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Map Thread
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Fuck you, hate-filled pollack.
Whats your problem toothpaste
Meh, I dunno about Konigsberg/Murderergrad, they are way different from Russians and their disaspora here. The last time I was there during one those days when the colorado bugs crawl out on the streets I dindn't see a single commie flag and didn't hear a single drunken "rossija" chant.
They should go independent and join the civilized world instead.
>tfw not hate cucklonia
I agree people in Królewiec live in Europe yet in subhuman, russian conditions.
rightful Polish clay
Eastern chunk of it is Lithuanian
Or go independent becoming a state of their own.
You forgot Cyprus Malta and Luxembourg.
>likes all of Europe
>ID is "huWhite"
I like you.
I didn't. I just don't have a solid opinion about them, either because I barely know them or don't have either good or bad opinions.
I've visited Portugal, France, England, Wales and Ireland. the rest is mainly from internet interaction or migrants i see
Fuck you.
Why do you have different opinions on different parts of our country? What have you noticed or "detected" personally?
>loves britain who sold them out hates us
what gives pole?
you're a nice fella user
Doesn’t like Vikings
a toothpaste that likes us. unbelievable
You guys are alright
I'm kinda ambivalent desu
Well sheeeeeiiiiit!
Israel with Green?
I'm glad you haven met our selyani(chavs/white trash/50% of the population) and our gypos. That would've left you with a biased opinion towards us.
well i guess it's that time of the week
u left out Lwow lad
here we go BOYS
Never heard of them to be honest, i don't hear much from your country at all. Sometimes being irrelevant is nice
The loser alliance.
>Implying that the fucking proto-mongol ruskies will accept their independence in any case.
it is. Well Ukip waged its anti-immigrant campaign against bulgarians and romanians based on gypsies, as they represent themselves abroad as ethnic bulgarians/romanians. Other than that we're a mafia state that hopefully will clean itself from corruption in a generation or two. Other than that we're a nice vacation spot.
>be a Pole
>build a great, western, cultural, city filled with universities
>subhumans come
>now its a shithole
>Murmansk, Karelia and Salla
Could have gone with more red ,but nahh.
texas homeland
Why do you hate us polishbro? We have so much in common... we were the niggers of Europe until you lot came along.
>tfw no one knows about us
We don't exist ok?
You forgot something there Pavel
>be a Pole living in Lemberg
>Austrians build a great, western, cultural, city filled with universities
>subhumans come
>now its a shithole
Fixed it for you
why do you hate denmark?
a true hapsburg
I wouldn't go that far...
Are you Serban from Croatia?
Oy Omar,don't you feel like a pig in Tehran while in Poland?
>template related
why did you separate from the czechs again i forgot?
My man
Local oligarchs wanted to split countries so they could have more power.
We didn't have a referendum, even though it was directly in constitution that to split the republic we need a referendum...
look up the architects of bulidings in Lwów, Josef
This unironically jej
Does this accomplish anything? Hating on other countries OP hasn't even been to? Countries you posters only know from fake news?
I think it makes you look pretty retarded and like an 8 year old.
H e l l o
im sorry patato, we are from different worlds
maybe in another life
nah, Orlando
Anybody has a fucking world map template?
New ver
I'd fucking kill myself if I had to live witch Czechs in one country. They're literally the cuckest slavs on the planet.
is there a desire to reunify among the general population?
since the split was not like the yugoslav one and there is no bad blood
isnt crimea part of homeland now?
Because of it crisis (crimea and chechnya)
And why is that?
My mothers family is from eastern Germany, I used to go there every vacation when i was a child
have a massive nostalgy and love for this place
I was also in bavaria,
Munich and Nuremberg are just amazing
West Germany is filled with niggers, arabs and self hating, brainwashed (((Germans))).
bru congrats doofus u just nuked the best nude beaches in europe!
So there's no Russians down there?
There are (40-50% of population). I want these states to leave Russia and become separate republics
The people
Even when they are atheist pepiks are fine.
Many of slovaks still got family ties with Czechs.
Although they could stop falling from our hills, in summer I heard helicopter nearly everyday because of pepiks.
I don't think so. We still like each other, we have armies cooperating etc. But I think both nations think that we'd be better on our own.
Typisch preusischer, selbstzerstörerischer Abschaum.
Prussian love for terrorists does not come as a surprise, since they are selfdustructive subhumans themselves.
Ihr seid Untermenschen und ihr wisst es.
yellow also means fix your shit