
What exactly attracts retards and genetic waste to far right ideologies, like the Aryan brotherhood skinheads and Pic related abominations?
Are they misinformed? Are they CIA plants? How do we deal with them, Sup Forums?

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And yes I'm aware the same happens in the left, but what drives these obviously mentally defective people to support an ideology of aggressive eugenics?


The right cause?


Misinformed and CIA plants. The only way to deal with them is to tell them to fuck off until they improve themselves.

If you look at that ugly, what have you got to lose?


op, you'll notice that there was a time that Sup Forums would direct fat white males to get /fit/ and improve themselves

Whenever someone replies to me with hate, this, this is what I imagine.

Wrong reich

>at least I'm not black!

pic doesn't match the alt-right stereotype leaf.
the left really don't know how to meme

The KKK and Aryan Brotherhood are almost entirely comprised of plants, in so deep and don't know the other members are plants.

>What exactly attracts retards and genetic waste to far right ideologies, like the Aryan brotherhood skinheads and Pic related abominations?

It's cherry-picking the worst to make the groups look bad.

idk m8, I like drinking with skins tho, they can be fun, seen em chase a gypsy theif into a store, throw him into the cabbage and vegetable him to unconciousness

Those people are hired to deliberately make anything right-wing look bad. They're essentially junkies and bums paid a dollar to march around just to fund their drug habits or get food. They'd do anything for a buck if it meant getting their fix.

>the government just sends in agents without any record of operations within the same department withing the same organization

Look at how ugly this fuck is. Do you really think he is proud of who he is or what he is? Of course not. He was likely bullied or pressured into holding these views (therefore it's not genuine and he is not representative of it's followers) or he was paid to hold that flag and discredit white nationalism.

>hur dur conspiracy

How many times have you all seen this image? Propaganda is very powerful and if you think "anti-hate" groups wouldn't drop a couple hundred dollars to create a masterpiece like this then you don't understand how ideological warfare is waged.

People like George Soros, Yuri bezmenov, Nelson Mandel among hundreds of others understand and employ these methods

In other news, LOL TRIGGLYPUFF, but let's not talk about George Clooney or any other good looking liberal person

Skinheads would have been considered degenerates. They're fucking brainlets with no grasp of what ideology they want to support.
I'm not a leftist shill but i seriously hate skinheads, they give the right a bad name.

>it is a vast conspiracy involving secret government organizations, drugs and money and not just a loser that is given the chance to feel a part of something, practically the bread and butter of any right wing populist movement
Occam's Jewish Razor, KEK. You sure are reaching.

They have been recruiting for years. Ever since identity politics came about many were alienated. They get kids and young adults recruited and tell them they are doing something for the nation, something patriotic and traditional. It also offers a place and a group to socialise.

Another point, Operation Gladio, being the operation of 5th columns against the USSR and the communist ideology, favoured nationalistic and fascist groups. After WW2 lots of Germans fled to the USA that were nazis themselves that already were militants against the USSR and part of a buffer zone pre WW2 would have formed an alliance within the USA and NATO. Russian Jewish expats would have also joined the alliance too after Stalin tried to purge the Jewish Oligarchs it seems.

Fascism and Nazism were supported by the oligarchs, financiers, royals (eg Queen of England) and aristocrats as a response to the shock Russian revolution which they supported the despotic and oppressive royal court of Russia. It was to cover themselves from both the USSR heading their way as well as another Red October. Operation Mockingbird and McCarthyism contributed to that too.

So if they are plants, it would not be the common skinhead/neonazi it would be more likely that its the leaders. Remember that after the outlandish scandal of gamergate and the massive cultural exchange between the neonazis, white supremacists, apolitical marginalised individuals, mgtows, conspiracy theorists, vast amounts of apolitical gamers, christian fundamentalists, tea party supporters, fascists and nationalists they have developed plenty of sympathy among themselves. Leftists were oblivious and at best negligible to the event with feminists and white nights to debate pretty much the vast majority of the internet. This lead to the left being decimated at the grassroots level.

When the far-right policies affect their standard of living, freedoms and human development unpleasantly the far right would be ousted.

t. skinhead

t. a muslim immigrant finally resettled in italy using a government bought computer.

Which is why we've seen the fucking white male/trigglypuff/x y z pol meme about a million times. Hello Russia.

Woahhh... so this... is the power.... of alt-right selective memory... wowww....


Nope, i'm 100% italian and i fucking hate shitskins and jews.
Skinheads are morons.
t. angry NSM skinhead

Put down your pizza and reread my post, I was arguing for the exact opposite of what you think I was arguing, I'm antifa.

The US is a fan of Disinformation.
They use skinnies to make ((them)) the good guys

Low quality but not low enough for irony.
Conflates Maga-pede shit with fascists, some falsehoods but no real sense of exaggeration to make a point.
Inconsistent message, sometimes includes literal slogans but offers no explanation why it is shit.
3/10 See me after class.

i'm not an antifa though.

>This lead to the left being decimated at the grassroots level.
Except that isn't at all what is happening.
Most of what you said before is true and good analysis, but political activism has changed over the last decade.
Now, the internet is the most powerful tool for politics, not grassroots movements.

>I'm antifa.

