Eu threatens with inflaming war in the Balkans

>Donald Trump’s anti-EU rhetoric could spark a war in the Balkans, Jean-Claude Juncker has warned.

d-don't criticise us mr Trump or we will destroy the Balkans, again

Why is the remaining eu so evil?

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Why does Europe try and blame literally everything on us? Jesus, what a continent of babies.

noice, hope it happens, i like to sit back and eat popcorn while i watch people kill each other

Guess who is responible of the immigration crysis in europe

That's how it works. If you want to save face and avoid responsibility you find a scapegoat or trigger something terrible as an outcome of other people's actions.
You also have to make your threats as public as possible like mr Juncker did.

eu also threatens with reigniting sectarian fights in Ireland

>But the EU called at talks in Brussels last week for Northern Ireland to effectively stay in a customs union with the bloc to prevent a hard border with Ireland.

>The open border helped underpin the 1998 peace deal that ended decades of sectarian unrest.

>"The tragic conflict between the Protestants and the Catholics was not that long ago," Barnier, a former French foreign minister, told JDD. "I won't do anything that could weaken" the 1998 accord

Stop replying to this faghot. He been osting the same threads with the same image literally every fucking hour. Just sage and report him and stop giving him (You)s.

Why tho eubot?

You know you should just start spamming cuckold porn if you really want to get Greece rangebanned this much.

In what way can you consider this a threat?
No need to be eternally salty about the EU because you have to pay back some debts...

meh, i'm just posting articles, why get rangebanned
One cannot outright spew threats at the highest diplomatic level.
They can leave hints here and there though, about what is to follow if they don't get their way.

shilling to pay debts?

Good move

Because spam is annoying as fuck and against the rules.

Distasteful post

Based EU

Because you are responsible.

Every board has spam threads. Here it's easter, chi, goblins etc. People have to know the full truth about the eu.

So we're going to get more Balkan shitholes forced into our union?


Because the United States are the enemy of the free world

>But President of the European Commission Mr Juncker said the European perspective in the Balkans enabled to maintain peace in the region.
>“If we leave them to themselves — Bosnia and Herzegovina, Republika Srpska, Macedonia, Albania, all of these countries — we will have a war again."
How should I interpret this then?

That we are so inspiring that they instantly drop their arms and pray on their knees towards us?

The real question is what have you done to protect and raise the value of the €?

We are going to push them into war again if you keep pushing for trade renegotiation.
We open another warzone for you to deal with and bleed you out of money and resources.

I'd rather have a war then share a country with them.

Simple. the remainders of the eu should kick us out

Juncker isn't just joking, it's the truth.
Trump wants to start a fire on the Balkans.

Better yet, after a war, eu admission will fade further away

>yuros don't
those guns aren't going to sell themselves

>Based EU

>the eu prevents conflict in europe
sick of this meme


>Otto von the eternal German

I hope it will be a war to restore Great Yugoslavia ruled by Croats.

Hercules, i...

I said no Luigi

I agree, when are going to pay reparations?

How do we destroy what's left of the eu?

You're a very fearful person to interpret everything as a threat. Have you been molested in your childhood?

1. Don't buy products made in what's left of the eu.

2. Push the southern/nortern divide to the extreme by any means necessary. A southern seccession will lead to a greatly revalued euro and thus a negative trade balance for what's left of the eu.

3. Sabotage their production facilities both domestic and abroad.

4. Execute all their executives, agents and local collaborators.


We would never leave the EU. The only way for us to leave is by the dismantle of the Union.

Don't you love how journalists write?They can odscure eu blackmail, incompetence and corruption effectively.

> Bosnia and Herzegovina, Republika Srpska, Macedonia, Albania, all of these countries
>Republika Srpska,

Holy shit did he really say that? This line is more controversial and war-provoking than anything Trump has ever said

>Holy shit did he really say that?

You fucks ARE responsible. Without your retarded war in Iraq that Europe tried to say was retarded, there wouldn't be ISIS killing Europeans at this moment. But you wouldn't listen, no. FREEDOM FRIES SURRENDER MONKEYS BLAARGH. Fuck, I've come to think that Americans are just as much an enemy to Europeans as are the muzzies.

>You fucks ARE responsible

nope, the actual terrorists are responsible.

>Fuck, I've come to think that Americans are just as much an enemy to Europeans as are the muzzies.

well we have to agree to disagree on this

Germany must pay reparations to Greece, Poland, Namimbia, return all stolen artifacts and pay their denbts to the Americans

>european """""union"""""
yuros managed to fuck this up too. what a joke

>Germany finally builds its pan-European empire
>start some stupid thing in the Balkans

I suddenly understand how everyone else must feel whenever the United States invades some stupid dirthole in Asia. How stupid would you have to be not to see what happens next?

