I have come to the conclusion that power is the only thing that matters...

I have come to the conclusion that power is the only thing that matters, as it did in our hunter gatherer days so it does now. It is the only thing worth pursuing for itself. Truths and opinions are formed based on power of the opinion maker and not the objective value of said opinion.


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consolidated power is the only way to fight entropy with surety.


Do you became a leftist?
because for them it’s also just about power, power lay between oppressor and oppressed

Power between races and genders

I don't follow? How does my post have anything to do with the political spectrum?

Just making a connection with how for the left everything is about the play between those with power and without power.

It’s funny that you say you finally see how it’s just about power and ignore the donkey in the room.

Power is the final red pill.

Well, the red pill isn't worth much I guess. Look how weak the men in power are. Mostly pathetic and degenerate manlets.

Power truly is what is behind everything. Why do weak people support equality? Why do strong people dislike equality? Why do beta guys they will achieve with being nice to women? Everything has always been about power, and everyone wants a playing field where their abilities give them power.

It's easier to understand it if you stop seeing power as something bad, or something that corrupts. Power is a neutral thing that bad guys psyoped the ''good guys'' to dislike. A culture where talking about aquiring power is slightly taboo, the worst people will be most aggressive in pursuing power.

Nearly everything is about power, leftist are right in that one. If you pit genders against each other, it will be a power struggle between them. In the old days it was tribes against tribes.

Why are there more betas than ever now that it's all about power?
Why are even those at the top of the hierarchy natural betas?

The feeling of power is a weakness.
Nietzsche was bedridden when he wrote this. Wouldn't that make it weakness?

What i really hate is people putting intelligence and IQ up on a pedestal, when there are better traits to have.
I would rather people be nobel, brave and based than have high IQ.

They're not though, you probably have a shit definition of what makes and constitutes powerful men. If you actually care about stuff that is trivial, like height, physically strength, or even how they speak to the public, you don't know what power is.

I agree with the first point of that dude but the second one is just pretentious bs.

Who says they aren't? If you think that people like Zuckerberg, Bezos, or even Trump are alpha (natural alphas), then it is you who does not understand power.
Literally not an argument.

I can tell you take your examples of alphas from r/theredpill

You let other people tell you what qualities a leader should constitute. While the reality is, these men ARE the leaders. And their qualities are in reality the qualities of a leader.

You are blue pilled.

>Smart people are dumb, I'd rather be a BASED CHAD!
How many levels of irony you on there bruv?

Lol, based on what?
You're a fool. You think falling into position makes you truly powerful.
You have offered nothing and just make up what you feel I have said, just to knock it down to easily defend yourself. Truly a feminine approach to power. And thus, you understand nothing about power.
Power has been turned into weakness, and you believe this is true power.

Alright dude, you sound like one of those people who believe that a shadow world government run by the Jews controls the whole world, and that is why I will not entertain you anymore.

>Look how weak the men in power are. Mostly pathetic and degenerate manlets.
Yeah and you are probably one of them.
There is always going to be someone smarter/faster/stronger/taller.
What matters is longevity and how well you are able to assess risk vs reward.

I never said smart people are dumb.
I'd rather be around based people with an IQ of 110 than arrogant neckbeards with an IQ of 150.

>Truths and opinions are formed based on power of the opinion maker and not the objective value of said opinion.
>opinions are formed based on power of the opinion maker and not the objective value of said opinion.

He's saying intelligence does not necessarily equate to knowledge, nor wisdom especially. A person who cannot read or write may be noble and brave, while the writer is corrupt despite his accumulation of information. He may even be corrupt because of it.

Because aquiring power comes in conflict with our natural desire to conserve energy, to have it comfortable. Risk-taking in the pursuit of power is also dangerous, and taking a risk might get you killed or make you fail in reproduction. Everyone wants power, but people also don't want to take risks.

Being alpha is mostly social skill, and even if you ''top of hierarchy'' (by richness?) doesn't necessarily mean you have developed social skills, so you appear beta to others. If you really want to be alpha across all the hierarchies, you have to also teach yourself social skills.

