Apparently Taylor Swift is alt-right now? Thats what I just heard on BBC news.
When did this happen?
Apparently Taylor Swift is alt-right now? Thats what I just heard on BBC news.
When did this happen?
Taylor Swift is a transvestite. The elite select passable trannys for high profile positions. It's true. Look into it. Lots of good info about "Michelle" Obama
Shut up paul
Meme flag
>conspiracy theories
>flat earth
This is the real shill Lea dies and gentleman.
>t. apostle laura lee
I'm honestly starting to think this, seeing how so many celebs are transgender in disguise
I really hope not u_u
Tranny detector says: false, she is perfect in every way.
>Being against "conspiracy theories" on Sup Forums
Maybe facebook would be a better fit for you
>2 months before Joan Rivers' sudden and unexpected death
>photoshopped image to begin with
She's got an awfully big brow ridge for a woman. That painted-on, super angular eyebrow is a classic for trannys to use to hide their manbrows.
She didn't explicitly denounce people who associate her with some things slightly to the right. Apparently in their minds guilt throigh association is a valid argument and thus requires denunciation
fuck off, shlomo.
got any sauce on that quote?
Taylor Swift is a top-level celebrity hand picked by the elite to be a bulwark between them and us. The elite do weird shit like this. It's just how they work.
Do you know how rare it is for women to be born with a longer ring than index?
They really are pushing her hard to pick a side, arent they?
There was an article in australia saying she sold 1.25mil copies of her album this week. No mention of the screws getting tightened, just a positive article re good sales
>She's got an awfully big brow ridge for a woman.
prominent brow ridge is one of the most notable nordic traits, you imbecile.
>Michelle Obama
>passable tranny
yes - 50%
are you fucking gay?
link plz
It´s a trap
I don't know why but I see Todd Howard.
>be famous
>don't want to be associated with political shitflinging and just want to do what I love, sing
>still labeled an "enemy" just for sticking to her craft
Fuck leftists man
We've seen her goods already tho
Tay has been exposed to browse Sup Forums in the past making threads and so on. Considering Sup Forums is the largest board with most influenceshe could be ourgal. Considering the media Jews know this and are suspicious that right wingers already are Nazi swift posting....they demand her to prove her loyalty RIGHT NOW ... she is either too proud to cave in and join a left wing campaign forced OR she is indeed ourgal. Either way this angers (((them))). Now she must pay...
I highly doubt that quote was anything she actually said.
some time ago when we first started
Mike wendling is lurking. Be nice to him guys
>she is perfect in every way.
What is this shitty text?
Kanye West and Kardashians part of Shareblue!
Hiding secrets in plain sight is one way the elite justify their sheer and utter contempt for us tax cattle.
They are Satanists, and figure if we are too stupid to believe what we are told over what is right in front of our eyes, we deserve whatever fate the 'spirit cook' up for us.
Why havent i seen anyone do makeup remover on that dude kim kardashian yet?
Who would have thought that such a beautiful lady is also wise as hell?
Well, the left seems to hate her
Tay was a good girl. She dindu nuffin
Shes tall, clearly has a lot of neanderthal DNA, and is most definitely a Sup Forumstard autist.
Shes /oursperg/. Her and the peanutbutter girl are the most attractive female autistics ever.
>michael obama
tay-tay commands
we follow
>BBC News
no she's questionably a Jew herself
"The actors playing her boyfriend and movie director and his staff - all appear to be white"
Awww, sounds like the race-mixing agenda is hitting a snag, so sad.
Dubbs of truth
Any updates on this?
I saw in a thread yesterday that it was set up by the journalist that made this news
Mike Wendling still pitching his own hoax in every thread? Cool, Mike. We know its you. Sorry we ruined your article.
its the most pathetic shit that people think diversity means more fucking shitskins.
M8 I don't know who you're on about, I didn't even click on the link it was just in that little tailored links thing Chrome has on mobile.
I don't know if she really said this but its touching and pretty legit so I'm saving it.