Is this that mythical German humor people mention?

you've been lied about "ideology of aggressive eugenics" so you can be afraid about it and not realize you are living in much worse hell

Look into actual eugenics.
I am not a 1488 kind of dude, but I am interested in eugenics.
Race and IQ:

>CIA plants
I'm pretty sure that isn't the US

They do it disproportionately more against left leaning organizations, bud. You can't claim every frogposting fat piece of shit isn't one of your own when your approach is to try and recruit on the internet, KEK.

modern eugenics is a push for mixing all humans together to create one mono-race
except for the citizens of Israel
we cannot risk anything happening after what happened to the 6 gorillion

It might be too intelligent for an Amerimutt to comprehend. A level beyond Rick & Morty...

They are Sup Forums.

This is what it is plain and simple. You just made a thread asking the guy in the picture why he's far right pretty much

The guy might be ugly, he's not anti-white (notice that he's not overweight, except for his head he has a body many fatties would want to have)

*kisses your lips* Mwah

Nothing else to do

far right ideology is only for those who are extremly smart or extremly dumb.Those two groups of people are immune to any kind of propaganda.The first can see through it , and the second group cant coprehend it , thus leaning to the far right

These people are pure fodder.
Do not give these low IQ retards any power of sway over anything important.
Also yes, some of them are unironically CIA plants.

I'm no Nazi.
Freedom =/= Nazism

Its a working class way of dealing with immigration problems. They don't know how to play PR games or car for that matter, they just want to beat the fuck outta the enemy. I can't blame them, if we had more of them the migrants would simple be afraid to come here in great numbers.

You aren't smart, nobody who believes that crap is smart. Your head is gassed up from being here too long

I was far right for the moment I was born.I always hated brown people and was racist.I found Sup Forums way later in life.Like 3 years ago or so.You dont know shit about me.

Eugenics is actually one of the most salvageable nazi policies. It makes more sense now then it did then with our enhanced knowledge of genetics. A lot of upper class people would support it

Plus "no child support for IQ below 100 and extra moneys for IQ +110/120" would have some 'incidental' racial consequences

Da, comrade.

This is the truth.

What most of these idiots are represent are truly the toxic side of nationalism. When they use heritage as their personal shield to make excuses in their failure in life or find the most radical group to accept them. Or if you want to view it less harshly you can blame the modern environment and the people that join these radical groups as victims that try to revivify the long lost tribalistic instinct. True traditionalism is about preservation of culture and it's people who created said culture and not larping in the street screaming scandals.

>white shoelaces
So this fag pretends he already killed some shitskin?

Those things aren't working class. They're defectives
If they worked they'd know if they're going to pin their problems on anything it would be the division of classes. A wagecucks problems revolve around money and work related stress

Yeah I think its a meme that Sup Forums 'makes' people racist. If you have a problem with racism you wouldn't be able to read this site for ten minutes

those would be red laces

Given that I could reply and expand my previous message and with more characters to play with... Thank you for pointing to it..

It has changed a lot thanks to viral campaigns and content creators. After all "we" that were internet surfers (to make an arbitrary caricature for discussion sake) found cyberspace more amusing and informative than the trashy msm especially after the WTC false flags and WMD larping. Cyberspace was and still tends to be highly interconnected. That was the platform the tea party became known, conspiracy theorists, mgtows etc. Grassroots for the left was decimated from gamergate as plenty of apolitical gamers: kids, teens and young adults despised the left for the rabid feminism and white knighting. Bernie Sanders would have salvaged the situation if the election process was with due process and fair. The internet would be highly interactive and highly interconnected catering to grassroots and political movements depending on which of the multiple sides of the internet it exists.

You guys don't get your retards to hold your flags in Greece? They need to feel important to.

Here in Russia red laces are usually wearin by antifa.

We still do. SIG is a thing.
Take the Iron pill.

Red laces, are a skinhead thing in America.

Obvious CIA plants. They are exactly what Hitler would call Untermenschen. True right wing men have at least some sense of dignity.

I know, I used to hang out with skinheads before they went extinct. They would wear white laces because MUH WHYTE POWER, the antifa would wear red laces because MUH COMMUNISM. But I've seen a documentary about skinnigs like 8 years a go and they explained the laces like this. You wear white laces for MUH WYATT POWUR and red laces when you have spilt blood for your race, you know getting red blood on your WHITE WOIGHT POWDURR laces

I assume for the same reason as even normies tend to get more conservative as they get older. They just know deep down in themselves that its true.
If you once were a leftist like me then you´d probably know how you would see black people or arabs on the street misbehaving everyday but still tell youself that "this is only a small minority and 99% of them totally aren´t like this", because you don´t want to admit to yourself what you really think about them.
You perform mental gymnastics to pretend that you don´t see a fucking ape when you see a nigger-rapper, to pretend that the first thing that popped into your mind when you saw this aggressive muslim the other day, wasn´t the color of his skin and to always assure yourself that you aren´t a despicable racist...

But these people don´t care. They´re led only by their basic instincts so when they get the bad feeling seeing a nigger on the street they accept it and start to hate them, since they won´t pretend to be colorblind...

The AB is a prison gang, Prisons aren't known for housing the smartest of peoples

Skinheads are useful idiots

Can IQ be improved by constant studying and exercise at early age?


They know, from very personal experience, that there is something seriously wrong with a lot a people that really-really needs to be fixed. Fascism offers to do just that. Only most of them are too dumb to realize that THEY are the ones who will get the snip-snip. Because eugenics. Hard or soft way, the genepool is in dire need of a cleansing.