HAPPENING last night in France

>be competent french cop
>gf meets you in front of her parents house
>she summoned you here to dump you
>take out gun and hit her with it
>2 passerbys come to look what's going on
>kill them
>go to the parent's house
>kill the father
>almost kills the mother
>shoot the sister in the leg
>go to the garden


Other urls found in this thread:


Based french cop.
In the uk or another cucked country he would have cried like a bitch and sucked a cock.

>almost kills the mother >shoot the sister in the leg

Idiots idiots everywhere

So, the roastie deserved it

He shot the mother in the chest but she survived. He clearly didn't want to kill the sister.


I thought French polices are unarmed like the uk

>According toLe Parisiennewspaper, sincethe beginning ofthe year, atleast 46 police officers and 16 gendarmes have committed suicide inFrance.

>has you drive to her her house just to dump you
lol what a fucking cunt I would have been pissed too

What the fuck, euro/pol/. You all suck at shitposting. Hey, aquafresh, how brown was the cop what done it? I've got a fiver on him being quintessentially francois.


>Not raping mom and sis in front of ex-gf, before suicide
Pick one Ahmed.

Here's an article in french for more details:


He belongs to the National Police, they're all armed. Most City Police aren't armed but they become armed more and more. I'm not sure if all cops can carry their weapon when they're not working but some can.

>quintessentially francois
He unironically is: his name is Arnaud Martin.

>be fake italian cop
>rob in the houses of north african pushers while pretending to do anti-terrorist operations
>show false cards, armed with guns, simulates street or home controls and steals from your victims
>if they don't give you what you want point the gun to the head of their children or beat them unconsciously

>Fake police officers robbed foreigners, 8 arrests. Disguised as fake agents they staged raids to steal smartphones and valuables.

Such is life in Italy.

New meme. Take the guns from the cops.

As you can guess it's not funny to work as a cop in a country :
- where left-wing/liberal politicians and medias usually bash your profession
- where there's usually no immediate punishment for most of the shitskin criminal you arrest
- were you can work in neighbourhoods where the inhabitants hate your guts for being white and a cop, and surely show their disrespect

Add to that the fact that at least 8 hours a day you carry a tool that allows you to end that frustration...

>be french
>get shot

Something I forgot to tell you : He killed the family's dog too.

>killing yourself over a roastie
I will never understand normal people.

>He unironically is: his name is Arnaud Martin.
Could be Caribbean desu.



Now that's uncalled for.

You mean assault frogs

Agreed. That's still a possibility.

Hey reddit, good to see some frenchies.
But please greentext.

It is important to learn the culture by lurking around.

>robbed foreigners

whata nigger

>Based french cop.

Joking aside, that's what happens when your pay is shit and your job let you see all the shit of the world every day.
Your minde explode.

I have no sympathy for cops, they choose to work for their government and they have to live with the consequences
kek, is that you lindybeige?

>He clearly didn't want to kill the sister.

"The first episode found that initiated the investigation was a robbery to the damage of a Moroccan: a pair of neighbors had seen plunging on the balcony three fake police officers who had stolen their cellphone. It was then discovered that they had robbed a neighbor (a drug dealer) of numerous electronic and gold objects. Among the various episodes, one also suffered from a family of immigrants in which a fake police robbers had pointed the pistol at a girl's temple. Another robbery occurred in the street to the damage of a South American owner of a phone center in San Siro: the man was chased down the street and then blocked. Fake cops stole a tablet."



Why the fuck do these Untermenschen always resist the police? When I get asked to show my ID the whole process is usually done in under a minute

>german always does what authority tells him to
imagine my shock

He didn't kill her? What a cuck.

well he shot her in the face, she's lucky

Yeah I can understand killing her...

But he didn't.
He killed her father (surprising a man is still in his daughter's life, probably took more than you have), as well as two randoms just walking down the street.
All because he knew what was coming, what he'd probably helped push on many men before.

Now he's burning for eternity.

You frogs are fucking disgusting.

That was kinda cool tho.

>le fonctionnaire sort son arme et la blesse au visage

I think he stroke her with the gun rather than firing.

Girls: There are two types of men you should avoid at all costs -- cops and lawyers

>don't Show the cop your ID jamal, it'll be to your advantage somehow
Go fly to America and get shot, Achmed

>competent french cop
He wouldn’t go all fuckin ED-209 if that was true. There’s some foul play here by some sneaky fucks or the story is a media lie

>since the beginning of the year, at least 46 police officers and 16 gendarmes have committed suicide in France.

That's pretty fucked up


Stop sucking Putin's dick - don't post Sputnik stories!

>not showing your ID to cops is a reason to get shot
just say you forgot it at home, has always worked for me. Even when I was underage and drinking in the middle of the night.

With France24 and The Local they're usually the first ones to translate from french to english.

they are used to cucks bending over

Shit, she probably dumped him for a nigger thus the backlash. The parents can be partially blamed for raising her like a whore.


>/r9k/ finally snaps in your lifetime
what fucking time to be alive.

Regardless of how deranged the dude was , a part of me kinda knows that the girl(not her family atleast) deserved it. She made him go on a rampage , please add extra info if you have any frenchbro

Now, do you understand the superiority of French cops ?