
>b-but Trump hasnt done anything!

DAILY SCHEDULE (WH Press Corps) publicpool.kinja.com/
TrumpTV Weekly Updates: pastebin.com/6HbHjbqF

>TrumpTV Weekly Update #17 (Lara) 11/17/17
>WH Video: Pres Trump congratulates NCAA champs 11/17/17
>Pres Trump welcomes NCAA champ teams to WH 11/17/17
>WH Press Brief (Sarah, Chair Econ Adv Hassett) 11/17/17
>SecDef C.H.A.O.S. Mattis @Peterson AFB 11/17/17
>AG Sessions @Federalist Society Lawyers Conv 11/17/17
>SoS T-Rex @Ministerial in Africa 11/17/17
>SoS T-Rex family pic with AU leaders 11/17/17
>UN Amb Haley @UNSC against Russia 11/17/17
>StateDep Press Brief (Heather) 11/17/17
>This Week @State 11/17/17
>Women for Judge Moore event 11/17/17
>WH Video: VP Pence @Tax Foundation 11/17/17
>Pres Trump @Capitol Hill 11/16/17
>VP Pence keynote @Tax Foundation 80th annual awards 11/16/17
>SoS T-Rex meets AU Chair Moussa Faki 11/16/17
>UN Amb Haley @UNSC Joint Investigative Mechanism 11/16/17
>UN Amb Haley @UNSC meet on Venezuela 11/16/17
>House GOP celebrates Tax Reform Bill passing house 11/16/17

OP pastebin: pastebin.com/nygxu29R

Other urls found in this thread:



I love Kellyanne.

Okay so, what do you as a member of /ptg/, as in ptgian user poster, who form the collective ptg, think of Senate Tax Bill suggestions?


You might as well use a trip...


Go vote I guess.

>think of Senate Tax Bill suggestions?
hang the senate i'd say

I don't require one.

i would need the actual bill first, not just a graph made by someone else


jct.gov/publications.html the data is from here

*trolls you*

>jeff Flake caught saying "if Moore is elected, GOP is destroyed"
haha thats only a positive thing lmao

*teleports behind you*

damn right

"I provide advice to the president, he will tell me what to do...And if it's illegal, guess what's going to happen? I'm going to say, 'Mr. President, that's illegal,'" Hyten said at the Halifax International Security Forum in Nova Scotia. "And guess what he's going to do? He's going to say 'What would be legal?' And we'll come up with options...It's not that complicated."

>Margaret Atwood
literally fucking who

What a wonderful lady.

its better than our current situation, but not nearly as ideal as the house plan. They only threw the mandate in there so they could call it a healthcare issue when voting against it.

I enjoyed that film. It was unique and memorable. I especially liked the cinematography and scenery of Norway.


Guys, it's ok to panic, there is no shame in that

Uh...yeah? Is something here supposed to be surprising?

I suppose generals did illegal shit for Obama like killing US citizens but that's out of the ordinary.

Is this legit or is this the "media matters" interpretation?

thanks brah

>still no
what the fuck is this list, what have any of these people even achieved in this year.
Feels like 2/3 of the list is people who lost in the previous vote and got put on this one again because nothing exciting happened.
And the other 1/3 is people who said "totally slammed drumpf"
nobody on the entire list was able to break 40% yes votes kek

Lets meme taytay to victory.

Why the thread title flag brother. Anything new?

You know that silencer just makes him look cooler right?

Plus it looks like he is eyeing Hus first target.


For those who missed the crushing of the leaf

n-neat. but I fear that most of that movie goes way over your heads since you're all filthy baka gaijin (no h8).

>(D) Sen. Murphy introduced a bill aimed to make it harder for individuals who shouldn't be able to purchase a gun to eventually get ahold of one, and it's quickly gaining support from Republicans.

>Why it matters: The bill would make the federal background check system for gun sales more strict. This is particularly important to lawmakers on both sides of the aisle after it was revealed the Holland Air Force Base didn't update its database with relevant information about the Sutherland Springs church shooting suspect -- information that would have barred him from getting a gun.
>This also matters because one GOP congressman told reporters a week after the church shooting that he worried the trend of not updating these databases is "a bigger problem than we've seen.
Lawmakers who support the bill: (D) Sens. Murphy, Shaheen, Blumenthal, and Feinstein, and (R) Sens. Cornyn, Hatch, Scott, and Heller.

GOP senators won't have to worry about supporting what might seem like a gun control bill.
>As Cox of the NRA said in a statement: "We applaud Sen. Cornyn's efforts to ensure that the records of prohibited individuals are entered into NICS. The National Rifle Association has long supported the inclusion of all legitimate records in the National Instant Criminal Background Check System."

But its main setback from passing is getting support from congressional leadership. McConnell's spokesman told they're reviewing the bill, but some worry this legislation could stall in Congress like other attempts at gun legislation.


>Lets meme taytay to victory.
bad idea, user. (((they))) will spin this one and call for Tay to denounce everyone (((they))) hate. Nothing positiv will come out of this imo

data is from here go read pdfs


Media Matters is an accurate and reliable source of information

Personally. I love leafs.

So the house bill passed the house and now it needs to pass the senate, let's hope the cancer catches up to McCain before that, by the way, if a senator dies before a vote, what are they supposed to do?

