Why do conservative retards think they're smarter than liberal professors who have doctorates?


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Rural and suburban retards voted for Trump

>doctorates and shit

Fucking idiot retard.

The reason people speak of clear liberal bias is because conservative and even libertarian 'dissident' speakers literally get shut down or get threatened to be shut down from speaking at college campuses by school administration which includes professors. This has been on display time after time. If you still deny the leftist echochamber culture that is rampant on college grounds, then fuck you.

It is not a sign of being capable of critical thinking when leftists beat down opposing opinions with violence, while at the same time claiming to be for open discussions.

Smart people don't become teachers

>muh critical thinking
Isn't it funny that people who claim to be critical thinkers simply regurgitate whatever their professor told them to think? They simply repeat what authority tells them to think and somehow have convinced themselves it's critical thinking.

This. Let's allow all discussion to take place at universities, and make it so no facts or statistics are taboo. What would be the result of this? We will probably never know, because leftists can't handle having their cherished ideas put under scrutiny. That's why they label anyone to the left of Jill Stein a nazi.

Same reason we laugh at people giving awards to themselves.

>one post by faggot OP
STOP answering stupid questions Sup Forums

literally an appeal to authority.
even pic related is just a 3-step appeal to authority.

The two PHD people that I know are incredibly stupid. They have lots of trivial information, but their basic logic is near non-existent.

Because conservatives are pragmatists that live in the real world. Leftists get their world view by sitting in a room full of leftists at college, being told by some other leftist cunt what the real world should be like.

Fine. Just admit your kind hates the working class.

>why can't I hold all these ad hominems?
Yeah, this is the spirit of university. Accept without question.

Leftist weimar sanctuary city mongoloids voted for Clinton

In Poland our professors are mostly conservative. How can american liberals explain this?

I'd love to refine my ideas but I am so far right that I can't even express myself without sounding like a lunatic. It's very lonely when everyone on Australia is a leftwing arsehole.

"they percieve critical thinking, self critique and open discussion as attacks on their selfhood"

If right wingers were the ones that didnt like opposite opinions they'd be the ones protesting everytime a speaker that doesnt defend their views comes to their campus.
I've never seen righters do that, but I got plenty of evidence of lefties throwing tantrum when anyone linked to the right sphere comes to give a speech to their campus.

Most young conservatives see what their parent managed to achieve without a college degree, sees the cost of said college and the liberal shithole spewing marxist propaganda these establishment have become, and decides "fuck it". By the time a lefty ends up with its master degree, the conservative will have started his own company with all the experience he'd gotten from his first job.

On one side you have people that never worked a day in their lives, don't know how the world works, don't know shit about the economy, and on the other you have people that worked laborious jobs, understood through trial & error how the world and the economy work, and built upon their practical knowledge.
The only thing lefties have is their smug, because "muh education", but they can't use critical thinking because they refuse to understand that they are wrong, they can't self-analyze because they are taught they are perpetual victims, their empathy is hypocritical at best, have no understanding of data analysis or even context, for all that matters.

Lefties are intellectual slowpoke that believe an ideology that failed everywhere it has been spread and killed a hundred of million people is actually good.
They have no practical knowledge, only biased theoretical one. And they wonder why the real world slaps them so hard in their stupid face.

>Why do conservative retards think they're smarter than liberal professors who have doctorates?
Having a degree doesn't make you a supreme authority on all subjects.
I tend to trust people with degree in x when they're talking about x.

I tend to distrust, but still remain open to change my opinions, people with degree in x when they're talking about y.

Let's do an example with Bill Nye:
Bill Nye has a Bachelor's degree in Mechanical Engineering.
I would trust his authority on that subject.
Bill likes to get on television and talk about climate change and gender fluidity.
That's not really Bill's area of expertise, but mechanical engineers tend to be pretty smart so I'll listen to what he has to say.
>You're a fucking retard if you don't march lock-step with me on climate change.
No explanation. Just calling the opposition retards.
>Gender is spectrum. Transsexuals are natural and healthy. If you disagree with me then you're a fucking retard.
Again, no explanation. Just calling the opposition retards.

Bill Nye is just one of many examples of these "educators".

If you're going to claim that humans are having a catastrophic effect on the climate be prepared to answer some questions about the methodology you used to ascertain that evidence. Don't just autistically screech and call the opposition science-denying retards.

If you're going to claim that transsexuals are natural and healthy. Be prepared to answer some questions about suicide rates and drug abuse in the transsexual community. Don't just autistically screech and call the opposition transphobic retards.

Well that probably depends on the dicipline of the doctorate.

Most professors are devoid of any life experience. Really, its probably the easiest job you could attain. Especially If it's in some bullshit field of study.

