Other urls found in this thread:


Thanksgiving coming early, Trump is roasting the bird as we speak

Even if he is cucked to Israel, he's still the best president of our lifetimes, folks. Believe me.

What did she do or say now?

>give it another try in three years
What does he aim to achieve by doing this?

>Even if he is cucked to Israel
Was there a single American president post Taft who wasn't cucked to Israel?

She's claiming voter fraud for Republicans in Wisconsin, the state she didn't bother to go to in the election.

free win

literally pulled this from a thread i posted in earlier tonight. truly our guy

>Crooked Hillary, okay? *light hand gesture*
>Yes, boo yes. She is the - worst
>okay AND biggest *finger wag* loser of all time.
>She just can't stop, which is so...So so good...for the Republican party. *lip smack


holy shit

>and give it another try in three years!
Provided she won't be dead by then.

A shameful comment from a shameless person. He knows full well that Hillary is the real winner, but still isn't able to shut up. Doesn't matter, he's getting impeached soon:

very presidential

Link me to the thread

I hate how he keeps telling her to run for president again, rather than pushing for her to be put in prison for her and her foundation's crimes

What happened to lock her up? He hasn't mentioned it once and at this point it looks more like he's focusing on his own success than jailing the bitch


>Truly, this is the beginning of the end for Donald Trump

fo shizzle, these two posts are legit, wtf has he stopped talking about locking her up?

Honestly I think he has his hands full as it is. I think she should be in jail too but not at the cost of this presidency and it's priorities.

A thousand cuts.

Literally nobody else would talk shit like this, to the child fuckers running the world nonetheless

>still bragging about beat a shit candidate while the whole edifice goes to shit

New low tbqh


He said he would put Hillary Clinton in jail. Is this just more empty jargong?


Yes it is. Laugh as much as you want, but the Resistance is there and it's getting stronger with each day. Trump is the last Republicunt president, the GOP is dun goof'd. After his "winning" no one will want another Rethuglicunt to ru(i)n the country yet again. Young Americans are already overwhelmingly left-wing and liberal.



Not even worth a real (you), the resistance is merely a puffing up akin to a scared animal trying in desperation to appear large.

Jesus fuck my sides, its real.


Every fucking time

>haha the upcoming impeachment is so funny
>muh drinking liberal tears

we'll see who is laughing after Trump will be thrown out of the White House, shitlord

>wake up in the morning
>get showered
>get dressed
>have a tall glass of milk and a breakfast sandwich
>shit post on the global stage
>resume schedule for leader of the free world

5:31 A.M.


>give it another try in 3 years
Confirmed no lock her up.

Another promise unkept, how many is that now Trumpdrones?

It's give him material.

Do you still get paid to shill for Hillary even after she lost?

What is this bullshit? He should be locking her up by now.

Im pretty sure I'll be here laughing as you babies frantically try to find a new made up controversy to cling to.

it's been "the end of drumpf" since before the election.


have you got a problem with Indian-Americans, you fucking bigot?

in other words


it's been "lock her up" since before the election

House Democrats introduced articles of impeachment Wednesday against President Donald Trump, though they acknowledged their efforts have no chance of success

top kek my dude

Is this real life?

In all honesty it doesn't matter. Hillary should be blasted every day and every second for losing to trump.

Despite what the media tells you, Trump posts these saber rattling tweets (Shillary, North Korea, NFL, etc. etc.), gets his supporters hyped up for a Happening™, and guess what happens next? You won't believe what happens next: Nothing.

You're a faggot too, you know. You have no idea how an impeachment works or even what the fuck that word means.

We all do user, we all do.

Fixed your pic

sets the illusion that he has no idea she's in the crosshairs of a major investigation

Goddamn I hope she does run again. You know the democrates wont run anything but a woman now until they get one in to the office and shes the perfect villain to sacrifice to the Trump machine.

The Russians hacked her GPS and kept her out of the state.

Nice photoshop skills

Imagine, if you will, you're this big of a pussy. Imagine how pent up with anger you are for over a year now. Imagine, every day you have to wake up and scrap and claw for some semblance of hope for impeachment. Imagine, when it's 2020 and you still are a cry baby pussy. Imagine in 2022 when you're still crying. Imagine 2023 when you finally get the courage to kill yourself.

Okay, I think I remember hearing something about that on FOX, only for Bret Beir to say she was the first candidate since 1972 or so not to campaign in Wisconsin.

Update: Holy shit´s real HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA



Convicted felons can't run for President. I hope this isn't him backing down on corrupt Hillary