Why do the african black people diss their afroamerican counterparts


Because they are the same as the "white" americans, they think an entire continent has one blanket term "race".


Because they’ve been given all the opportunity the western world provides but they spend their time nigging out on welfare, complaining about wypipo. Remember: the real victims of slavery are the nigs whose ancestors were left in Africa and the whites that now have to put up with the ancestors of those who were taken.

All of my European first cousins identify as their fellow Europeans and European neighbors as white, so I am not sure when Africans wouldn't feel the same about their fellow blacks.

Who the fuck you think sold them to the white face man.
Figure that it and have your answer.

This is my 56% face.

>108 iq
>American Indian
>Probably whiter than you

You can meme the 56% claim over and over but likely you're just a cringey butt hurt eurofag jealous of how great America is and always will be.

Because they don't chimp out like American blacks they just want a better life.

As an African nigger once told me, "let them go to Africa to suffer and see if they'll still complain about being in the US"

I have a budy from Uganda. He is an Uber/lyft driver (shocker) Anyways, he says that he cannt stand black americans and tries to avoid them at all cost, especially when picking yp faires. He says they are rude, violent,, unpredictable, and rude.

your butthurt is showing, that isnt what i was saying
my point was that you think euro is a nationality/race/peoples same as africans

Having worked with and lived around both, I can say Africans dont like AAs because, being (legal) immigrants, they have much better work ethic. They hustle to get ahead, meanwhile AAs have been here for like 300 years and most are still poor.

Might also have to do with some AAs claiming african heritage and afro centrism, when they are not even native and are oblivious to real african culture and history.

Lastly, AAs cry and whine about the struggle, ie getting 20 types of wealfaire, buying sneakerz, and going to jail, while africans lived in dirt hutts in the middle of war zones.

Theres a reason they threw their trash westward kek...

>literally a fucking mutt
this shit writes itself


Are you retarded? They massacre witches and set people on fire in the streets.

Amen, should we just start importing more africans and encouraging black birth control/abortions?

Or do we have to segregate, so the AAs wont ruin our Africans?

But not in America mostly. Comparatively. That is what assimilation is for.

same reason real turks hate the roaches that migrated to Germany and beat them up when they visit Turkey

in the last thread you said it was "120 iq"
shitty pasta nonetheless

The same reason why Europeans diss White Americans.
White Americans are only vaguely European.
Black Americans are only vaguely African.

The USA doesn't have any pure bloods. Every last White American is at least 10% black while every last Black American is at least 20% white.


probably because they had to put a fuck ton of effort into getting to America in the first place and put effort into trying to be successful while the african americans keep moaning about whitey.

even if they are 100% "white" or "black", nowhere except in the new world would those genetic mixes exist

Because everybody hates niggers and nigger isn't solely skin color.

I work for a taxi company that employs some african immigrants as drivers, and I've talked to them about how much they hate american blacks. They mostly refuse to ever pick them up under any circumstances. The reason is very simple: blacks are much more likely to cause problems ranging from minor things like damaging the car or dashing without paying to major things like assaults and robberies. They come from places where nobody gives a fuck about racism so they don't even sugarcoat their feelings in any way, they just say in their hilarious african accents stuff like "OH MY GOD IN HEAVEN I WISH I COULD JOIN THE KU KLUX KLAN" after being forced to deal with blacks. This also seems to be true of afro-carribeans, the hatians and dominicans don't like american blacks either and some of those guys are so dark they look blue.

Well yeah. Using 'White' and 'Black' as genetic types is already being generous.
It's a case of extreme mongrelization where 'generic brown dog' or 'generic black cat' has to be used to describe them.

I thought we were talking about Ugandan s and Nigerians and stuff, not the bush ones who are the equivalent of retarded. Most blacks who are influenced by black American culture are decent people.

Fuck me. I meant are not influenced.

Kek thats good man, what city?