How do we fix mollycoddled soy-boy low-T pseudo-homosexual men?
It's no coincidence that most modern 'men' were raised in single parent households. Pic related.
How do we fix mollycoddled soy-boy low-T pseudo-homosexual men?
It's no coincidence that most modern 'men' were raised in single parent households. Pic related.
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Lesbian, gay, bisexual, or questioning your sexuality?
discord gg/zamwgsS
stop shilling your anal cunt
Start by fixing yourself, wise people close to you will follow.
Remember that you can't drag people to light forcefully, they have to get out of the cave by themselves.
Too many are kids from one-child households. Kids who roughly played with older brothers are more likely to be well adjusted.
Why do you want to fix others? This is usually a sign of deferrence/projection when not capable of facing one's own inadequacies head on
The REAL red pill is that soy boys are objectively a good thing for society at large.
The people you call "chads" are more likely to abuse women, less likely to be faithful (practically a requirement for rearing successful children), and more likely to be low-IQ rural and suburban retards.
By creating a class of high-income soy boys, women will be safe, children will be happy, and society will be free.
Make schools make teenagers lift weights. How? Frame it as female empowerment to make them more able to do military jobs, leo jobs etc.
The public would not be interested if it was framed as being for both sexes or for young men but if it's for womyn it could be done and the young men would get to do it too.
>soy is bad
It's something that gets debunked in minutes if you research it. Soy will not turn you into a girl, not make you gay. Factors such as malnutrition, ridiculous amounts of sugar, and the lack of exercise is what causes the young americans to look and behave like this. This is the cause of the falling testosterone levels, not the soy.
>stop shilling your anal cunt
My fucking sides.
This cunt is pushing this on every thread possible. When is something going to be done about it?
>Imports hordes of testosterone poisoned Islamic Rapefugees and Mexican Gangbangers
Fuck off you spamming faggot cunt
Why are you posting pictures of your mother on Sup Forums?
Exercise and eating better
How is OP's pic disgusting?
i dunno my dad is a complete alpha male and his and my moms marriage is rock solid. yet I'm still extremely low T :(
This must violate ....
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This needs to stop.
thanks, Dupont.
>being attracted to masculine legs
I'm pretty sure he knows his posts are against the rules.
Nice FOTM buzzwords. Should've said ''bugmen'' too.
why fix? give them dolls.
>interracial tag
> he's never been with an athletic female
Only fat girls and stick insects for you.
Good slide thread.
Gender is a social construct so naturally men make the best women. Nothing to fix. Savor the boiclit.
Anime turned us gay so we cum too Sup Forums for gayful reinforcement. Gaysecks training should be mandatory before puberty, starting at 8 years old (what is this?).
1) drink well water. This lets you avoid all the floride and other shit like the gender estrogen shit
2) drink milk like a real white man
3) eat red meat
But soy is introducing plant-based estrogen into those people with falling testosterone levels. It would be better to stay away from the stuff than to allow it into so many products.
>drink milk
>drink animal oestrogen
suuuuuuure what could possibly go wrong
Why do you give a shit? You'll look more alpha by comparison to them and have more social status.
GayJew, fuck off and die.
The server owner is a paedophile.
>women are retarded hormonal creatures
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