>I have a PHD in (insert any field here) therefore my political opinions are factual truths

>1 post by this ID
>1 post by this ID
>1 post by this ID
Learn to recognize when you're being intentionally triggered. Sage and hide.

You only really get honesty from emeritus professors in my experience. Tenured professors and below all have to 'tow the line' to retain their position, or have hope of advancement.

They're probably smarter than any retard who falls for the appeal to authority fallacy - literally the best known fallacy out there.

I am a professor who has a doctorate, and I think that most liberal professors are retarded.
Having a PhD doesn't mean that you are smart, it just means that you are able to write an essay and do some research.
Since I have been called a racist by my colleagues for not wanting sharia law in my country, I now only do quantitative research, so I have data to back up my claims, and liberal professors HATE data, they are all about "interpretation" and "deconstructing".

Liberal arts are not science so I believe there should not even be academic degrees in it. Right now it is a political circle jerk where people perpetuate a "modern" set of beliefs about society. There is no right or wrong, it's all opinions. It also has a positive feedback loop when they outcast all the conservative thinkers and then they act like like liberal point of view must be right because there are only liberal professors left.

After ww2, I forget what this was called, but there was literally a group of philosophers that entered academic institutions with the goal of changing and dominating the political climate to what we see today. On top of that, we see on a regular basis conservative speakers bared from academic institutions. Look how the students and professors behave when they hear view points opposing theirs. Why are they so afraid to hear opposing view points? Just because you're educated in one field doesn't mean you're correct.
By their logic, they should blindly listen to Jordan Peterson because of his education.
What about the numerous cases where Ben Shapiro debates professors and absolutely destroys them

May I ask what field?

experience > useless knowledge

>After ww2, I forget what this was called, but there was literally a group of philosophers that entered academic institutions with the goal of changing and dominating the political climate to what we see today.
The long march through the institutions.
>The long march through the institutions (German: der lange Marsch durch die Institutionen) is a slogan coined by student activist Rudi Dutschke to describe his strategy for establishing the conditions for revolution: subverting society by infiltrating institutions such as the professions. The phrase "long march" is a reference to the prolonged struggle of the Chinese communists, which included a physical Long March of their army across China.[1]

this is good bait


>appealling to authority


that busdriver is a fucking champ

Broadly, international finance, which includes how States regulate movement of people, goods, and capital across their borders.

Why do people who spend their entire life in college think they are smart?

This answer was directed to you, Hans

idk, might be because a doctorate says absolutely nothing about your intelect, infact it says the exact opposite in an educational system that values hard work over intelect as intellegent people are often lazy, also studied philosophy for a year, quit because the professors with the doctorates were idiots except one guy who retired that year

For the liberals: back in the 1800´s scientist and professors were really racist. Does that mean they were right and that you should blindly follow them? Professors can also be wrong and they're mostly a product of their time

its funny how all these millenials complained about how education was so unimportant and there are other things that make a person successful in the 90's when they were in high school and now all of a sudden having a 4.0 gpa is the only thing that matters in life even if you're living in a cardboard box and work at panera bread.

Are you on the mathematical or humanistic side?

what is critical thinking

Because they are wrong and their views outdated and they will prevent you from talking. I have a leftist proffesor that cites studies that have been debunked a long time ago just because it fits her political views. They truly are wrong and against critical thinking which you can't see if you live in the same echochamber as them.

Conservatives tend to have a better self preservation instinct. Libs tend to go with suicidal policies.

Stopped reading there, fucking retards

>panera bread
looks shit

Doctors are indoctrinated and their piece of paper means nothing in most of the cases.

They simply have decided to do that one thing with their life. Knowledge is public, so depending on the subject one can become just as insightful as a professor in a domaine if one devotes one's life to the study of a certain subject. Philosophy, history or most of the human studies group especially, since their speciality is mostly interpretation of already available knowledge.

The only parts where this changes is in studies where you need equipement, like a lab, to do breakthrough discoveries. Or archeology. Or manual things where you need experience.

But for most other domains of study, anyone can pick up books and start thinking by himself.

You can't learn talent.

> mathematical or humanistic side

Considering that economics and politics are human sciences, I mostly use hard data but not only.
You need to know some political philosophy to make sense of the numbers, e.g. you need a political narrative or political claims to disprove with your data.


pick one, leftist empathy typically extends as far as what they see on twitter will take them

Because they go on to private industry and make x2 or x3 as much as these useless professors.

Now who really made the smarter decision?

Also standard appeal to authority fallacy rather than actually arguing over the facts. en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Argument_from_authority

"If you can't do, teach."

>he's black

lol who cares


>my degree in chemistry makes me qualified to talk about economics
wew lad

Getting doctorates only based on how well you parrot the institutions’ ideological beliefs does not make one intelligent or wise

i feel you mate

The bitch with the reply comment is drunk on liberal koolaid.