There is literally NOTHING that prevented the Europeans from dealing with the "migrant crisis" intelligently. All they had to do was say "actual refugees only."

PERIOD. That's the end of the fucking discussion. Instead of dealing with the crisis like intelligent people, the Europeans are apparently so determined, so dead-set on destroying themselves, that they not only allowed millions of people who weren't refugees from anybody pour in to their countries, they didn't even have the good sense to put them in camps where they belonged. Instead they get cell phones, video games, housing in decent towns, money! Why!?

How can you blame this on us? Where is our terrible American power to make people into idiots in Poland, exactly? Hungary? What dark magic have we drawn forth from the Akasha to strike them down? We haven't! The power you describe is nonexistent, the only ones responsible for letting hordes of shitskins into Europe are the Europeans. All that was necessary was will, something which we obviously didn't beat out of the Germans well enough because here they are, willfully destroying Europe again.

>the only ones responsible for letting hordes of shitskins into Europe are the Europeans.
hey, don't drag the eastern europe subhumans into this, west europe is fully responsible for this

Europeans are such ungrateful cucks. I cannot understand why Americans tolerate their vulgar cheapskate antagonism against them and don't go full trade war on their asses.



Fuck off to fakebook bastard. No one needs a bastard like you spaming MSM shit narratives

knew it before entering the thread

European men.

I don't see how it's Americas fault that you are all such enormous, spineless, gutless yellow cowards that you can't say "no"

You've been pussies for centuries, it's not our fault your "men" are so feeble and pathetic

t. 56%

We better not get dragged into this EU civil war. I for one will refuse to do so.

t. Mehmet

>t. Retards
Israel is responsible for the wars in the middle east, the GOP filled with neo-republican scum being blackmailed/bribed/coerced by Israelis and zionist kikes is responsible for the deployment of troops and devastation, the democrats are responsible for the creation of ISIS and their armament for the same reasons, and Angela Merkel is responsible for the crisis by inviting every fucking muzzrat to come to europe, the EU is responsible for the crisis by calling for europe to take them for (((economic))) reasons replacement migration and the UN is responsible for making these plans and telling the EU to follow them.

TLDR everyone is responsible in every link of the chain and they should all be hung, but the real masterminds of this are the zionist/kabballist kikes that run the show

Are you serious? You country and your people are the cancer of the modern world.

The EU for not fucking having a robust border policy.

What debt? The EU owes US money, not the other way around.

So who else imagines a future where the EU invades the Balkans and Russia decides to lend them some assistance. In response the EU says the US needs to help them against the evil Russians and we just say, no fuck off.

I welcome new masterpieces from the conflict

You didn't even manage to build a fucking wall along your mexican border for decades and unironically lecture us about how to handle millions of refugees fleeing the ME because of your braindead geostrategics?
Gas yourself you knownothing, the world won't shed a tear when you get EMPed back into the stone age, submongrel.

Russia is our ally.
You will see once you fully contained yourself (america first).
Putin isn't your new fuckbuddy because orange shrivel and his supporter say so all of a sudden. Russia has not forgotten your shithole humiliating them for decades. You will pay and you will hear a collective sigh of relief from the rest of the world.

>Unironically attacks character to avoid all debate of merit
Your solution is no solution and your response ignored the truth. Sad!

Shit's pretty weird, Balkan relations are on the up right now. Our cuck piece of shit Borissov is actually doing really solid work on uniting us.

Drumpf is very responsible for that. Indirectly, of course, but all the crap in the west means big empires are too busy with their own shit and don't have the spare time to come here and divide us onto each other.

>Borissov is actually doing really solid work on uniting us.
He signed for the EU army ffs. He is a traitor kissing Merkel's ass

>EU army

Nice meme

Everyone signed on it and yes, he is a traitor kissing Merkel's ass, he's always been, that's his fucking defining feature that he's very proud of.

Our solution unironically was
1. Not talking about immigration cap which is a meme anyway to keep half of africa from trying to get on the list for 2025
2. complain about eastern states but silently be happy about them reinforcing easter european borders and closing the balkan route
3. do a half-assed deal with Erdogan which still works
4. connect the greek financial haircut with handling immigrants

You won't unironically see another immigration wave like that, you cannot even find the most leftists politicians not knowing this can never happen again.
We will be able to handle this, the camps are empty now, many problems ahead but we managed worse.
Until the mongrellus lights up the ME again to flood us with the next wave.
Your lack of basic understanding disgusts me.

I was yelling about that for a while, now it's more and more being openly discussed. Bosnia will have to undergo ethnic reconfiguration and dissolution. Of course this wont be done peacefully. Since USA is no longer a hegemon, I think that borders are going to be redrawn more logically and with long term stability in mind.

>Article from March
Fuck off

What's Russia's role in all of this?