Nordic countries are the best in the world. You can't deny this, we are simply the best. Blonde, blue eyed and beautiful. We are the true aryans.
Nordic countries are the best in the world. You can't deny this, we are simply the best. Blonde...
>mouldy russia
that flag is not a cross.
How do you do fellow Nord?
I'm doing pretty well, how about you, brother?
spurdo came from here
I agree, but you're not nordic, sorry. There is a difference between Scandinavia, the Nordics and Northern Europe.
sweden is the worst country in the world, moron.
Have you accepted the Gods of your ancestors into your heart yet?
The non-Nords fear the resurgence of the Nordic gods.
but we are nordic??
of course. I sacrifice christcucks on the daily basis for god Thunder
>autistic snow niggers
>best at anything
Feminist shitholes. Stay out of slav lands and especially the balkans. You pathetic soy boys
With all the hajjis you've been importing and your literal Stockholm Syndrome, you're not going to be white for long. You guys need to import weapons and over the course of a weekend purge every single Muzzie from your lands. Use arson and knives if you can't get the guns. Use whatever weapons you can fashion bombs you can find on the internet. Whatever is necessary to take back your country.
except for post-soviet balts you should use past tense, sweden/norway are cucked by leftymemes(judeomarxism) beyond recognition
>third world
>"the best"
Yeah if you say so
Scotland is Northern.
>ou can't deny this, we are simply the best. Blonde, blue eyed and beautiful. We are the true aryans.
How many miss universe titles Sweden has won?
Balts are not Germanic or Nordic. Only Estonians have ground for that claim.
funny to talk when you are soon going to be fourth world with all the arabs and niggers
ahmed, go fuck your cousin and leave humans alone
Nobody cares about the cross
I really like estonia, latvia and lithuania. Lithuania is still pagan. All tree have very little muslim problems and cool castles everywhere. Not sure about the nordic thing. Not sure if finland is either.
>muh blue eyes
I wouldn't mind it, but you're not.
I love you my fellow, whites
Yes. They are waay better. Go there.
Obviously a swede wouldn't.
Why do u guys look like inbred chinks with eurotrash? :^)
This. And Estonians are beta Finns.
nice try czechoslovakia
>You can't deny this, we are simply the best.
Biggest suicide rates in Europe, highest homicide rate in the EU. You are clearly the best, swampnigger. But at least you are a real country unlike the rest of the Baltics.
What about a Northern Union?
>marked as Eastern Europe on the map
>أخبر ابنك لوقف بيع المخدرات
Oh, sweden.
Many lithuanians, like the japanese, commit seppuku if they feel they are dishonorable
Baltics are trash-tier compared to Scandinvia.
I hope Russia annexes you faggots again.
are north germans nordic?
I'm 1/8 north German(just north of Hamburg) and my ancestry test came back with an inexplicable 12.7% Scandinavian. My only explanation is north Germany.
The other 87% was britbong
shhh magyar, dont ruin him
And yet polshits are butthurting about Brexit and inability to clean toilets for English lords.
Shekel somewhere else. Your attempt to suck on the Nordic teat is pathetic ‘.
jealous ar*b he's not nordic
>nobody care about the cross
You used wrong pic sven
I don't even want to be.
yeah right
fox and the grapes
Considering that you are more violent than anyone but the Russians (and they can always blame Churkas) a lot of your countrymen should feel dishonorable.
Since when are baltics nordic? Have you seen baltic people? They look like somebody formed their faces with a pan.
I wish america was founded by polish catholics
poles seem so based
especially the catholic ones
Kalmar Union 2.0 when???
ure not nordic, wake up
They are Northern Europeans by definition though, and most of them were Nordic when they were part of Sweden, so isn't it strange that they're not Nordic outside of Sweden? That would make Finland not Nordic too.
Kill yourselves traitors
Baltics aren't Nordic, you're Baltic.
You're poor, have homicide rates and literally beg us to protect you from Russians.
All this Northen union and Nordic Resistance bullshit is just that. Bullshit.
Scandinavia can't sustain itself.
Nordic Council drang nach osten when?
Y'all nigga ain't even Lutheran.
Lithuania has cultural ties to Poland, not Scandinavia
>"The first feminist government in the world" - that is how the Swedish government describes itself
They are not nordic in any sense. Just because some group of people decides to rename north africa to mean northern european doesn't mean it is.
