How the fuck come no one is talking about the current situation in zimbabwe?
How come?
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Because back in the 90s and early 2000s coups in Africa happened every week. Anyone older than 25 doesn't care.
Nobody gives a shit
Chinese coup is obvious.
because nobody cares about wild niggers.
wow the ruling party couped a 93 year old. Maybe his ass should have retired.
>not white people
literally nobody gives a shit
Why should I care about what niggers are doing in Africa?
nigs sure love watermelons
Why should we care?
Chinks gonna chink.
Might see a few US - China proxy wars being fought in Africa in the near future.
It was interesting for a couple of days. China colonised it and they're going to wish they were rhodesia again in 50 years. What's there to talk about really?
Because it’s just one shitty dictator being replaced by another. A different black guy will drive around in the limos and send his wives and mistresses shopping in paris and no one will notice
It's interesting enough, but I hadn't been giving even half a shit about sub saharan Africa before the situation so I don't have any contextual knowledge to properly understand what's going on.
Guessing but I figure Mugabe has been trading on his name and not much else for the past few years. He tried to sideline his overly ambitious VP, but whoops, Veep has the military paid off and Mugabe's name doesn't mean shit any more.
It's mugabe tho, if it was typical rwanda/congo/angola cunts then I'd agree. Like gaddagi and mubarak, he's part of that "old" generation of dictators.
RIP sweet prince
More like the chinks backed the right guy than anything. Grace BTFO
do those faggots still do shows wearing motorcycle robot helmets and giant mouse heads? fucking millennials eat that shit up
because fuck Africa
>not posting the pidgin version
>dressing like watermelons
The usual story, the military tolerates a pseudo-socialist hellhole until the dictator, who lives like a king of course, stops giving the army preferential treatment in resource allocation. Suddenly the guys in green don‘t like red politics anymore and put another guy in charge.
Hahahaha can you imagine any other world leader dressing like this and expecting the world to take them seriously?
It's not going to lead to Rhodesia 2: Electric Boogaloo
Someone needs to tell them that those type of BDU only work if they are hiding in a Minecraft game.
> E be like say na coup
It's the nigger version of the hot dog suit
>its fucking real
>De one we dem de read well well
Unless they're reforming rhodesia I could give a shut, the country is fucked and always will be because they kicked out the nations creators, builders and farmers.
Literally bit the hand that feds them and then asked for some more food, I hope they all get the madagascan plague
>Gay blogger no get any
First of all, nice flag. Assuming not a proxy, what's the feeling in Botswana about all this?
Anyways, I guess we're not talking about it much because there isn't a lot of change day-to-day for this even. That said I think it's pretty remarkable what's happened in the space of a week. You had Mugabe going from supreme ruler to his own party sacking him. And it's all his own fault, too. If he wasn't so blindly devoted to his wife (and maybe he's a bit senile now too) and more cooperative with the army vets, he'd probably have died in office.
Country is an irrelevant shit hole with a destroyed economy and a government packed full of ZANU sycophants who have spent the past 3 decades ransacking the country, and will continue to do so
They are trading one dictator for another with the appointment of the "Crocodile", but at least he isn't "as bad" as Gucci Grace would have been for the country
tl;dr it is just another African coup (which happened all the fucking time in the 90s and early 00s) so all the adults don't give a fuck
Kids on /k/ and Sup Forums are getting hyper about it because "muh rhodesia" even though that has zero relevance to what is going on currently in that country
How the fuck is it a Chinese coup when his replacement is British educated?
>fucking that
how drunk do you have to be?
China has it's hands deep in Africa, particularly members of the SADC which Zimbabwe is a member of.
The military had a delegation in Beijing one week before the coup which is an obvious signal they ran their plans by Beijing (who are the biggest foreign investors in Zimbabwe at the moment). While it is true his replacement is generally favored by the west, particularly Great Britain, ZANU's party ties are more closely aligned with Beijing who has been exerting influence on the African continent as a whole the past decade now.
Nigger out, nigger in.
Same corruption. Same bullshit.
Nothing changes.
The only time that fucking place was 1/2 decent was when it was under white control. Niggers destroy everything and greedy cunting niggers are a scourge on this earth.
Even happens in Australia. The semi-smart abos get all the gibsmedat and the real abos get fuck all.
Corruption is the only thing these he/she "booners" understand if their IQ ever reaches corruption level status.
blue balls
Get jiggyboo with it!!!
it is the circle of life in africa. Aint no happening and coups are the status quo.
So you think that mossad would not take that occasion to blame China?
Did they skin him alive yet?
Oh fuck me, is gay marriage a thing with the booners?
Check the fucking catalog you dumb nigger
What does that have anything to do with Zimbabwe and Beijing's military and economic ties to the country?
beeeeeeeeeeeecause no-one gives a fuck?
You degenerate cunt, you just split my sides.
fucking no way
can't stop reading it in nigger voice
that picture is terrifying
In a nutshell:
China is not like the Brits/Israel or the USA. They set up shop and make good trade deals. Source: Look up trade deals in Angola and other African countries or even Chinese petroleum deals in Brazil.
