Explain this image, Sup Forums.
Explain this image, Sup Forums
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Explain why did you make this thread.
Polshits are getting killed.
stalin was a socialist that wanted to redistribute wealth, jews had a lot of wealth, stalin accidentaly went gass the kikes while going gass the rich.
Rus-pole loberator-penetrator union against low-beings (ukranians) for Slav Empire is very need.
This is my 56% face.
>101 iq
>American Indian
>Probably whiter than you
You can meme the 56% claim over and over but likely you're just a cringey butt hurt eurofag jealous of how great America is and always will be.
i can agree on that ...
Nicca this filename bait.
Bolahevik jews murderers in Russia
Bullshit THIS IS A GERMAN or atleast an allied faction of course a german Einsatzgruppen soldier does not wear the same unifrom as an SS trooper in full battle rattle second the gun in the picture is most likely a german gewehr 24 not an yugo m24 (round front sight) as seen by the triangular front sight
Just image - Rus-Polania like Austro-Hungary...
>muh phenotype
inheritance of genes works that way, your kids could look any variation of the nationalities youv listed
>101 iq
So how was cleaning toilets today?
Why does the iq go down every time this is posted? I swear the last time this was copy/pasted it was 102 iq, before that 103, etc.
Wrong thread
its black and white cause it was taken with an earlier design of the camera, a camera obscura was projected onto a surface with silver nitrate, and only could capture a spectrum of whites and blacks
You're wrong
The type of gun it is is irrelevant, The German Army would equip units with captured weapons
The question should be, were any units in this area equipped with captured weapons?
As we know, slav weapons are genetically locked.
oh ok
Why do you hate us?
rommel was an american army officer.
Why are they taking cover behind debris? If they are being executed, why aren't they running too? Why is there a women running towards them? Why is there a women behind her on the ground? Why are the people disorderly spread out? Why is the boy facing side ways to the solider? Why isn't the solider aiming down towards them? Why is a women next to the solider if his executing the ones in front? His he covering them? Who took the picture? Where was it taken? Why would the Germans allow such a photograph to be taken if it really was depicting an execution?
I assumed this was a picture taken by soviets. Can't really find a good picture of a soviet uniform at the moment so I'll just post something similar.
Why does it matter if a germans were issued with foreign weapons when the weapon in thepicture is a german one?
What does that have to do with the OPs pic im arguing that the "facts" stated by the debunking picture are clearly not thought through and completly bogus in the case of the unifroms
What's the purpose of the ovens tho.
Bigger image for those who don't like OP's tiny image,
fun game - ask someone old about the war; listen to them talk about evil nazis for 5 mins then ask about the firebombing of dresden & watch them go quiet.
>allied faction
bingo nigger,those are yugoslavs.
The germans used captured guns,but not captured uniforms.Those seem to be yugoslav prewar uniforms.
Sorry for you white working class
>round front sight
The front sights were all the same. The difference is if the front sight has a protective hood on,but it was possible to simply remove it on any model.
I'm not an expert in this, but the chest pockets seem to look a different shape than in the picture. And it looks as though there are two buttons lower down than on the German uniform. Sucks that we can't see the eagle on his jacket or not. In the picture it looks as though there is nothing on his hat. (No pin or anything.)
no one thinks the bombing of Dresden was a good thing you retarded naziboo
To be clear I'm not arguing for this not being a German soldier, I just want to figure out exactly who it is by comparing both Russian and German uniforms to find the closest match to what specific uniform it was.
no they are not a yugo m24 as stated in the picture has a round front sight the gun the soldier actually holds has big traingular one like the gewehr 24 which looks distinctivly differnt then an k98k and of course if you aim you would not have the hood on your front sight
how do you distinguish an this from a german unifrom which the guy in the pic is clearly wearing?
>front sight
As i said there is no difference in the front sight,only difference is the protective hood,which could have been added/removed.
The difference is the rear sight,yugo has a wooden guard enclosing the sight from both sides.
Button height/ammo pouch location/pocket shape
Answer the question, Augustyn.
they were jews shooting german citizens, never learned about the german - jewish war before ww2? they got supported by russia at the time.
Not a war crime.
Found another Yugo 24 picture if anyone wants it.
Had the Germans by some impossible miracle managed to turn the war around and beat the US, it most certainly would have been considered one.
Could a German uniform. But we can't see exactly. Picture is too blurry.
Why is the gun to the left raised so high? They look shopped in
Also, someone answer my questions
Yeah. The picture looks photoshopped. The people on the right don't look like they belong here.
And which gun was the yugo one modeld after? a hint it is the gun the soldier holds in the pic
Looks like some editing could have been done. The edge of this person has some odd pixels or something around it.
And does anyone know if what is on the left is a shadow or blood or something? If it were a shadow, it looks like it's not even coming from the feet of the soldier, but from the dead body.
The development chain:
Gewehr 98-Kar98az-VZ24/M24-Kar98K
The czechs developed their rifle roughly at the same time as the yugoslavs
I think a see a button and a sort of cuff on the sleeves of his uniform.
its from albania
Shadows are usually connected to the source/block of sunlight,this one just sits there.
Fuck knows,most likely the entire pic is shooped
Not much to explain, thats how most Jews were killed in WW2.
The fact that the Nazis hated Jews is no secret, back then EVERYONE did. Many other jews that weren't shit would end up dying of starvation and disease by the end of the war when caring for prisoners was no longer a priority to the retreating Germans.
What is a lie however are the use of gas chambers, the "final solution" being the extermination of all Jews, the whole soap and lampshade thing and finally the 6 trillion figure aka the official story
Marxist-Leninist Communist Party
Weren't shot*
>Explain this image, Sup Forums.
Those are Russian soldiers.
Bake sales to fund the war effort
Baking bread to feed everyone in the camp...
>what is baking
>what is heating and warmth
probably a fake to make the Krauts feel sorry for the shoah
....Is that a severed nigger dick?
They killed the political officers of the red army - they were 90% jewish.
>mikä mikä uuneeidenenenn tarkikoitukuksesta
A man saving mankind from cancer
>>American Indian