Rogue Swedish study confirms the migrant rape crisis - IT NEEDS TO BE TRANSLATED!!

A comprehensive rogue study about the rape epidemic in Sweden has been published.
It can be seen here:

Among other conclusions, over 90% people CONVICTED of violent rape in Sweden are foreigners. However, it's very likely that migrants have a lot higher chance of not being caught than native Swedes ,and even if they get arrested, they are far more likely to get off free.

Finally, we have an opportunity to concretely substantiate the Swedish migrant rape crisis with professional evidence. When confronted with this paper, many doubters and people who are currently the edge will be finally made to take this issue seriously.

This is a call for every Swede on here to try and translate this study and all the charts within it into English, so it's accessible to the general public - it's in the best interest of the western civilization

Other urls found in this thread:

this desu

There are no Swedes left in man.

your post are more credible than that, just saying.

It's similar to the rest of Western Europe. 80% of violent crime is on average committed by non EU foreigners, including rape

Yep, translate it, Sven, it is one way to help your country!

My BOY doing it

>the location where it is hosted says something about the quality

shouldn't you be in jail right now?

the Swedish government is so racist that they manage to pin 90% of rapes on foreigners? This why we need to get rid of white people

>talking about credibility

good show mate

More accurate version.

I got my kid and soon out traveling for a couple hours else I'd heed the call slav-bro. I'm glad you take an interest in our misfortune and I sincerely hope that our image gets completely ruined as it should. Swedistan isn't even a meme at this point.

>every Swede on here
Where are they?
Have we memed them so hard it triggered them off of Sup Forums?

I browsed through it quickly, and can provide some numbers.

Swedes with two Swedish parents (meaning ethnic Swedes) were reponsible for 44% of the sex crimes in Sweden in 2017.
In 2013, that number was 54%.

For immigrant groups, the numbers for 2017 are:
Iraq: 5.1%
Afghanistan: 9.2% (up from 2.8% in 2015)
Somalia: 2.7%
Syria: 3.3%
Eritrea: 2.9%

It's important to note that these groups are very small compared to ethnic Swedes, ranging from about 1.2% of the population, to 0.4%.

Here's the 2016 population numbers for males only:
Iraq: 70k
Afghanistan: 20k
Somalia: 30k
Syria: 90k (up from 10k in 2011)
Eritrea: 20k

In Malmö, 70% of the sex crimes were committed by immigrants.

When it comes to rape, rather than the more general "sex crimes", the numbers are even more dire.

Between 2012-2017, 34.3% of the people convicted of rape were ethnic Swedes.

For aggravated rape, only 9.5% of the convicted were ethnic Swedes.

This is huge.

>For aggravated rape, only 9.5% of the convicted were ethnic Swedes.

In case it isn't clear, "ethnic Swede" means someone who is an actual, white Swede. It's not ethnic as in exotic or foreign.

This turns me on

I bet it does Shlomo

Some more numbers:
Non-European men committed 84% of the aggravated rape (I'm not quite sure what it means, but it's considered more serious than standard rape).
Non-European men committed 90% of the gang rape. One fourth of these were committed by men from Afghanistan.
For assault rape, which refers to rape that happens outside by using force, only 4.4% were committed by Swedes.
85% of the gay gang rape were committed by men from Afghanistan. The other 15% were committed by men from Iraq.

Give me the % of total pop numbers please

There are 10 million people in Sweden, so it's not hard to calculate.

Found some more numbers:
People from Algerie are 16000% more likely to commit gang rape than Swedes on a per capita basis.
For Afghanistan, it's 10000%.

there's 80 fucking pages to translate bro.
why is this so important to you, its true i promise.

I refuse to feel bad about Muslims raping white women when white women continue to vote overwhelmingly for more Muslims.

Clearly white women need to be raped with regularity, otherwise they're unhappy and destroy your nation.

Ths study was written by a random dude. How do you know it's credible?


women have never known what is good for them. Swedecucks are the problem.

He uses numbers from SCB, which is the Swedish version of SSB.

Arent Algerians white?

Because he only uses public documentation from the courts for all of these crimes. It's just statistics. So nothing that isn't credible.

probably this will happen. but still. that would make a huge cognitive dissonance because everybody knows that sweden is trying hard to cuck itself the most


nudity is not allowed on Sup Forums please censor this before posting. You are going to get people fired from work.


Jewish media in sweden refuses to talk about it, they stil "white pixel" photos on rapists and childrapists.

racewar now,

Look who showed up

Nice, anyone care to make redpill material listing countries? This is redpill heaven

kek, nice. I was thinking about doing something like that.

It's already happening. They are trying extremely hard to silence anyone reporting against immigration. Ordinary people venting are also targeted and sentenced for what's called "hets mot folkgrupp" kinda like slandering a certain demographic based on religion and/or ethnicity. This is getting ramped up more and more and the leftist MSM blows all of these cases up so that others get scared of saying anything in the public space.

Kek. You all should be fired if this is what you do at work. Take your mansplaining elsewhere

>gay gang rape

WUT, what's happening in sweden?

Pol is NSFW don't try to shut down an important thread, Mongrel

Allah's will my good man

rip m8

Afghanis have a culture of fucking young boys. So when they move to Europe for gibs and the Jews are orgasming over successfully destroying Christianity, the Afghanis find themselves some nice young European children to rape.

