Sup Forums BTFO

That right. No way on earth are a bunch of anime masturbating manchildren going to impact this world anymore. #Resist

"The decline"





Ok no one cares now cry some more

If the BBC are reporting it then it fucking worked didnt it?


>bbc does exactly what Sup Forums wants them to do
>Sup Forums BTFO

The faggots remove the link from Avaaz when people start sign the petition ahahahahahahaha

Sup Forums was my homepage, guess I’ll change it back to yandex
wow I’m sleepy anyone else?

say it with me


>if you kill yourself, your ennemy lost

I stopped watching the BBC, it's in decline

>gookmoot bought it at a bargain
smart lad


Degeneracy claims yet another victim. RIP Sup Forums.

Thanks BBC!


I like how Sup Forumsedditors are buttblasted about the "decline" bit.

They're right. Sup Forums isn't what it used to be.
Now it's the dominant manchild-friendly cesspit that previously were Sup Forums and Sup Forums.
Safe-space echochamber for americans larping as nazis

>Mike Wending
Isn't this the forever virgin BBC paid to browse Sup Forums for a living?

Didn't they confirm last night that this whole operation was started by that Mike the kike guy from BBC?

wtf I hate normie chan now

I'm into dragons not anime girls. Get it right OP

>one of the worlds biggest news organizations is spending tax-money to talk shit about a couple of Sup Forumstards fucking around.

Oh no! Our epic ruse has been foiled! Just shut down the entire website now.


This is my 56% face.

>99 iq
>American Indian
>Probably whiter than you

You can meme the 56% claim over and over but likely you're just a cringey butt hurt eurofag jealous of how great America is and always will be.


>"Sup Forums won't impact anything now!!"
>says the BBC article about Sup Forums

Oh the ironing

56% white, 44% soy

Going digital and trying to create content for at least eight fucking channels killed the BBC

Just shrink it down to BBC1 and 2, BBC News and CBeebies and put CBBC on BBC1 and BBC2 again

more horny teenagers have started to come to Sup Forums, so what?

go to bed Mike

It's over guys, we had a good run.


Must be the shills, MSM faggots and CIAniggers.