Germany isn't Central Europe you mongrels. If anything, then West-southern Germany is Western Europe and East-northern Germany is Central Europe, that is Prussia and Brandenburger March
I love how you add a pic with an actual Ukrainian poet. Well, I feel like a nord today.
Burundi is worse
>formed their faces with a pan
you make no sense you germ/french/italian/romansh/albanian
srs tho i need to know if north germany is nordic
polak (((slave))) jew- it doesn't concern you, you live on a stolen clay
>Lithuania has cultural ties to Poland, not Scandinavia
This. Lithuania is like Poland
Vi har vært kristen i over 1000 år. Du kan jo bruke samme argumentet å si at vi ikke er mennesker nå fordi vi var Neandertaler for 500 000 år siden.
Don't talk to me you poorfaggot yugoslavic shitter.
No, Northern Germany is shit compared to Bavaria.
Yes, North Germans are Nordic. Prussians were Nordic as well. Which explains why the unified German "Empire" lasted for like 50 years, then why their second attempt ended as an even bigger failure. Nordics are good soldiers, tacticians and car/furniture/ship manufacturers, but cannot into long-term strategic thinking or getting along with other people. This is why the only two Germanic people who've ran successful and real Empires are the Austrians and the English, high quality Celtic/Slavic admixture counterbalances the inherent Nordic autism.
and Saxony
Bavaria is only great because of its proximity to Switzerland.
Döda dig själv jävla Semit. Grundlurade i 1000 år snarare. Jorden är också inte platt, men idag vet vi bättre.
Lithuania can't into nordic
Lithuania can't into germanic
Lithuania can't into slavic
Feels bad man
make me faggot, I can move to Switzerland and you will neutrally take it up the ass
I don't have to do anything, given your poverty your electricity will most likely run out in the next 2-3 hours and you'll have to go clean shoes again for rich tourists until you can come in for your next "intellectual session".
We had our own religion, that we made ourselves.
Then we import all this bullshit, like Christianity, Islam and all of these Schizo Abraham religions.
>this post kills the swiss
South-German cultural influence is clearly present in Central-Europe.
> dumb proletarians from literal slave tier countries think they can go up against the best country in the world
This is what will happen when sweden uncucks itself
prepare for the aryan dominance for a 100000000 years, eurocucks
>not loving Jesus
why is a baltic country blue though
we are nords
Just came in to shatter the dreams of slavs being nordic. You arent even close to the arctic circle or have anything else in common with real ones. Lithuania and Latvia will never be, Estonia might get in the cool club after 50 years. Hell you arent even in the nordic council, only being "adjacent areas".
"Fellow Nord"
>Lithuania still wanting the Swede dick after 1655
You would be slaughtered and your women raped. Swedes consider everyone else in Europe subhumans below them. Third-worlders are welcome though.
You knw those bags under his eyes are the sign of repeated anal penetration (or at least that is what Sup Forums taught me)
Stop larping,cunt. It's pathetic.
>Lithuania can't into slavic
D&C jew
You're be similarly poor to the Baltics if you had the same geographic location and didn't hide away on your island, you inbred twat. You need the Romans and Normans to civilise your shithole.
nah I'd take a 36k/year job and depress swiss wages
>given your poverty your electricity will most likely run out in the next 2-3 hour
and this is why minimum wage niggers in the US have more money than the germs/french/italians/romansh/albanians
>hurr durr we make 5k/mo and then I pay 100 CHF for my wife's boyfriend's condoms
tju njemjatjai k,jiek jjjie atrjasjo? ajs gi cjia mjasalja djuodu
>According to early sources such as the sagas, especially Heimskringla, the Swedes were a powerful tribe whose kings claimed descendence from the god Freyr.
Those three Crowns represent Thor, Odin and Freyr.
>This is why the only two Germanic people who've ran successful and real Empires are the Austrians and the English, high quality Celtic/Slavic admixture counterbalances the inherent Nordic autism.
I see. Would you not consider the Austrians(not the commoners, but the royals of old) to have a not insignificant Iberian component as well? The hapsburgs were pretty much all over catholic Europe during the peak of their power, all the while forming dual monarchies at home with the magyars in hungary.