>20,000 whites
>rest racist as shit niggers
>country ruined
The country is utterly insignificant. It has nothing of interest. That's why nobody talks about it.
Mouse head is that Leafy fuck
BBC Pidgin is the only truly trustable news source
Not sure what your point or even argument is, the entire general staff of the Zimbabwean Military was in Beijing just last week to iron out and get their coup approved. It was critical for the military to have Chinese backing for this whole thing to work as they control virtually all of the foreign investment coming into Zimbabwe.
Are you denying this is what occurred?
The guy that will replace this puppet is a British educated puppet. Clearly they had to meet with the new western puppet to ensure their interest in the region is protected.
Still does not change the fact that a will be placed in power and he will benefit the west. How hard is that to understand.
It can't be a Chinese coup if the dude that is taking over was prepped by the anglo alliance
>Emmerson Mnangagwa
>British puppet
You know nothing about Zimbabwean internal politics, let alone the status of current and former war veterans involved in government if you believe that.
Once again, the entire military leadership, including Chiwenga the chief instigator of the coup, was in Beijing last week just days before the coup was executed. China has significant influence over the Zimbabwean military due to their ties in both the war of liberation and the post civil-war economic investment that has largely staved off complete, and utter collapse of the Zimbabwean state.
Research more about the topic before posting here please, I understand your point, but you're flat out incorrect and entirely wrong in regards to the key actors in play.
pure gold
He ain't even do it!
Because no matter what way it goes, white Rhodesia isn't coming back. Fucking niggers.
I disagree with you.
Your original comment was that this was clearly a Chinese coup. That statement does not reflect the current situation in any way. Just because the Chinese are allowing the Brits/USA to install their puppet does not mean that they created the situation to begin with. Before you come reply to me about military dictatorship, please remember that the USA/CIA set up a dictator just like this in Brazil. I lived through those times and I can tell you that you have no fucking idea what you are talking about. Having military influence means nothing when your puppet is backed by imperialist powers. Even if the military does want to go the other way, do you think the new can not call upon the anglo alliance to bomb the country back into the stone age?
Burger education, jesus christ have mercy on your gullible souls.
Haven't you heard? Black skin color makes you infallible. Africa is like that new Marvel movie. They are Kings.
You aren't thinking otherwise, are you?
The Chinese had a heavy hand involved with the coup, the entire military leadership of Zimbabwe, including Chiwenga, was in Beijing last week days before they executed the coup.
You're ignoring reality, and research more about the actors involved before saying asinine statements like calling Emmerson Mnangagwa a "foreigner", let a lone a "British Puppet", you know the "Crocodile" committed genocide in the 80s? Of course you don't, you know nothing about Zimbabwe and South African politics.
It's really not that interesting and no one cares about Zimbabwe. Mugabe let the military elite seize several hundred white-owned farms which threw the weak developing economy to shit. He tried to usher his wife who flashes very expensive tastes into power. They have massive inflation spikes, about zero investment, and 95% unemployment. The people who have taken over and will win the election are part of the problem. Bunch of turd sandwiches fighting over who gets to extort their infinitesimal GDP. I mean, they got some natural resources to sell to foreign powers to keep barely feeding millions of people and keep buying pearls.
Emmerson Mnangagwa is a core member of the Zimbabwean WVA FYI, he has no ties to the UK like you're claiming he does.
Just stop while you're ahead, I've blown you the fuck out enough. He spent 3 years in London before he got deported, he is a commie first and foremost.
Or the "tamed" ones
I'm more surprised every journalist in the world is pretending zimbabwe was an economic powerhouse that mugabe fucked up and not that Rhodesia was a growing economy that the natives fucked up.
(((spent 3 years in London before being deported))) he was getting trained or something and then wow, they deport him cause he was evil HAHAHAHAHAHAHA fucking americans HAHAHAHAHAH 3 years in London being prepared
Thanks for confirming my point...he is indeed a puppet of the Brits.
Zimbabwe is blessed with an incredible amount of resources, fertile soil, mines filled with rare metals, and some of the most beautiful wildlife/nature on the planet.
Maybe that is what they are referring to, Zimbabwe certainly has the framework to be economically vibrant.
But he fought against the British and is a core member of the Zimbabwean VWA? You do know he was the defense minister very recently, correct? Of course you don't, you know nothing about Zimbabwe.
chinese recolonization, it's been discussed, not much more to say
>nobody gives a fuck what nigger racist country does
>there have been already enough threats
Because africa is the most inconsequential part of the world after the amazon.
Because political incompetence is the norm in Apefrica.
No, they're all implying zimbabwe became rich because of being zimbabwe instantly in 1979 and not that Rhodesia had laid ask the the groundwork that was left to rot. They're pretending the fuck up is mugabe, not sub Saharan culture or practices. They're saying "zimbabwe was the breadbasket of Africa" leaving out that was achieved by the descendants of volkstrekkers.
Ya like Osama fought against the Americans
Like ISIS is fighting Americans and Israel is their enemy.
"through deceit we war"
Ever hear that one?
But Mugabe WAS the major culprit, he turned the country into a one party state, destroyed the agricultural industry, and introduced systemic corruption top-down to the economy.
