Be afraid R*ssia... Be VERY afraid!
Be afraid R*ssia... Be VERY afraid!
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A military with no battle experience against Russia, gets the noggin joggin
with has experience against some chechens and hohols?
European armies are joke. Russia would destroy us faster than blitzkrieg. We cant even stop shitskins and niggers with no ID papers and weapons. I would propably welcome Rusian brothers since EU bros are pathetic west euro fags.
What a joke. Fuck the EU. Nuke Brussels
Same here. At least many Russians are white Nationalists.
t. Surinamese "yurrupean"
>be EU
>start a war with Russia
>get nuked & then zerg rushed
>have to beg America to intervene
Worked great the last time,didn't it?
Nothing can go worse here, scary boy.
>be russia
>dying of aids, krokodil, and alcoholism
>good women leave for rich countries leaving the ugliest slavs to have lots of abortions
>lower GDP than itally
>goverment of literal gangsters
>European armies are joke.
They are still not that big of a joke as the Russian army.
Fuck the EU, thank god in a few years we will be out
At some point they realised that all you need is nukes.
They aren't wrong.
not if we just threaten to invade you
and after all of this we are still in game and we are still eternal bogeyman
really makes you think
You can only threaten anyone with refugees relocation.
I don't think theyre afraid
Who else should be the boogeyman? Catalonia? Russia is a lot easier to do smoke and mirrors by (((them))).
>They are still not that big of a joke as the Russian army
Really? I think Russia's military would fuck us up if we attacked them.
You are the bogeyman only for brainwashed burgers and filthy muslims, our our business relationships are more flourishing than ever
gif with the swede crying while shooting a gun anyone?
i think you didnt get what i mean by this
Lmao European army will either be a bunch of peaceful bloodlusted Muslims or a bunch of queers that grew up in a spoiled decadent society. Russia will slaughter the EU because the EU only hid behind political correctness its whole existence not actual fighting. It's not going to save them
EU army a CUTE!
>Battle seasoned in a few wars
>Has a shitload more tanks and planes than EU
>Superb AA, artillery and electronic warfare capabilities
>Way bigger army can probably take more than 4 major defeats
>No experience
>Our numbers don't even match up to Russia, and 80% of Germany vehicles are unmaintained since the 90s
>1 major defeat and we are done let alone the willpower to fight a guerrilla war
And be fair what are you gonna sacrifice your life for?
For Merkel and those other cucked politicians in the EU.
I would be more then happy to let Russian clean up the EU and put all those cucks against a wall
Just use the Finns. Their ultimate weakness is other mongols.
Catalonia is just Russia's rightful clay
And that won't happen because the patriotic Finns don't give a flying fuck about Eurocucks.
kill me please
I think Russia couldn't even beat Poland. MAYBE it could kill the Baltics with a lucky first strike and an inappropriate concentration of force.
The EU could send only the V4s+Poland, and they would score a solid victory without much actual fighting.
It's ok, just need to steer Russia in the direction of Finland and it should sort itself out from there.
LOL You'll think "Be afraid Russia".
Dumbass. (Who is going to get us all into nuclear WW3)
We'll send our muslims to cooperate with eur*pean ones to blow the fuck your asses.
Can't we just nuke the EU chair "people" instead?
And still you 55% mongrels are going apeshit about them, top kek.