The Kingdom of Cuckoldry once again in the news!

Swedish minister refuses to mark ethnicity of rapists, reports state 90% are migrants!

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Sweden has to be NUKED!

Nothing new. They've been suppressing that since 2005 and banned all collecting of official statistics linked to ethnicity.

At least Sweden is doing its part crashing and burning the EU when they took it on a hard left turn at the Swedish summit last Friday.
Centralised EU job market, taxing and social security incoming.





This is my 56% face.

>98 iq
>American Indian
>Probably whiter than you

You can meme the 56% claim over and over but likely you're just a cringey butt hurt eurofag jealous of how great America is and always will be.

almost spit out my coffee that genius kek


>Le memes
>Le shitpost


>98 IQ

Nothing new under the sun, our country is cuked beyond saving.

why dont u just like
go into malmo and get a truck and like kill everyone dude lmaoo

as a swede it's surreal to see truth like "90% of rapes committed by men of foreign descent" being reported in a news setting like this.

The land of the cucks

the difference between canada & sweden is that canada is being flooded with criminals & white canadians hate it, whereas sweden is being flooded with criminals & they love it or are neutral about it.


>10% of rapes are Swedecucks
no, more like 1%

dude this fuckin' chinese millionaire artist is making LOTS OF BIG hardcore pro refugee (race mixing europe) art exhibits all over the world...

this guy in the video attacks it thankfully, this is the level we have to attack the jewish cultural marxists on, it the arts
worth watching

How many fucking racemixing accidents are you a product of?

sweden needs to be nuked out of its misery

Degenerate cunts like you crack me up so bad that my sides have ruptured.

Swede bro please fix your country.

muh cucked swedes hurr durr

Why did you bleach my flag?

>Braindead Swede helping divide and conquer infiltrators

White americans are jews. Thats worse than sweden being fucked by niggers.

God save the Sweds

When will Sweden have a Kristallnacht? (vs arabs etc)


Like seriously, is there anything you can do to save Sweden?
There surely must be a way.
Or did people just give up like here in the UK? With the 'conservative' party here being a left-wing wannabes.

Never mind the 'a'.

why are amerimutts so funny?

>report on all CONVICTED rapes from 2012-2017
>84% of all aggrevated rapes are committed by non-Europeans
>2/3 of all aggravated rapes are committed by asylum seekers or people with an accepted residence permit
>95,6% of all assault rapes are committed by non-Europeans
>90% of all group rapes are committed by non-Europeans
>85% of all group rapes against MEN are committed by AFGHANS lel
really makes you think

Daily reminder that it's probably the same in Germany, France, Britain, Belgium and Netherlands etc etc