How do you think people come up with such incredible masterpieces like this?
Insightful Political Cartoons
I AM SILLY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! XDDDxddXDDXDxdx
Where's the joke BUckley?
Why is that that everytime a leftist posts a political comic 90% of it is dialogue. If I want to read a book, I open a damn book.
>someone with a penis can be a woman
>someone with white skin cannot be black
Leftists will be hoisted by their own petard soon enough
serves em right
holy shit, even traps think traps are gay.
Trannies fucking hate each other seeing ones looking better than them as "fake" and those who look worse than them as hons. They make Sup Forums "you are not white" threads seem resonable.
>taking easy potshots at a show that was absolutely transgressive for its time
Can't wait for these whig historians to get a taste of their own medicine when everything they worked on is called backwards bigotry of a bygone era by future generations of their same ilk.
>these delusions and mental gymnastics
what more does the future hold for us?
What? Is this an actual Dilbert strip?
Nah, it's a parody done by someone buttblasted over Scott Adams. Liberals raged at him big time for daring to suggest that Trump was persuasive.
This thread is like a cringe car crash. I hate myself for looking but I cant look away.
Is that fucking Hebrew in the corner?1!
This unironically changed my view on trans people. My prayers are with them.
Diblert by Skott Madams :DDDD
>instructing a group to kill someone is the same as saying things that I don't like
what did they mean by this?
>resident evil
I love how those "gamer grls" always pick the most casual shit.
That was... dolorous.
I love these kinds of comics because they often reveal how normal people have given them reasonable criticisms or made innocuous comments which triggered them so much they felt the need to make a comic.
I think the AIDS does something to their minds
the daily beating joke got me, finally
God Almighty, just send a second flood and finish the job, this is getting out of hand.
This strip almost seems pro-Trump.
good thing i'm a misogynist who gets off on traps then
>malcolm x
>Caesar did nuffin wrong
xe has a point u kno
Drew the SJW bitch with a giant nose. Oy Vey
What did he mean by this?
It already is. Egalitarianism is racist
>blonde Chad and soon-to-be-neckbeard living in one house
This is a particular favorite since it explains why some insane blacks act like imprisoning black criminals is basically slavery.
>only pacifists ever got assassinated
I agree with all of those.
Where is the lie, tho?
>this whole thread
Lmao blacks can't read
I'll take things that never happened for $500
He probably didn't know someone like George Lincoln Rockwell was assassinated because the news decided it wasn't important, and the guy probably deserved it anyway.
You have a TLDR version? Something like a cartoon of a steaming turd on a plate?
Confused by this one. Trump did a good job of sowing seeds of division in a garden of liberals.
Kek. Further proof that nothing will ever make these nut jobs happy so there’s no point wasting effort trying to appease them. Same with colour blindness. You’re a racist if you see colour and you’re a racist if you don’t, so fuck them altogether.
That's not how you load a bolt action holy dog anus. There's also a difference between living peacefully apart and living together with the whole racial tensions thing.
Do they want other people on their side or not? Do they want people to like them or do they just want to be an annoying spotlight on themselves that no one else can comment or think upon?
"Inciting a roit" is not protected by free speech laws.
i think that comic gave me aids,and cancer
The thing that bothers me the most about this comic are the five golden stars on the flag. Come on faggot, just because you cut your dick off doesn't mean you can't tell white from yellow.
also you pay when you get on a bus not off, so this is all fantasy.
Why is she smiling?
lol this one\s funny
guess toilet paper is a commodity in the black "community"
Aww, another night dilating alone. Again.