It's 6AM on a Sunday Sup Forums
Where are you?
It's 6AM on a Sunday Sup Forums
Where are you?
at home like a straight person
Day of rest, brainless.
I'm also 13 hours ahead of you.
It's 4am on Sunday, faggot
Leaving for work nigger.
At home doing gay roleplaying on Sup Forums until I go to sleep and wake up for a day of terminating peoples bank accounts.
as a neet, I'm about to go to sleep soon
the US spans across multiple time-zones, jesus fuck
in bed and comfy. might have a coffee soon and play some video games, but i'm also content not leaving my comfy bed. try not to get shot while you're at the gym burgerbro
Right here OP you fucking shill faggot fuck off
This girl keeps giving me mixed signals I took her home got her top off and made out a bit but tried fingering her and she said user no please leave and than her friend said I was too aggressive but than the next day i see her shes all toucht and sayin hi user and i ask what shes doing tonight and she says im free on sunday (today) so now im too nervous to go to bed because we might hang out or something
truly the superior way of life
>At the gym
>Not having your own gym
Would you rather have the ability to do 30 situps in a row? Or would you rather be able to lift a fucking atlas stone?
my gym doesnt even open before 9am
How old is she? If she's older than early 20s she's honestly not worth your time if she plays games like that
It's 1PM. Came home from church and will soon have a lunch. Will lift in the evening.
on the shitter
At work.
I told you about graveyard shifts man, I fucking told you.
Just got to work 2 hours late, still drunk. What a life.
I'm both? I do strongman, middleweight, 400lbs stone is my best I can load to 52" I can still do considerably more than 30 sit ups
About to get up and ready for church with the family.
>tfw its actually 9pm
Came off work just now and about to go to sleep.
Working nights totally fucked my eating and exercise habits and haven't adjusted yet.
sitting at home talking to faggots on Sup Forums
Considering I do both....Lift a heavier atlas stone
Getting ready to go for a comfy winter walk
How do you actually go about lifting that? Like technique wise?
but it's 1am
i'm here.
fucking you mom back in the house, faggot,
she is 20 desu
Smash then pass.
This is why I drink so much milk
shitposting on 4chins
So does australia and most other countries of a reasonable size
In bed sleeping probably.
It's 19 on Sunday, not 6, dumbass.
I can't go to the gym because I'm paranoid as fuck and the cameras drive me schizo. I bought a bench but I can't do heavy squats because I'm not set up for it
feels bad man
Mainframe was upgraded last night, so I'm testing Apps before business hours. I'm laying in bed because DOMS is a bitch.
How are you OP?