be white

> be white
> be male
> be tall
> be attractive
> be intelligent
> also gay

Life is suffering, how do we prevent gay people from being born Sup Forums

Other urls found in this thread:

Drop your flag fag

Lesbian, gay, bisexual, or questioning your sexuality?

discord gg/zamwgsS

At least you aren't a faggot spic

Hormone differences at birth. There might also be a gay gene.

Fix society so your kinds numbers go back down below the natural 5%. You fucks are a meatshield and barometer that straights can use to continue the species. Stop fucking kids and your kind will be fine.

Or an interaction between hormones and genes. They aren't mutually exclusive.

If you really have good genetics but just can’t get turned on by women then do the right thing and donate sperm

Literally raise your kids with a wife and make sure you get traditional gender roles. The man should teach and discipline the child. The mother should care and comfortable the child. It’s really that simple. Also make sure no scumbag fuck molests your kids.

You aren't gay you just have a mental illness. Stop looking at gay porn and visiting fag websites, stop dressing, speaking and acting promiscuously. Go and find a nice girl and you will turn your life around mate

Most gay people are physically capable of sex with women, we are just attracted to men and prefer to raise kids with members of the same sex. We'd rather "donate" sperm to a surrogate and raise kids with someone of the same sex and you can't stop us.

Being ''Gay'' is a mental illness. If you - however - are conscious about it, nothing stops you from living somewhat normal. No one forces you to live it out.

If you want to live the normal family life, then go for it. Supress that evil demon inside of you!! :)

You mean molest and rape a kid with your mentally ill deviant degenerate faggot sodomite partner? You shouldn’t be so cocky, faggot. Things change.

Have you noticed that trying to smear us as pedos hasn't exactly been working in trying to deny us rights in developed countries?

Oh gee I wonder why you fucking kike.

b-but muscular aryan jocks make my donger go up

Where are you then? How did I miss you out of everyone then? Being gay just makes everything else better.

Convince yourself you like women and hate men.
If it doesn't work kill yourself

Or maybe because it simply isn't true and you religious people can scream as loud as you want, you accomplish nothing in reality.

>Hasn't found a real French woman.

>isn’t true

Yes it is. You’re mentally ill deviants.

Real French women all died before the war.

Well, you could explain how I am a pedophile despite the fact I am in no way attracted to children nor have I done unspeakable things to them.

that study is bullshit, they advertised it beforehand as a chance to view underage teens naked. Obviously it is not representative of the normal population, but people that would come out for an experiment like that, i.e. pedos

Why are you straight then?


>I am a pedophile despite the fact I am in no way attracted to children

Slavic/asian women.
Actually even a nigger would be better than a modern french woman.

Well the only hole in your logic is I have no sexual inclination towards children, age preference is 16 and up.

Comparative studies have shown a greater prevailance of pedophilia among homosexuals. Of course, prevailance was low in both cases, and probabilities of being an offender were not studied.

Just because you are gay doesn't mean you have to have sex with men or that you can't find a woman and marry and impregnate her.

Keep screaming that and posting 30 year old studies. Nobody believes your lies.

Facepalm. I said I want him to explain how I am a pedophile since that is what he thinks I am already because I am gay. Seriously no way am I a pedo, they are sick/evil people.

Seriously, were you sexually abused as a child?

25% of pedophiles are homosexual but I don't know if the reverse is higher.

Friendly reminder gay/pedo/bi/whatever else is not a real condition and is just anxiety/ocd being perpetuated by confirmation bias

No. Your narrative falls flat in reality.

No. I had a pretty good childhood until I figured out I was homosexual.

You can look up the study on ncbi, it’s from 1992. Facts don’t need to be screamed.

What does that number exactly mean? Ie, is it the number of offenders or does it measure feelings?

What happened then?

The rest are probably straight.

Gays are made, not born, faggot.

I, too, am gay and hate the gays.

stop trying to get them to make babies. that might be a start.

dont let kids get molested

You were doing fine. And then you got to the last thing. That should be against the law. No man 5'11, white, and attractive should be allowed to be gay. Sorry.

It isn't a fact. You are deliberately misinterpreting older studies for personal gain. There is nothing in that study that says homosexuals are directly more likely to be pedophiles.

It's offenders. As you'd imagine it's hard to do a survey of pedophiles in the population.

I figured out I was gay and tried to live that way, but it's an unhappy, sterile life.


That's because numbers are abstract concepts that can't think for themselves, but when 40% of the pedos we find happen to be fags, well, whoops, that's just what the numbers are fuckin' saying, isn't it?

They aren't born, they're created.

Or that means women are not being jailed for pedophilia, men lie about being gay (many more are bisexual and gay than admit it), or that gays are more likely to be arrested for sex crimes (or were back int the 1980s). Things are a bit different now.

The study literally says that.

How exactly did they get that information? Were those results replicated in other settings?

>dude just stop getting boners from handsome men
Try that in reverse now, try to not be attracted to females.
>just stop being a fag lmao
Is not how it works.

If a dude is fucking a kid, the fact that he's a fag just means he's double worthless, but he's getting arrested for fucking the kid either way. I'm not sure what your point is, there might be more fags hiding out there? That wouldn't make the fact that 40% of pedos are fags, and that is a hilariously disproportionate amount in the much smaller (entirely insignificant) community.

