just found out
my parents will kill me
Im gay!!!!!!
Kill yourself degenerate.
join the navy and move out
Lesbian, gay, bisexual, or questioning your sexuality?
discord gg/nWpZPx
>just found out
Electro shock therapy user... it may save your ass, and your soul as well.
How did you find out anyway?
Degenerates all have EU flags and that is a fact.
not if you beat them to it
>OP is gay, tells us he is.
We knew as soon as you made the thread faggot.
Oh shit really??
How did you find out?
Did you have to do a test or something?
Are you Muslim?
its one of those plastic things you pee on with the red lines that appear
My parents made me take one when I was 15 and they caught me kissing a boy. Only one red line appeared, indicating bisexuality, but they still kicked me out. It was awful.
Your discord became shitty when you let women in gayjew
>just found out
who told you?
Explain to me the attraction to dicks or do you just like dicks rubbing up your prostate?
>just found out he's gay
You're not gay... That's just what the Jews want you to think.
>just found out
You let your wife's bull take a turn on you huh? Way to go Germany. Very progressive.
what do you want to accomplish on Sup Forums? Just shitposting?
How old are you?
What do you mean you just found out?
1 post by this ID
Ye I've realised that. Maybe he killed himself?
Can't handle the criticism, ya faggot?
Knew you'd kick.
>Offing gays one repressive pair of parents a go
Cute cats
Are you a faggot? if so: get the fuck of of Lithuania.
Post more pics of the kitties.
i want to pet these cats
You will catch cat AIDS if you do.
Its good, noone wants another generation of krauts. Die out already fucking cunts.
>my parents will kill me
not if you kill youself first
Very handsome indeed
They can't kill you, if you kill yourself first
cute kitties
don't feel so bad your German of course your gay
Hopefully they do
>Im gay!!!!!
So, you just now "discovered" you are attracted to other mens dicks? You've conditioned yourself to "like" recieving a dick. Just stop. Condition your brain to enjoy sticking a dick in a woman and quit being degenerate.
It worked for me.