Apologize Edition
Korea Thread - /KR/
Fuck off gook faggot. SAGE
>japs apologize
>gooks ignore it
literally subhuman rapist
jap shill
no lol
Every korean woman I ever met was a prostitute.
Prostitution is rampant in korea. All forms of prostitution from "high class" escorts to "compensated dating"
Every subway/bus station in korea has prostitutes within 100 meters of it.
I didn't matter if I lived in new zealand, texas or california. at least twice a year there was a raid on some "massage parlor" and the women busted were ALWAYS korean.
I find it hard to believe that korean got "forced" into prostitution.
At least the Kid got Laid at age 12. That's an achievement right there
japs feel being proud when they rape innocent girls??
She looks comfy AF
takamoto i know where you really are
I spent 6 years in korea.
I'm not buying ANYONE got raped. Korea women take to prostitution like a duck takes to water.
eat shit
Okay Uchiyamada thats enough.
jap shill
There are basically no Japanese people here (on pol). Absolutley zero reason for non-Japanese, non-Korean to get butt-blasted about some extranational dispute like the East Asia war memory issue. You hear me, Jeff?
Okay buddy, I'm not korean but whatever fills your LARP fantasies.
I challenge ANYONE not to be able to find a korean prostitute in whatever country they are from right now.
Finding a japanese prostitute (a real one, not a korean who claims she's japanese) in America is damn near impossible!
If someone gave me a $30,000 and told me fill up a shcool bus of korean prostitutes it would literally take me 30 minutes.
go back to minecraft and stuffing your pasty flabby body witch shitty kimchi and bibimbap you closet homo chankaroo
Victim Complex: The Race
This shit is going to bite them in the ass. Being the most feminized East Asia country, combined with American occupation, and these continuing nursing of grievance politics, and the moralization of oppression makes them a fertile ground for their future immigrant populations using this mentality against them.
Biscuit heads are terrible
Kuckrea, stole everything from Japan and China, and claim it is all his.
japs believed in islam??
Prostitution is so bad in korea when the government tried to shut it down it led to PROTEST from whores
Let that sink for a minute....
raped my ass. $1000 bucks says I can get anyone's korean mom to blow me
I'm not even asian but thanks for playing.
go back to your place
Awww....is the chankaroo upset because I called him mom a deep throating whore?
Go back to copy-catting technology and pretending your not chinese.
>Be Korea
>Get invaded by japan
>Get liberated and demand apologies
>Get an apology but claim its too vague and not heartfelt
>Rape and kill a bunch of gooks in the Vietnam War
>claim USA made you do it and offer vague condolenses to Vietnam
>bitch at japan to this day about the same thing they did themselves to vietnam
>dont think of themselves as hypocrites
Vietnam rape girl statue when?
Unlike the vietnamese or other asian country, these bitches swam to the boat when they heard japanese arrived.
Hell, they have had TWO MASSIVE protest when the government tried to shut it down.
Go to youtube, type ANY KOREAN city name followed by "red light" and see what pops up.
And you expect me to believe they got raped?
Hell, even in japan most of the gangsters and prostitutes are KOREAN!!
Asian women take care of their men. Prostitution is just a side effect.
Part 2 of a 3 part series of prostitution in korea done BY koreans.
I have never seen an ethnic group of women take to prostitution so quickly and so well!
Stfu fag, go gas yourself.
If you consider your wife blowing half the apartment complex to buy a gucci coat "taking care of your men" then have it bro!
>invaded by Japan
Yeah in 1592
Annexation at request of monarch =/= invasion
I still can't believe what you faggots did to the U.S president
You fed him fucking territorial claims for dinner, and the guest was a fucking old-ass prostitute who participates in anti-american protests
prostitutes are only women shitskins can meet
go be subhuman somewhere else
>Annexation at request of monarch
That I did not know, I need to research that. Korean always say they "got invaded"
Dude, that wasn't my idea. It probably wasn't even on the agenda.
Every chance korea gets they bring over one of those stupid statues to the US and get some dud mayor to say what a tragedy it was.
Let's not forget their "doko island" bullshit claims during the Olympics.
You also probably didnt know that USA and had a small skirmish with Korea in the 1870s (Korea fired first)
lol, are you a woman!
lol, "you can't have my holes! no woman wants you!"
that is literally some bitch logic, haha. Go back to sleep in your 1 pyeon roach infested apartment
As a rule of thumb don't trust any (((modern western))) source on Japan, especially Japanese History. It's better to run a Japanese source on it through a translation program.
Subject: Banzai with deep emotion in whole Korea
昭和16年 = 1941
Korean, thanks for cheering Japan.
We Japanese never forget your friendship.
korea got recked! not a surprise
the only bitch you ever knew was your whore mother
lol, gooks can't fight worth a shit
"Private James Dougherty personally shot and killed the Korean commander General Eo Jae-yeon, he was also awarded the Medal of Honor along with six others."
I can feel your butthurt through the internet! lol
There are war crimes of Korean in WW2.
Korean wants to hide the fact.
damn,I can even smell he gook plastic from here
>gagnum style
Is there actual proof of comfort girls? Any photographs?
I can detect radioactive monkeys here
>he thinks the atomic bombs were as bad as Chernobyl
Yea, its in that pile with the "holocast" photos...
Ironically, Seoul has a far higher radioactivity than Tokyo.
>muh comfort whores
>muh paid slaves
Korean dogs are the kikes of Asia.
Funny you should say that, US servicemen that had been stationed in asia call them "The jews of asia"
Then we found out that they teach the Torah in korean schools....mind blown!
>t. Davido-kun
>us servicemen
That's what the Soldiers in the army referred to them as when I was there...don't have a source...no one wrote it down.
Air Force referred to them as DAK = Dumb ass koreans.
What about the poor treatment of Koreans in the Japanese workforce and even in the Anime industry? Koreans do most of work yet you are hateful and boasting?
Thankfully your president is a very smart man (though he may not act like it), is redpilled, and will probably not send you guys to die for that pathetic peninsula and its people and it's joke of a democracy.
Good luck & hope you don't die for israel