This is pol in a nutshell

This is literally what you faggots do.

No, it isn't. My MS paint edits are much better.

Gay threads?

But he’s right about both?

>Muslims behaving exactly in line with their religious doctrine

>Christians perverting their own to be "Progressive" and stay relevant with collapsing western culture


But those aren't real Christians, they are blasphemers that will get sent to hell for sodomy and blasphemy.


>Sup Forums in a nutshell

>kill unbelievers

>he who sleeps with man etc etc

seems right to me

Are you being disingenuous or are you genuinely just stupid?
Islamic teaching supports the actions of Isis. Christian teaching does not support or condone faggotry.

No, this is Sup Forums

>1 post by this ID.
fucking hell straya.

There even is no difference between islam and christianity.

Both are invading middle eastern branches of the jew cult

>Sup Forums in a nutshell

That's literally correct. Calling yourself Christian and not following any part of the doctrine isn't Christianity.

Conversely, following Muslim doctrine is Islam.

You're an idiot.

>Christians perverting their own to be "Progressive" and stay relevant with collapsing western culture
>Atheists infiltrating Christianity, and pushing progressivism into the religion like it has been seen in most of Europe and Canada where pastors and many churches are openly atheist, along with contributing to the destruction of western civilization is Christianity's fault
Not it burst your bubble, but many Eupora countries have policies allowing non-Christians to be pastors, and surveys show overlaps between church attendance and the irreligious.

to* European*

>you can't be right 2 times in a row
nice meme dude.

there is no god but the white man himself

Fuck off, they are marxists nothing else, protestants have nothing to do with this

>look who's talking


the yes vote has ignited a shitfire in the souls of the australian people thanks for the shitposts, have a free (You) on the house

Would any of you disagree with cutting the heads off of degenerates though?

the final solution.

pope is protestant

The true Islam is in fact reflective of the most religious, strictest adhering sects. The not true Christianity is outright ignoring that religious, strict Christian doctrine holds homosexuality as a sin, and wouldn't condone marriage.

Islam says that everyone has the right to life including non-Muslims. So ISIS is not true Islam.

If faggotry is a sin in Christianity there are not many true Christians out there. How many Christians are willing to take on the queers these days? Virtually none.

Yes. Too time consuming.

Which of the two acts depicted is in accordance with the respective holy scripture of those involved?

>Christians should punish gays to be more in line with their religious doctrine = good
>Muslims should punish gays to be more in line with their religious doctrine = bad
Nice bro

Have you read any Islamic texts? Don't bother replying I already know the answer. Fuck off.

he is "Roman Catholic"
but we all know he is a fucking heretic






You should know this
"Hate the sin,not the sinners"
during the Middle Ages,the Roman Catholic Church was already corrupted and did things that were against the christian value.

while Islam actually punishes people and supports killing everyone who is a non-believer of Islam.

>hillary is still not president
feels good

Look at his flag, he has very clearly read the koran several times.

These are the same people to support anything and everything that Israel does, and is against Iceland's aborting retards because muh murder is wrong. They never fail to make me laugh. It's pretty obvious that they are subversive enemies.