Not relevant to the fact Emmerson Mnangagwa is a core member of the Zimbabwean WVA, let alone not a "foreigner" or "pupper" as you claim. A basic google search of the "Crocodile" as he is known within the diplomatic community annihilates any sort of bizarre, uneducated narrative you have of him and Zimbabwean politics.
pretty uncommon, mind if i save it?
user, look at the journey of any former European colony in Africa; it's not the man leading the revolt that burns down all of the infrastructure and semblance of modern life that europeans created there, "it's dey cultcha". South Africa is the last that will fall and is just doing it more slowly.
>It's real
>Sylvester Stallone: 'l no sexually attack girl'
I don't think that's what he said.
Yeah, that is what he said.
But South Africa economically is more diverse and strong than it ever was under Apartheid? Don't tell me you bought into those memes lol. Everything from their heavy industry to their agricultural exports have grown as they achieved major trade deals in the 90s after the Apartheid regime fell.
I sort of get what you're saying, but Zimbabwe's misfortunes are almost squarely in the hands of ZANU-PF/Mugabe being at fault. The whites didn't all leave over night, infact many still remain and are STILL involved in the economy, even politics.
Zimbabwe is a fascinating nation, and it isn't entirely hopeless and broken as many might think. I spent a lot of time in the region during my first assignments. I am more concerned Mnangagwa and Chiwenga will forbid free elections and keep the country under lock down now that they've essentially dismantled the G40 faction.
So you chose to believe what you (((google))). I work petro in Angola and have set foot on the Africa continent, I know way the fuck more than you do my friend as I speak to the PEOPLE. I see what is going on, on the ground.
You regurgitating what they feed you
You didn't even know Chiwenga was in Beijing, or that Mnangagwa is a member of the WVA faction of the Zimbabwean government.
Because Mugabe will go away but nothin will change.
In case anything gets bad (and it will because socialism is here to stay), white peepo will be blamed and so on.
hahaha we dont even steal for a living...
To the nigger stealing is a form of job.
Fucking niggers man
>African leader #6768912 is overthrown
Wow, that's never happened before.
Rhodesia ain't coming back. Zimbabwe is just another shithole in Africa ruled by corrupt tyrants.
People will care when whites or chinks are in charge. Then things will really get interesting.
Whites are something like 2% of Zimbabwean population now. Most were killed or fled friendo. I'm not saying mugabe isn't responsible, but I don't think anyone else native to there would have done better in the grand scheme.
South Africa does have a more healthy economy than under apartheid, but that's more due to improved technology and a lot less killing of whites and forcibly taking their property when it ended. It will fall. Their univrrsities are already "decolonizing" everything with their equivalent of social policy scientists claiming things like the scientific method is a result of colonialism and other horseshit.
>one young woman wey claim say Stallone dey by-force try make she do things for bed with Stallone and im bodyguard for dia hotel room for Las Vegas.
Whites in Zimbabwe were never, ever a significant % of the population, they are less than 1%. Their community was vastly smaller than their South African cousins.
Tens of thousands still remain out of the hundreds of thousands that once lived there.
>improved technology
Wrong, it is because they now have access to the world market after decades of crippling sanctions both abroad and regionally. This is all basic history my man, and for someone who seems very interested in the topic, I'd suggest reading more.
You have never been in the region, how much do you think you REALLY know?
Fuck all...Your original post was: Chinese Coup just because China sent their top brass to make sure their investments would be protected.
Let me teach you something son, from a person that has experience in the region. The Chinese do not need to set up a coup. After the cluster fuck of Western fuckery, China adopted a tactic of sound business deals which will mean the USA will be left the fuck out in the long run.
The people in Angola fucking DETEST americans, but they don't hate the chinese.
stfu already monkey, it's embarrassing seeing someone getting btfo this hard repeatedly post after post
I just watched the news and they talked about it
The entire Zimbabwean military leadership, including the chief instigator of the coup, Chiwenga, was in Beijing days before they went through with it. China has major economic and military ties to the country, this coup would have never gone through without thorough vetting on behalf of China as they control the keys to the Zimbabwean economy.
You claimed Mnangagwa was both "a foreigner" and a "British pupper" despite his seniority within the WVA faction of Zimbabwean politics and his roles in the genocides of minority groups in the 80s. You also had zero idea he was even a defense minister.
Once again, research the topic at hand before posting silly comments like you're continuing to do.
Angola has zero relation to what is occurring in Zimbabwe and it's internal politics.
Nah, the black out is more sinister than what these tards want to admit. Zimbabwe truly is the symbol of black failure in post-colonial Africa. No Western liberal in the right mind would touch Mugabe's regime with a ten foot pool because they know it exposes that fact.
It'll be interesting to see how it impacts South Africa, because liberals are also slowly backing away from SA because of Zuma's retardation.
They can never admit their wrong, so the best option is to just ignore it.
Great post. Whites allowed the nigs to take over only for the Chinese to swoop in and snatch up Africa for pennies on the dollars.
>make good trade deals
What meme is this? No, they don't you retard. All they do is set up puppet authoritarian regimes that allow them to siphon the resources out of the country.
Look at Venezuela, for example.