>UN reports a 1400% increase in rape
>these are most likely HIGHLY conservative numbers
>people still need 'confirmation'

This is my 56% face.

>108 iq
>American Indian
>Probably whiter than you

You can meme the 56% claim over and over but likely you're just a cringey butt hurt eurofag jealous of how great America is and always will be.
etc etc


The only solution is if we ban guns

Yeah we've had a few gay gang rapes by Afghans that made the headlines. One case they lured a 13 year old boy from the same place they were staying at out in the woods and like 5 guys raped him while filming it with their phones.

There is a thing in Afghanistan about young boys dressing as women, don't remember what it's called but look it up on Google. Makes more sense then. Culturally backwards by thousands of years.

WTF happened Sweden?

Where do they find swedish girls???
80% muslims girls in stockholm
So who are the rape victims???

they just love boi puccy

Your a fag, and I am posting your picture to a doxxing site.
>Posting a picture of yourself on Sup Forums.
You deserve what you are about to get.

My one chief regret about being deployed there was that we didn't kill every single inhabitant. Spend a few years as a Westerner in Muslim lands and you'll discover these "people" aren't even remotely human.

>dressing boys as girls to fuck them
>not culturally backwards

rules are rules are rules
don't make pornographic posts for important posts.

80% of the population of the planet is swarthy mutants with black hair and black eyes. Anything with pale skin and light hair stands out immediately.

Why not just fuck the girls then. Ah right they have to be not tainted for their economic forced marriage. Better dress up the boy next door and rape him instead. Makes perfect not backward sense.

true story. They exclude you from workers unions, fires you if you work for the government and the shit just continue. Sweden is not a "free western country", its almost as bad as in George Orwells "1984".

Started translating some charts.

This is the reason why, look at yourself. We are talking of translating it into English and you complain even tho you read and write English every day. I guess we Norwegian just have to do it since you are incapable to defend yourself.

its worth noting the high stats of two swedish parents is because of consented sex can be withdrawn the day after. also that majority of women that are raped by immigrants dont report it for fear.

Those aren't high numbers at all, considering the vast majority of the population falls into that category.

Eh, I'm done for now. Might translate some stuff tomorrow.

That's ok you are getting raped. That's price for being weak and meek. Swede, it would never happen if you would have balls to built resistance. Stop whining and accept your slave status.

Nah, you are simply cowards. They can do anything with you because you don't fight.

Don’t forget the music festivals where the migrants who groped women were kicked out but no one bothered charging them. There’s a lot of sex crime that doesn’t make the official stats

Sure, 90% of rapes are committed by Muslim immigrants, but that's because their cultural identity has been attacked by White Swedes. Surely after the Muslim (much higher IQ then whites) gets the raping and pillaging out of their system, everything will go back to being fine.

Maybe stope being sooo racist Sup Forums

It looks like the Muslims are getting their 21 virgins after all. Who woulda thunk it.

They didn't kick out the Muslim men, they chided all men, but mostly white men. In this Kafka-esque nightmare world we inhabit, that was the most PC solution instead of telling the Muslims to fuck off. Just like when the Muslims raped 1000 girls in Cologne, the response from the "authorities" was to tell German women to stay five feet away from Muslim men.

At some point people are going to need to realize the solution is bulldozing media outlets and politicians into graves made for traitors.

>"ethnic Swede" means someone who is an actual, white Swede
No shit, Sherlock.

Bumping with related.

Thanks, Norway. Monolingual burgers appreciate the effort. Fucking Swedes...

we all knew this. The government is controlled by the jews for the jews. Death to the jewish state of sweden.

In america yes

In the US, "ethnic" is often used to refer to things that are foreign or exotic, dumbass. I wanted to make sure that was clear.

What is the endgame of someone who creates this kind of pepe

AngryForeigner might make a video about it on youtube if you send it to him. See if you can get it to him on Twitter or something

so i assume the difference is that rape is any sexual assault (eg. catcalling etc.) whereas aggravated rape includes forceful penetration?

No, I think rape is normal rape that involves penetration. Aggravated rape probably means that it was particularly brutal.
It correlates perfectly with a part of the "facts" from the Swedish government on immigration, which claims that "the majority of those suspected of crimes were born in Sweden to two Swedish-born parents."
I found the description both incredibly vague and specific, and that's because it is both true and misleading.
While individuals born of Swedish parents are indeed the relative majority of people committing rape, they are:
1- way more numberous, so that should be normal
2- aren't even committing the absolute majority of rapes. if you combine rapes committed by immigrants+asylum seeker, it is already way bigger than the number of rapes committed by fully swedish citizen.
The dishonesty is sickening...



Le bumb

>wordpress websites cannot be factual
it's literally just hosting


Catalonia had 8 seconds of credibility, Wordpress has had 0.

We have the percentages, where are the raw numbers?

full version

Catalonia had 8 seconds of credibility, Bulgaria has 0 seconds of being a real country.

goatse clearly

>one of the oldest countries in Europe
>not a real country

please do more


You wish 56%


this cartoon is unrealistic, no british "man" will ever protest what goes on in "his" country anymore

RIP Sweden?

Saving all the shit in this thread

>> backfires hard af