Pretentious? I don't get how. Our societies really are bad because good people are told to want nothing for them to be good.

Pure solipsism.
Perhaps you should offer a definition of power, and give examples as to how the current leaders demonstrate this.

Endurance isn't power. Slaves endure through an assessment of risk and reward. They may have a certain type of power, but they are in reality extremely weak.
And your made up fallacies really have no effect, other than demonstrating your own weakness.

You are actually clinically retarded aren't you

Says the fool who hasn't made a single argument, nor shown a shred of reading comprehension.
Can you address what I said and show how endurance is power? If not, then resign yourself and accept that you are truly weak here.
(Also could not stand your ground when stating you were done discussing this with me, so you are showing further feminine traits.)

If you want something done right do it yourself! Power is the biggest burden one can have, to acquire it perhaps is much easier than to keep it, after much analyzing over the years I have concluded that power is a great sacrifice some just don't realize it and become bitter and commit horrid things when they have it! Some want power for a greater good and anyone that is willing to sacrifice so much for the greater good cannot be trusted because their ideology usually falls short when reality hits! Double edged sword, now where o where is balance needed in this world!

>I have come to the conclusion that power is the only thing that matters.

Hello greatest ally. What a wonderful insight you have made. Truly activates my almonds! I wonder who else has this same mindset and the effects it has on our society.....

Being alpha isn't just a social skill. In a warrior society the man who influences the group of soldiers may have the best sociability (he could also have proven himself with strategy), but the greatest warrior may be lacking in sociability. And depending on the society, or fate, he could end up in the truly powerful position because of his divine power in battle.

Bitch you can't even spell the word noble and you are trying to lecture about what traits are admirable.
>based people with an IQ of 110 than arrogant neckbeards with an IQ of 150.
Nice buzzwords you imbecile.
>He's saying intelligence does not necessarily equate to knowledge, nor wisdom especially.
You have to admit their is a high correlation though.
Its not like modern people are quoting farmers from the Greek states, they are quoting the educated of that era.
>Using slaves as an example of risk vs rewards in a modern context.
>And your made up fallacies really have no effect, other than demonstrating your own weakness.
Take a lesson from yourself dumbass.

Nice argument...
Why are MUH STRENGTH fags always so weak?

Why, OP...

You know that we're not able to rely on the institutions, If they hadn't included a shill like you in their plot they soon will.

You must sense what we have come to suspect - the globalists want total control over our peoples' self-autonomy. They're planning to betray us.

Search your feelings, you know, don't you?
You know they don't trust us,
nor the Senate,
nor our Republic,
Or democracy for that matter.

Has your trust in them been shaken? Have they asked you to do something that's made you feel dishonest?

They've implied for you to spy, haven't they?

Remember back to your early teachings: "All who gain power are afraid to lose it"-even our own "representatives".
>But they use it for good?

'Good' is a point of view, OP. The views of the far left and right are similar in almost every way-including their quest for greater power.

>You say that the far right rely on their hatred for their strength, you say that we think inwards, only about ourselves.

But I ask you this- the leftists don't?

You argue that the left is selfless,and that they only care about others


You ever hear the tragedy, of the West?

I wouldn't think. It's not something they'd tell you.

It's a right-wing legend.

The West was the lord of the world - so wise he could use his power to influence the ways of others to self-propagate

He had such a knowledge of the right that he could even keep the flame of Rome he so cared about from dying.

The rightwing is a pathway to many ways of running a country - some consider to be 'problematic'.
>Well, what happened to him?

He became so powerful, that the only thing he was afraid of was losing his power...which, eventually of course he did.

Of course, he taught the leftist everything he knew, and then the leftist killed him in his sleep.

...Ironic, he could Westernise others, but not himself.

>Is it possible to learn this power you ask?

Not from the left.

You’re right, and through competition and struggle, the strong dominates and gains power. Survival of the fittest

Fuckn saved

Killing is the only true form of political expression.

Might makes right.

