked. Nobody is going to do anything and every single one of our nations is fucking gone and it's our fault. Prepare to die disappointed while your tranny son and coal burner daughter take the money you leave them and use it to sponsor fugees . I have absolutely no idea how some of you stay so hopeful, we lost a long time ago.
Anglostan strikes again!!!1
Brits deserve being raped and beaten for attacking Hitler when he asked for their help.
Kennedy did not run on saying he would change the demographics of the country and make whites a minority.
>get beat the shit out by paki
>complain no one cares
>call them "asian"
Looks fake to me. And aren't asians these yellowish small guys with tiny penii? They only fight in movies.
Some retard that unironically thought muzzie NEETs would be a good working caste
Bro, have you seen how many people have been arrested in the last year just for FB and Twitter posts.
why do you britniggers call them asians? they're not chinese, japs, malays, koreans, indians, pinoys, mongols, russians, fins, persians, etc. you all know who they are yet all you can say is asians which means nothing.
>inb4 discussion about Asians
Please don't, retards.
You must embrace your new role as a servant to the oppressed POC, Muslims and women and simply do as they or your government tells you to. Nobody wants to hear your privileged white male ass complaining nor speaking anything other than positively about this new order or else your local authorities will be paying you a visit.
i can't really speak for england but up here in glasgow, none of this shit has really happened as far as i know, i've heard a few stories from my mates about paki's trying to grope their sisters and a little nig kid pulling his dick out at the bus stop
the one that groped got knocked out by the way
As a middle eastern, I apologize for every crime caused by these filthy niggers. My heart goes to you people that have to live everyday like this.
I still can't wrap my head around how the situation got this far.
Emanuel Celler, Philip Hart, and Ted Kennedy.
Only took you several decades to realize this.
You'll die unloved and alone, you despicable niggerjews
buying into "asian" propaganda is what got bongs there in the first place
BBC keeps shrieking about chinese child porn cartoons while your women and children keep being raped
she probably did have a light which makes her racist af
Idk about that Britons are extremely angry about immigration they fucking hate it they really do.
This confuses the American.
We do the same shit with niggers.
>Teenagers wreck local mall
>Man robbed by urban youth
(((they))) created it that way in England for a reason.
It helps with statistics so that pakis don't bump up the muzzie crime stats too high
asia starts at china dumbass
But he did though (assuming he votes republican or democrat).
because they get arreated or terminated from their place of employment (if they're lucky)
Obviously people are going to get arrested,nothing changes without sacrifice,are you willing to get your life ruined,maybe end up dead or in jail because you stood up for your ideology and faith?
If the answer is "nah mang I got uhmm life ahead and uhm if I get arrested (((they))) win uhm bla bla" then suck it up,nothing will change without sacrifice,enjoy your country becoming a mixed raced country.
>paying the toll for your countrys decisions
>also asians
It's coming your way soon senpai. You're lucky they hate the cold, but it won't last much longer. Plus you have to many fags that vote left every election.
Wrong fucking idiot none of the people that ran and changed the immigration policy ran on changing the immigration policy.
Next thing you know , we will have concetration camps for white people. This is sad. My only redemption will be knowing how much the people who put us there (white women) will suffer. Or maybe not. Maybe they will become fucktoys for your average "peaceful muslim". Just like they want I guess.
>b-b-but b-brexit was s-supposed to f-fix everything! how come we are not an empire again! do I need to post another laughing farage meme?
Haha, get fucked.
We've always called them that:
>because they're from fucking Asia
>because pajeets and pakis are really the only Asians we have
Chinks just get called chinks.
obviously she was cigarettephobic
Mass extermination, first of traitors and then of shitskins, is the only solution.
>3 asian males
jackie chan, sammo hung and the holy ghost of bruce lee?
This girl will be in the street for protesting against that you know
Arab countries are in Asia
"asian males" LOL
Correct. Sup Forums is the Berlin bunker in early May 1945.
This is why you don't trust the fucking state to do anything but what is absolutely necessary (Air force, Navy, courts).
You guys are so fucking reliant on the most bullshit things. You act like if you didn't have the government, millions of people would be without healthcare or starving on the streets.
Meanwhile, in America, for the exorbitant cost of 40 bucks/month if you're under the age of 45, and 70 bucks if you're over that age, you can get a great general practitioner that you can see as often as you like, will even make house calls, as well as diagnose/perscribe certain conditions over skype or facetime, and use them to take care of all the basic shit, pills and treatments at cost, and pick up catastrophic insurance for cheap, in case you need something beyond that due to a car accident or something.
But no, no fucking way could the average Brit afford 70 bucks per month per person, and pick up some dirt cheap healthcare for emergencies. Gotta leave that to the government.
No wonder you can't do shit about stuff like pic related. Your put your trust into an entity that is beyond question, and *surprise* they don't have your best interests at heart, because the "average fucking person" is made up of women and idiots.
No they aren't, half of them are in fucking africa.
the news does it. It isn't "Pakistani guy did blank" its "Asian gang did blank"
If you call them asian still then you probably deserve what's coming to ya.
Prisons can only hold so many. Maybe you should think about that instead of letting the state extract revenue from your labor.
>health insurance shills
>in my vagina
it's more likely than you think
But guns are bad mmmmkay!
Brexit was a necessary step, cuck. How is the Merkel refugee influx working out for you faggot?
pretty sure their "asian" males were shitskins
how does victory feel mr churchill
>implying pakistan and bangladesh are not in asia
Sorry but you won't win this argument
It's the biggest reason most British people I've talked to argue for a bigger government. The pic I included is "barbaric" and "backwards" for the vast majority of brits.
brits call arabs asians too, this has nothing to do with political correctnes. it is just retarded.
You're trying to use a global colloquialism incorrectly.
Very American thing of you to do, Nigel.
I propose bacon enhanced attire
I have provided a diagram as a guide
Kek, I must admit I don't give non-whites a light either, because fuck them.
You people need to organize and start a racial war. Every day you allow Christians to be attacked by muslims you sin against God.
Why do you need guns? Fucking pathetic, use your head and figure out another way to do the job.
They have houses, they eat, they poo, they relax, they shop.
So many possibilities.
so i hope you get that in your tiny brains.
Please can we turn this into a meme
How is it retarded? They are all parts of Asia.
Christ british women are so damn ugly
Ahhh the sweet smell of America...its funny becasue you did it to yourself
Do you call Brazilians "Americans?" They are part of the Americas, after all. There are Arabs, Persians, Indians, East Asians, and Slavs. Which group of people does 99.99% of this shit come from?
at least they all went to prison for life and it actually was classed as a hate crime.
what is with mexicans?
arab culture is very different to chinese or japanese culture so the world beside your shit country differ between that.
>still defending mudslimes and trying to blame the azn
tipo keko