You Have Ten Seconds to Explain why you Haven't Moved to BILL GATES" CITY YET Sup Forums

Would you live in Bill Gates’ new city?
Just outside Phoenix, Gates is building a smart city from scratch
It's a smart city, Sup Forums A SMART CITY!!! That means if you don't move here, you are stupid. Not smart, STUPID!!!

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Because I'm content.

I am willing to sign my life away to any project Bill Gates is involved in.

No way, Norway!

smart = 24/7 surveillance fed by smart toasters, toilets and so on?

We should meme free upper class housing for blacks in Bill Gates city and circulate it throughout South Side Chicago.

Scorpions biting your balls in bed while his cameras record it. Nice.

Let's see:
>Every appliance spies on you and sends the information to Bill
>The windows get stuck and take all day to open or close.
>Your house is infested with bugs, crashes twice every week, and once it's more than 5 years old, they will refuse to repair it, making you buy a new one.

>surveillance fed by smart toasters, toilets
You don't want your toilet to watch you poop? Why not? What are you hiding?

Smart toilet’s bidet hacked via Bluetooth, gives new meaning to ‘backdoor vulnerability’

Because freedom bitch.

Why do I need bloetooth on my toilet again? Sometimes I wish I could beat normies with a whip for thinking it's cool to follow those kinds of fads.

>appliance spies on you and sends the information to Bill

oh, pooh. billinonaires know what is best for us, user, that's why their billionaires!

Also, remember to send Zuckerberg your nudes, Anons!


I bet there's some sort of a qualification procedure for become a citizen of the town that will either require you to have a certain education, or to pass an IQ test or simply the real estate prices will be way too high and neither of those restrictions will be passable for niggers.

Hell, even the name itself implies it - "a nigger moves into a smart town" sounds like a starting line for an anecdote.

Anyway, Bill Gates is pushing for multycultural racemixing Islamic communism in all of the world while building an all white Utopia for himself and his family. That's pretty racis and should make a good headline.

It's not 'cause Mark Zuckerberg's a perv.

Yeah, as the local linux sleeper cell

>multycultural racemixing Islamic communism in all of the world while building an all white Utopia for himself

his vaccines are fuckign concentrated autism, and not the good kind

I really wonder what the future holds for the guy, if you're catching my drift.

>linux sleeper cell
i never trusted that penguin

looking forward to seeing it fall

>what the future holds for the guy
I can only dream, user...
what do you think or hope will happen?

Man I wish I could build my own hamlet, let alone a city.

Wasn't invited like the 7 billion other people on this planet.

I wish I could just clean my room, user!


Abandoning facebook in a few years then just retired living in his gated community while occasionally spouting his political opinion.

I hope he gets elected president of the universe.

It's not built.

I've always wanted to live in a commie box in the desert.

What's the matter little billy

too poor to build it in california???

This would be perfect for me but knowing bill I would probably be used for medical experiments.

The ultimate botnet

Gates is a eugenics lover has admitted it camera.
Don't go it is a trap.

Because of taxes to keep that shit upkept.

Taxes are also theft and the bain of all evil.

>"Because I'm a billionaire, I'm going to have access to better health care so ... I'm going to be like 160 and I'm going to be part of this, like, class of immortal overlords. [Laughter]

Does this guy look like the dude who just wants to live a quiet life in some gated suburb? No, the guy wants to step on your balls forever because he's a creepy fuck who couldn't get laid when he was young. Even when was rich he could just get some uggo asian 4/10.


The asian uggo is with him since before he was rich

Legit pussy slayer right there.

I miss the far side

Bill Gates is the antichrist. I'm not sure if that's ironic or not, but it's true. I hate Microsoft with the heat of 1000 suns.

Holy shit you are projecting so fucking hard you might as well have a light bulb for a head

Better check for toilet cams

For real tho keep that shot out of my az

He should build it in New Me-hi-co.

Only way I'd live there is if I was paid. no way in hell id give up my house where im at without some financial incentive.


You faggots got this all wrong. Bill gates is our guy.

He's literally going to build a white utopia in the US.
Don't fuck this up for me. I'm definitely moving there.

>He-he-he, goys, check out how redpilled I am - I'm gonna live in a tiny all-white walled off community while the rest of the county mongrelizes and degrades by the same guys who build my dream town. How based is that?

Because he's obviously going to use it to test new virulent strains of zika?

Fuck that. I know who has the patent, Gates.

Sup Forums should rent some vans, pick up a bunch of homeless niggers and drop them off in Bill Gates city. Keep taking more and more every week. Dropping them off in city limits

>The only way to save the country is to live in harlem with my nigger wife

No. I'm lazy as it is already and I want to kick the habbit. Robo-service and a lack of job opportunities arent going to help.


If you like being a minority to filthy beady eyed Mexican intellectuals


Microsoft is literal garbage and this smart town is going to be full of blue screens and ransom ware. No thanks

>ransomware their A/C and heating

the future is bright and full of lulz

Get out of Avondale you poorfag.
t. Peoria

Zuckerberg will share Hillary's fate if by some silly accident or overthrow he actually becomes President. What fate? Ask the fucking military what fucking fate.

>bill gates town

Dumb shit

But it's SMART, didn't you read it? Are you against SMART? That means you're Stupid!