>I highly doubt that quote was anything she actually said.
Right, I don't think she's straight mmm nazi, probably a based libertarian with egalitarian views. So she probably voted for trump because she's not a moron and everyone can see how crooked Hillary is. I think she is legitimately am empathetic and caring, person. Still it's no ones business who she voted for, but one thing is for sure... There isn't another woman like her on this planet, and I highly doubt she would jump on a Hillary bandwagon without looking at the facts.
Is this expected to be a turn off?
IDK why her autism is sexy AF.
>Is this expected to be a turn off?
>IDK why her autism is sexy AF.
Can I get a makeapp check on Paris Hilton? Why is she not as redpilled as Tay?
>Can I get a makeapp check on Paris Hilton? Why is she not as redpilled as Tay?
Dude...I remember some stuff from 2002, I'm not even going to tell you what I saw... But someone gave me this secret link to a website full of some of her pictures... The clothes she was wearing was very based as some may say on this board.
We would never destroy the aryan race. This is bullshit
neanderthals weren't tall, massively built with huge eyes (probably saw in the dark) but not tall
>There isn't another woman like her on this planet
Stating the obvious in an attempt to pedestalize her is juvenile. Let your balls drop, have a wet dream, and come back.
holy shti youre right
>Stating the obvious in an attempt to pedestalize her is juvenile. Let your balls drop, have a wet dream, and come back.
Are you jelous? You know that turns her on... Where would you take her on your first date?
They are trying to force her to disavow Trump, they probably think it would piss us off or something
There are videos of literally every single celeb that claim they are trannies. Fuck off
Is the bbc really claiming Sup Forums was ever good? The fuck are you brits paying for
do you think Hiro getting payed for this ?
>Where would you take her on your first date?
Coffee shop.
1. Show up 5 minutes early
2. Buy my own coffee
3. Conversate, kino, kiss, make-out, fondle, drinks, home, sex.
>There are videos of literally every single celeb that claim they are trannies. Fuck off
This can be taken both ways... Aryan and Human.... It can be nazi or lefty lol I'm stealing it..
are they upset that she's known to have visited Sup Forums?
lol because everyone who looks at Sup Forums is OMG TEH HILTER
>There are videos of literally every single celeb that claim they are trannies. Fuck off
This can be taken both ways... Aryan and Human.... It can be nazi or lefty lol I'm stealing it..
>Coffee shop.
>1. Show up 5 minutes early
>2. Buy my own coffee
>3. Conversate, kino, kiss, make-out, fondle, drinks, home, sex.
Lame. Lol
You're not even going to buy her coffee first??? I mean lol that sounds like a decent 10th official date 2 months later... You're trying to be Taylor Swift's.fuck.boi? Lame
>Coffee shop.
>1. Show up 5 minutes early
>2. Buy my own coffee
>3. Conversate, kino, kiss, make-out, fondle, drinks, home, sex.
Do you even have a car? You're suppose to pick her up... ???
BBC """"""""""""""""""""""""""news"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""
remember, we set the agenda, they struggle to keep up, rinse and repeat.
Sudden? She was 81.
Tell me more.
> (OP)
> (You)
>do you think Hiro getting payed for this ?
Nope. Lol If he was the mods wouldn't be deleting.the threads. They have to have a political spin like this one... So who thinks she is a leftist?
the libs applying their "with us or against us"
CIA nigger
hahaha so much butt frustration condensed into that small excerpt
They are desperate for her to get blacked to spite the right. They loath her whiteness personification.
>forcing aryan godess to eat with sticks
>not offering her to eat with silver knife and fork
If taytay a tranny the globalists win
Woah slow down there Tay
>be me
>be old enough to know who Taylor Swift is not care
>lurk on Sup Forums for extended period
>become totally sexually attracted to Tay and I still can't name a song
well this is all over google
is it this?
I got you senpai
I just read the word spite and thought of sprite, and now I'm thirsty for sprite so I may go get some. Your lives will be better knowing this.