Alt right, not right


>This also matters because one GOP congressman told reporters a week after the church shooting that he worried the trend of not updating these databases is "a bigger problem than we've seen.
So if this is what the bill is then OK.
but what everyone should do is to stress that each American has the right and civic responsibility to carry that weapon. A right that was made to protect you from abuse of any kind be it single criminal or government. What media and "bill creators" are doing is just another federal government attempt to control a part of the puzzle. In this case, the lack of up to date databases. When a person who carries out his civic responsibility by practicing 2A could end this all each time.


> banned for asking advice on approaching a girl


If you are the same Q, please stop larping.

well it's not like it's your fault. american movies go over my head in the exact same way.
(except for the stuff that's so simple that even a 6 year old can follow it.)

Handmaidens Tale author or whatever it's called

Is this how the party of Lincoln dies?


Stop talking about Lincoln and start talking about George Washington.

I will help you get laid. Don’t worry I’m an expert on having sex with girls. The most important thing is to cry a lot. It shows vulnerability. When she tries to leave, bash her over the head with a rock. This feeds into her rape fantasies.

Fuck OFF Joe

i never got that line, the party of Lincoln died with Lincoln in the same way that the party of any president dies with them. why focus on a man as incompetent as Lincoln

I understand your mentality regarding your home. It's a good thing. And I do believe we've spoken before as well.


I don't care for the party of Lincoln. Nor of Jackson.

because muh uniter of the country narrative

Your “I love kellyanne” followed by that exact image and pirate flag is basically already a trip. Save yourself the time and just put in a name.


it's called avatarfagging and is bannable offense.

what was it

>Trump will win in 2020


is anime gay
is the answer yes
are you a soyboi
do you crossdress
is the answer still yes
who is naruto
why is his anime so fucking gay

~ ~

Where the fuck is Trump? Since his speech it's been pretty fucking quiet?

lame tbqh

Pizzagate victim comes out on twitter

If you replace how left describe Roy Moore with Muslim, you just cant tell the difference

Jeb 2020!

>Fox and Friends shit taking Hilary and Bill
She doesn't even sleep in same house as Bill but pretends to be closer to get husband for the cameras

Keep that trip on, it makes it easier to filter you

Wew meme it boys

Abolish the Senate.

>Media Matters is an accurate and reliable source of information

slow weekend
I want a happening damnit

No, that's just a post with an image attached. A trip is not required, nor do I desire one.

Avatarfagging is repeatedly using the same character/person/whomever with every post, and using different faces of said character/person for reactions, again with every post. I do neither. I never post Kellyanne more than 2 or 3 times in a row, and in fact go several without. I also don't use her for reactions that much. I usually just accompany a post I make with an unrelated pic of Kellyanne, because I find her beautiful.

That aside, I enjoy your informative posts in these threads.


We'll see on Monday.

Mods deleted the thread. Same as the 148800000 get. Mods are truly niggers these days. I was banned for recognizing it for 3 days.

That’s just fucked up.

>keyword: basically
You do it so people know it’s “you” and not another pirate flaggot when the whole point of the board is anonymity. It’s not necessary nor “desired”.

North Korea's twitter is top tier bantz

I am not a huge expert in body language but seeing Bill Clinton next to Hillary just on Fox was hilarious.
One of the most certain sign is when you have your hand on your mouth like Bill did. It says you wanna hide and don't speak and you are embarrassed. It is really so clear that he is ashamed of Hillary.
I am almost sorry for Bill Clinton!
But the strangest thing is that Hillary doesn't even see it how she is embarrassing herself. She is like one of the Hollywood liberals who think that Feminism is the most important thing in the world right now.

Closer examination of the girl's jewbook page shows she's a bloody emotional wreck of a person, No doubt in my mind she's a crying drunk.
She's still got 50+ pictures of her and her ex boyfriend on there celebrating their one month anniversary for fucks sake.
Christ, life is going to run a train on her pretty soon.

What was 148800000?

Do you have a better way of making spicy guac, m8?

>>keyword: basically

Is not applicable.

Too bad about Brent Luyster. One less Trump voter on the loose.

Just got back from church, anything going on?


Sarah Carter: He’s very sick and he’s been battling cancer and going chemo. He is in a battle for not only his life, but in a battle against what he perceives as people within the US government that don’t want this story to come out. But there’s so much information that he is willing to share with the public to set the record straight, and believe me we’re gonna get it out there. He is going to have his say. His voice will be heard.

Hannity: He knew about the bribery, kickbacks, extortion of Putin’s agents in the US?

Sara Carter: Yes, and he will be able to lay that all out for everyone, and he will do that for Congress. John and I have been working on this for months and months and months. He came to the [Obama] DOJ with this information.

John Solomon: He is going to be an extraordinary fact witness because he gathered so much information. There are videotapes where the Russians are opening up briefcases full of cash. These are the people we then gave uranium to, that we then gave nuclear fuel contracts to.

Hannity: This is happening before they sign off on Uranium One? They knew about bribery extortion kickbacks money laundering before? They knew this was Putin and they did it anyway!

John Solomon: Yes. The Russians really thought they had played America on this one.

Sarah Carter of Circa and John Solomon of The Hill have been covering U1 every Monday and their articles have been the Hannity Tick Tocks.

They claim to have hard evidence of someone bribing someone in U1 deal. We don't know yet who nor if they have that evidence, but so far I don't think they've spread misinformation or lies; nor have they overly hyped their releases.

Hitler did nothing wrong



>I am almost sorry for Bill Clinton!

He took multiple flights to Epstein's island.

please /ptg/ i am very lonely give me yous :(



that feel when no gf

I see you, gaylord Brady bunch poster

Should we even be excited about this? The informant will probably mysteriously die before he can testify

get married with each other :v)