I see you here every morning, and I see you get your shit blown out every morning. Why the fuck do you come back?

I am not defending pedophilia. I am doubting the robustness and current validity of these older studies you cite but have never read. You just want to abuse numbers to harm people.

The study I am referencing was written by K Freund in case we are talking about different studies.


Who is dead now because your data is OLD and the findings never replicated.

First you have to ask Jesus. Then you have to stop teaching gay to people. Maybe even not being gay, some people are fake guy anyway. (Actual studies on attraction.) Then ask Jesus: What do? Like Milo Yiannopolous. Right side of history. Alt right wonder worker and free speech masterpiece. Gay obviously forgiven.

You don't deserve those rights.
You choose not to breed with women therefore it shouldn't be out responsibility to give you children.
If you look up actually studies on the link between homosexuality and paedophilia you'll find a lot of research suggesting that there is or could be a link.


Do you have any data to the contrary? I am aware of a case study, which talks about offenders, which is different from feelings which the 1992 study concerns.

Nobody is born gay, you are shaped that way through your environment.

No, I didn't cite shit, and I certainly don't cite shit that I haven't read. I happen to know the statistic that within the minute population that suffers from the disorder of homosexuality, you will find 40 percent of the pedos we've locked up.

I don't want to abuse numbers to harm people, you poofter. If you don't cut your shit out, I would be happy to just abuse people, and you should count yourself lucky that you even get the title.

What's going on in this thread?

>also gay
user, i have bad news, it appears that you are a faggot.
also, being gay is a social construct, you wouldn't be gay if you were attractive. people only go gay in the absence of women

Are gays more likely to be pedophiles?

Child sexual abuse (CSA) is a pervasive problem with myriad short- and long-term consequences for victims and their families. Its impact is far-reaching with recent estimates that 26.6% of girls and 5.1% of boys experience sexual abuse or assault by age 17 (Finkelhor, Shattuck, Turner, & Hamby, 2014).

About 60% of the male survivors sampled report at least one of their perpetrators to be female.
-Mendel, 1993.

3/4 victims of molestation are female:

"A 2015 study (linked above) looked at virtually every substantiated child sexual abuse case reported to child protective services in the United States in 2010. It concluded more than 20% of child sexual abuse cases reviewed involved a primary female perpetrator – so estimates vary significantly."

I found a good french woman
.....but she is lesbian

You do know that your infographic shows statistical significance for most.

this desu

>Life is suffering, how do we prevent gay people from being born Sup Forums
Go back in time and kill whoever molested you in childhood.

why do gaay people contract so much hiv? is bugchasing so common among gay people, or is it really just carelessness?

Ok Ancap, out of everyone here we're going to listen to a basement dwelling, neckbearded retard who religiously watches his favourite psuedo-intelligent e-celebs while spouting "orwellian" at everything you see whilst never having read a single book on the retarded philosphy you spout, the literal founder of Ancapism is made fun of by other economists. I may be a faggot but i'll never scoop as low as you to become an autist

Gas all the faggots and the Jews who promote their decadence.

We definitely need larger sample sizes for studies on gay people. I doubt any study on gay people from 2000 or earlier had a remotely representative sample.

True, I don't see why people would choose the man ass over the pussy if they just wanna get off, I guess people just invest in their current opportunities.

Anal sex.

Funny thing about statistics. One of the first things they teach you in any beginners class on the subject, they're largely entirely meaningless. Anyone with half a brain can manipulate any data set to get any result they want.

Don't play on their level, force them to play on yours.

I don't hate fags because of this statistic or that, I just hate fags because there existence is fucking wrong.

>people only go gay in the absence of women

I went gay because I despise most women.

>Doesn't realise that high-functioning autism is the next step in human evolution

Good luck with all that unwarranted hate, untermensch.

also, the chance of getting hiv from positive anal sex is not that high, so why is the transmission rate for gays that high?

Lesbians are nothing but badly fucked heterosexuals.
Everytime I told that to a dyke, I ended up fucking her or her friends.

But, also, it's really fucking hard to get HIV from a vagina. Unless you're packing a cannon fit to tear her open, it's pretty much the act of fucking someone in the butt that transfers it. Almost like the whole arrangement is abhorrent from the ground up.

I hate women too, so I just turn them into objects of my entertainment, no need to go off them completely.

The gay gene will most likely be isolated and eradicated in the very near future with genetic engineering(CRISPR) and pre-implantation embryo screening

Because most faggots are gigantic sluts.

question: any former gays on here? whats it like to leave behind the lifestyle?

I would guess drug and alcohol use weakening/drying rectal tissue leading to tears exposing the bloodstream. That said, HIV is in decline in the US, UK, and AU.

I assume a lot of the disease is found in a relatively small high-risk sub-population of gays who are more likely to take drugs and engage in sex work. Based on the most recent CDC data I would estimate that around 4.5% of gays have HIV, which is obviously a lot, but not exactly universal.



You can learn to be straight, just like how degenerates on r9k have learned to be gay.



Kill them whenever they come out.

i've not had the time to read the papers "debunking" the new family studie etc, but just these sky high hiv rates lead me to believe that there is some sort of mental illnes going on
yeah, but gay account for like 60% of hiv infections every year, while being 2% of the population
